26 baptisms in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for October 2019

To you, our supporters, well-wishers and to those of you who have interest to know what we do here at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible school, greetings!

The month of October has ended and though half of it was part of our 3rd quarter break a few interesting things did occur and we are glad to share such things with you. On the over all, it was another month of success both in the classroom and on the field of evangelism where the reactions were not only challenging, but dramatically interesting. On the other hand a thousand dollar donation was made to us to be used where needed in the work. Follow with me for the details outlined below.

Classroom: From our third quarter break, classes were resumed on the 14th October and we completed 2 courses – Christian Ethics and The Book of Revelation. The results were good for the 16 students left on roll. No other event was special.

Evangelism: During the 2 weeks of our evangelism, we visited 3 of the villages where the church is already planted with the aim to strengthen the new converts and to win additional souls. By His grace, the efforts resulted to 10 conversions 2 of which are in the congregation at the school premises. There was another village where we visited and evangelized and there was a good turn up to hear the gospel, but no conversions even though hopes were raised for another visit.

Campaign: Besides the regular campaigns which are on a quarterly basis, Steven, our West Africa Coordinator financed an extra campaign with the sum of $525.00 since September.

We visited and worked in 2 different villages in 7 days – 4 and 3 and converted 16 souls – 10 and 6 in Koundou-toh and Kolifa Ouende respectively.

In the latter, we found 2 members of the Lord’s church one of them was part of the 87 persons, a whole Pentecostal denomination converted in August 1995 in the town of Nongoa where the Lord had brought me (as a refugee) to plant the church and train men to help 2 years earlier.

What was really interesting in Kolifa was the dramatic challenge from 2 forces: A certain young woman was touched by the word and decided for an immediate baptism. The husband, a New Apostolic denomination leader and chief of the village who himself admitted “the message is true” would not allow his wife to make the change. It was a hot debate between them on the question of whether the woman remain his wife and stay in the NA church or accept the baptism and lose the marriage.  Since he was not directly against us or the message, we intervened to help him understand the importance of obeying the truth that “now, today is the day of salvation” (2Cor 6:2) and the danger of becoming a stumbling block. Yet he would not still accept, but the woman was adamant even to the risk of losing the marriage and was urging us to baptize her. After additional effort to plead with the man we accepted the woman’s desire and baptized her. The man made further threats and refused the wife from worshiping with the church. We have since made follow-up visits and seen that no divorce took place, but sister Tewa Leno is in a very sad mood for not being allowed to worship with her brethren. She needs our prayers and encouragement!

The other challenge was from another elderly man, a Muslim who resisted 2 other women, his relatives from accepting Christ because as he put it “this mosque that I am building here is for them!” Consequently, none of them accepted the Lord. We hope God will grant them another opportunity that will be accepted.

A Special Aid: A $1,000.00 check was cashed and forwarded to me for “church building construction work or needed equipment” by brother Ken Stanley of the Florida, Niceville church. The funds were from donations by members of the 9th Ave church of Christ, Alabama for a signed book of Poems written by sister Teas (the mother), in memory of her son, Randy Green, a great World Bible School teacher who has passed on. Randy was the main evangelist though at distance for the planting of the church of Christ in Bomi Hills, Turgmanburg, Liberia through WBS program some 30 years back when we did coursed with him. The funds will be used in one of the areas indicated above. Our appreciations to the sister and the 9th Ave church as a whole.

Conclusion: We are closer to completing the course requirement for the present class. The work on the field of evangelism is tedious, but the results keep us encouraged. A total of 26 persons were baptized this October. The Lord is to be praised for enabling you to support and encourage us in this work. Our appreciations to you all.                                                 

A few photos are attached.     


Posted on December 20, 2019 .

A new school in Lagos Island, Nigeria

Lagos Island 2.jpg


Greetings from the staff and students of Lagos Island Center of Bear Valley Bible Institute Extension Programme.  


We once again thank God that we are found worthy to be part of this great work in Nigeria and Africa in general. This is our second month concluded.


Academic activities have started in our center and students have written two exams.  

Writing - Language and Research coordinated by Godwin Frank and

Personal Evangelism 1 taught by James Luka.

Tim Iwe will be teaching the third course starting this Saturday 30th which is Preacher and His Work.


Buying of Tables/White Board and Printing of Exam Paper:

We want thank the Director and management of BV for assisting us to get tables for class and a white board. This made our class and exams last weekend very different for we did not pay for rent again. The school also printed questions for exams.


 Lagos State churches are looking forward to hosting ‘The Gospel Chariot Evangelism’ come first quarter next year. We look forward to participating in that great programme. More details will be made known as the plan comes up.


This is a great opportunity being trained to serve and involving in training to serve in the Lord’s kingdom. We appreciate your effort in helping churches in other parts of the world to grow and develop, Nigeria inclusive.

Thanks and God bless you.


Posted on December 20, 2019 .

Successful alumni evangelism campaign in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni

Malawi – November 2019 Report


Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni in Malawi is dedicated in the work of training faithful men to be preachers who can take the same saving message the apostles taught to other people – 2 Timothy 2:2. We always understand that the gospel should be shared; therefore we make sure we train as many capable men to be good vessels who can be used to carry the gospel to other people. We have this opportunity to train men since 2015.

November has been a busy month of the year and a lot have been achieved. In this report, we will be giving you a feedback of the trip Brother Ephron had and also the interviews Brother Clergynton conducted for our 2020/2021 class. We also had to visit an area called “Tumbwe” – Kasungu the central region of Malawi, where we called some of the students we trained in 2016-2019. We thought sometimes it is not good to just train men and let them go after graduation without following them up to check if they are continuing doing what they have been entrusted. We were encouraged to see the fire burning in them. We conducted a 2 days campaign and the result is outstanding.

Gweru – Zimbabwe

It was in 2017 when brother Donnie suggested that the directors of the three schools in central African have the time visiting each other at lest once in a year. Brother Matthew Muchingami visited Malawi school in June and he taught the book of Revelation. This is the time when we agreed that Ephron will also visit Gweru – Zimbabwe to teach Pastoral Epistles. We want to thank Brother Donnie for helping Ephron with the bus far to travel to Zimbabwe school and back. It was great to see the work our sister school is doing. They are doing a good job. They have good students and lot of congregations are using this opportunity for evangelism work as they call the school to help. Ephron spent one week teaching the Pastoral Epistles and came back encouraged for what the brothers are doing at the school in Zimbabwe. We pray that God will keep blessing the families of our fellow soldiers there for the good work they are doing in the Lord’s kingdom.

2020/2021 intake

Very amazing turn up! We received 40+ application forms from the applicants while we only needed to pick 20. The interviews were conducted in all the regions of Malawi and about 45 men came for the interviews. We have chosen 20, who will be coming to the school in February, 2020. The classes will begin in the second week of February, which will be the 10th of February, 2020. All the preparations are done.

Gospel campaign at Tumbwe – Kasungu (Central Malawi)

After the graduation in September this year, we decided that we start following up the students we have been training since 2015. This year we thought to start with central region of Malawi and great results have been seen in just two days of the meeting with the students. We went just to see how they were doing, but guess what? The students didn’t like seating and just discussing about what they are doing in their congregations. We ended up going in the villages preaching the gospel and the result was very excellent. We witnessed the Lord adding to His flock 5 souls and 8 other souls restored. This means, we had a number of 13 souls saved! We are thankful to God for the students as they preach the “healthy gospel”. It is our prayer that the Almighty God will bless their families as they keep staying focused and being faithful in doing the good work. God will always bless His people – Romans 8:28.

Good news from Brother Richard Wakisa and Oscar Banda

Brother Richard Wakisa is the recent graduate from our school (BVBI – Ekwendeni Malawi). Brother Richard was once a Muslim before he became a Christian. He is such a noble vessel in the Lord’s church. Only in the month of November, he has helped 7 souls be saved, and also about 15 souls restored. He is doing a wonderful job in Karonga far North of Malawi. And also, Brother Oscar Banda is a young Christian man who is looking after the church we established before the students left in September. This congregation started with 51 people and now they are 59, in a week ago he baptized a husband and his wife (2 souls saved). We hope God will continue using these brothers’, help many come to Christ. It is only when the gospel is preached; people are called to Christ – 2 Thessalonians 2:14


In this year of 2019, we have had some challenges as we train preachers, the main challenge is “Transportation” this is very important as an institution especially when we have trips going to preaching campaigns. We have been hiring minibuses to travel to preaching campaigns but it is expensive. It would be better if we could have a van at the school. The van can be used as we take students out for preaching campaigns, taking students to hospitals if any is seriously ill and also be used to pick visiting teachers. It is our hope that God will one day remove away our challenge. God is able!

As we always say; on our own we could not reach where we are without the support the Bear Valley Bible Institute International are giving us. We thank God for you! As the door is widely open for the gospel to be preached and train as many people as we can to be faithful gospel preachers, your involvement is still needed. We pray that God will keep blessing your family for the support you give us and the school. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your fellow soldiers of Christ,

Ephron & Clergynton

Posted on December 20, 2019 .

Students gain practical experience in India

We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey our greetings, gratitude and thanks to each one of the prayer partners and supporters of Bear Valley Bible Institute, in Tiurpati, A. P. State in India.

According to the BVBI-instruction soon after two months period of class work the students need to be sent out for the one month practical work. Therefore all the students of Bear Valley Bible Institute at Tirupati have been sent out for the field work in the month of November. This one month break is so much useful and helpful for our students to work with their local congregations and with the neighboring churches and earn good  practical experience.

Our students were able to gain well experience how to organize gospel meetings, children classes, youth classes, ladies  classes, home bible studies, leadership classes, holiday bible classes, family counseling, funeral services, marriage ceremonies etc. The local churches were able encourage and nourished  by the preaching and teaching of young men whom we sent out from BVBI. The Third semester has began from December 2nd, 2019 Monday. All the students were able to submit the one month field report to the college. All teachers were able to make correction and given their paper for the second semester.

BVBI at Tirupati has conducted staff meeting and decided about the courses to teach in 3rd semester according the syllabus prescribed by the BVBI.

By partnership with Healing Hands International we are trying to established vegetable garden with innovative methods using raised beds, drip irrigation system, self making compost, building perfect fencing to prevent from the animals like cows, pigs, chickens etc., and cultivating organic healthy vegetables. Students are happy to work few hours in their leisure timings .

All the teachers are mostly preachers of different local churches and they have more than 25 years of preaching experience. We appreciate their dedication to serve in our BVBI.

Lord willing next month BVBI’s  Coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and Mr. Damon Vincent are going to visit us and teach few courses.

We thank you so much for your loving cooperation and fervent prayers for the success of the spiritual educational project (Bible College). Please keep on praying for the 3rd Semester.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar, Behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, India.

Posted on December 20, 2019 .

A new instructor in Accra

Monthly Operational Report


Praise is to the Lord God for the successful events this month.

Class Activities

Lessons were taught as according to the scheduled curriculum. We had all the seven instructors teaching a full class of 13 students. This is the last term for the students and for the vacation for the Christmas holidays. It will be the end of term as well as the end of the two years of studies for 10 of the 13 students. Their graduation is scheduled for April 18, 2020.

Short Course

We had a new instructor by name Shadrack Oppong Sika, who is currently a student of Bear Valley offering Master’s Programme. This man preaches for Nsawam Road Church of Christ. He is one of the sound preachers whom were recommended by Kojo to teach the course on the Book of Revelation for the short course. On assessment, we found his teaching for this course good and sound.

Student’s Profile

Samuel Boye Larye, a pass student of SIBS, 2016/2017 second batch.  Our brother has married to Sandra Boye, both are 47years and are blessed with Seven children. Having graduated, the school planted the Lord’s church at New Ningo with 25 members.  Currently, they had baptisms of 4.

Boye is doing well with the church and as part of our visiting activities, it is in the school planning scheme to visit him and the church though the administration correspond with him.

Campaign Programme

Per the school’s schedule, at the end of the quarter, thus December 9 - 15, 2019, the school will embark on follow-up, house-to-house and open-air evangelism at the Panpanso No.1 (Nsawam-Suhum Road) community.

Pray with us.

Posted on December 20, 2019 .

Guest instructor in Accra


Glory be to God for marvelously blessing us throughout the vacation and reopening. His love had made us who we are today. Praise be unto Him forever.

The school vacated after the very campaign in Tamale on September, 2019. All the students dismissed at the end of the programme when we journey back to Accra. We were pleased with the Lord for the strength and the happiness put in our heart after a massive conversion.

Vacation Activities

During the vacation period, some of the students who remained in the school for a reason of long journey home, devoted themselves to work on the school land. This work was to spray the weeds and to tend the crops therein.

Some of the students participated in the house-to-house campaign activities in Nkawkaw in the eastern part of Ghana and some souls were won to the Lord during the holidays.

Degree Programme

Per the school’s academic calendar, 25th October, 2019, the under graduate students met with Steven Ashcraft to offer the course on Greek. The students appreciated it so much though there were minor challenges comprehending the subject as it is their first time studying such course. The class has arranged another meeting for further study and understanding of the course.


School reopened on 20th October, 2019 by the Grace of God, and we had all the students and staff present. This is the last quarter of the school’s year 2019, which finalizes the completion of our 3rd batch students, hence their graduation. This period, they are studying the courses 1,2,3 John and Jude, Logics and the Bible, Christian Ethics, Revelation, Congregational Development, and the Preacher and His Work, Computer Studies and Communication Skills.

Instructors for these courses were Emmanuel Odeng Larbi, Kojo Acquah Beenyi, Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah, Kwabena Gyan-Mante, Samuel Sasu Ntim, George Osafo and Shadrack Oppong Sika

Staff Meeting

The staff and the administration had met on discussing the Lectureship, Graduation and Matriculation activities which is to come off on 17th and 18th of April, 2020. The idea for the lectureship, was to invite our brother, Gary Fallis and one Ghanaian brother for the teachings.

Also, some of the students, who’s results were not meeting the Bear Valley Academic requirements for graduation, where encouraged to re-write before they are announced disqualified. 

New Admission

In the previous and current staff meetings, were discussed the advertisement of new students in June, 2019. The majority of the members, specifically, men of the churches, have expressed their interest to get admitted into the full-time programme. These men are with application forms and on the process of completing them. Regularly, the administration gets in touch with them for the submission and interview by the end of December, 2019.

Our Student on field

Sah Yaw David was once a student at the Dobro school, a second batch student who was sent to the school by the mother. Formally, the mother teaches him in the home on how to lead the worship of the church. When he does mistakes, she corrects him after the worship, until she heard of the school. Having successfully completed a two-year programme, now preaches for the church of Christ in Sampa, northern part of Ghana. We always hear from him and the church as they do well in the Lord. It is our prayer and expectation that we get all these interested men for the full-time programme.

As it is our custom, Pray with us always.

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

Extended schools in Ghana

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Kasoa - Ghana

By the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are doing well.

Students have completed the courses on How We Got the Bible, Old Testament I, and Hermeneutics I and currently studying the Life of Christ. The director Kojo and Roger Asante were the Instructors. Gospel campaign is planned for the next quarter.  

Pray with us.

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Koforidua - Ghana 

We are thankful to the Most High God for the school in Koforidua. This school is yielding fruit to the Glory of God and the brethren here.

At this quarter, we had a regular attendance of 13 students. The courses completed were Life of Christ I, Personal Evangelism I and Homiletics I. The director for this school, Gyan-Mante and Amoo-Gyimah were the instructors for these courses.

We are in good condition and enjoying our studies. We are preparing for the evangelism the next quarter at the nearby villages.

God bless you.

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Nsawam - Ghana

Thanks be to the Lord God for the wonderful achievement and its progressing ability. All the directors and instructors extend their appreciation to the brethren and the management for the heartfelt support rendered to the Schools. Also, our appreciation to the Ghanaian churches who have given out their church auditorium for the use by the school. May the Lord bless you all.

To begin with, the Nsawam school is worth with active students eagerly pursuing the diploma programme. Almost done with the work on the church at Adoagyiri for the school to move in at the beginning of the next quarter. Averagely, there was an attendance of 24 of the 25 students. This is because, one of them is preparing to attend the call of the security services (Police) to peace-keeping exercise. The courses studied during the quarters were Old Testament I, Old Testament II (History books - Joshua – Ester) and the Epistle to the Galatians. These were taught by E.O. Larbi and Amoo-Gyimah. Campaign activities are scheduled for the next quarter.

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

More evangelism in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Calvary greetings to you all over there and happy new week from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We do hope you are doing better in all that you do. We are doing our best amid all the odds politically and health wise.

Daily we see how faithful God is. Because of that, we keep trusting Him and depending on Him. We have realized that if not of Him, we doubt where we would have been with the dangerous situations that befall us daily. God will always make a way of escape for us.

The political situation of our country still needs to settle even though the dust is gradually settling down in Wotutu. Other areas are still dark and it makes our work difficult in some areas. That is why we keep soliciting that you remember us daily in your prayers.

Two cars are ready to transport 20 students and some members of the Wotutu congregation who were part of a mass evangelism in Yato village. It was good, and it is always good to have means of transportation. It eases the work entrusted in our hands. Thank you for making transportation possible.

Upon arriving in Yato village, the students, some staff, and members of the Wotutu congregation set out for house to house evangelism because it was evening and people were just returning from their farms. They gave us audience even with empty stomachs. The word is also a most necessary food. We met some preparing vegetables for the market the next day, so I was happy to help them put the vegetables together while the students were speaking out the word.

Students will always open the Bible for prospects to read the truth with their own eyes. After the studies, we leave the prospect with a tract from Mission Printing along with our mobile numbers for further help in their studies.

Soldiers of the old rugged cross are ever ready to share with someone no matter the area. They are always ready to go out, so as to distribute the bread of life free of charge to any hungry person, at any time.


Next week is exams week.

After exams, we are moving to Mbanga for the annual Bible lectureship and that will end our first year with the Epsilon batch. Please keep us in prayers as the challenges here are too high mostly on sickness from our students.


God bless you and replenish all your energy, prayers, and funds you are using on this ministry. God will reward you in due season.

God bless you

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

Continued progress in Togo

October 2019 report:

May the love and grace of God be with each of you and, above all, health be granted to you on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for the support you each provide for the development of the Christ ministry in Togo.


Now our center has two motorcycles with which students visit the churches where they are sent every week to study or sermonize. The church in the village of Avetonou is still run by the students. Soon, the 13 students will complete their first year at the Bear Valley Institute and begin their second year in January 2020.  

Our intention is to move to areas where assemblies do not exist to establish one in each zone. Students who have come from denominations and are converted during CBS course studies for one year will work with evangelists on the same church, while those who have done more than two years in the church of Christ before the training can work with the new established churches.

Agriculture and livestock:

The agriculture project began by serving students. Since the resumption of classes, POTCHOLI Koffi David, a former student of our school, has been studying in the field of agriculture and gardening, especially in organic agriculture, that is, without the use of chemicals in the production of agricultural crops. Missionary Willie Gley has provided a room that is used first by the teacher to teach the classes, then they move on to practice on the ground (field). They are the beginning of theory and practice.

Saturday's classes:

A great progress with the Saturday classes, very soon those of Kpalime will complete their one-year program with great success. There are others who come to register to attend Saturday's courses when they have completed their program. In Lomé, everything is fine almost every month I send the printed courses for the rest of the courses.

Our desire is to go far north in 2020 in Blita and Kara with Saturday's classes.


Our slogan Togo for Christ worries us every day, but no longer on Fridays, we go to villages, on the roads, the market, in places of service, we distribute Bible treatises and correspondence courses. We went to AKATA to evangelize from house to house.

Conference at TEMEJA:

 As they are all denominations, the questions asked and the courses they receive, the sharing of his teachings in their denominations has raised other more important questions that I must answer, not only to them (students) but also to their followers and to the women of his pastors whose pastoral ministry is already exercised by other women in their denominations. The end of October allowed me to organize a conference at TEMEJA with more than 87 people composed of women pastors and men. Some members of their denominations were also present. The theme was "Can we lose salvation", text: 1 Cor. 9:27.


The students of Saturday's courses all attended this conference at TEMEJA. The trolley to transport students from Kpalime to TEMEJA. So the students of the Saturday classes in Kpalime and those of TEMEJA were together that day.

The conference ended with a complaint from the women: What is needed for them? The answer is: women have a very important role in the mission of the church, so from time to time there will be conferences on the role of women in a local church. When they are converted, they will attend the courses on the "Women's Ministry".

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

Weekend evangelism in Liberia

We remain grateful to God for all that He has been able to do for the Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia through your supports and love for His kingdom. As we look back in to the month of October, with all the challenges, we are still very grateful to report the following happenings here in Liberia.


As part of our practical requirement for the school, our students continued to progress in the weekend evangelism and house to house visitation in most part of the communities around the location of the school. Many of them continued to appreciate the field experiences as it brings to bear what is going to be expected of them in the future of their work as preachers. In total for the month of October through their efforts, six (6) person were baptized and from their report, they made 57 contacts ( People they talk to). They also restore three (3) old members.


Brother Joseph Brooks accepted our invitation and spent a week with the school teaching one of our short course for this quarter ( The Prison Epistles). Brother Brooks is the pulpit minister of the Forehouses Church of Christ in Bechannan City, Grand Bassa County. During his stay, he led the students in to three days fast and prayer, something many of them haven't done before and at the end, many of them appreciated the experience. We appreciate his good work done with the students.


As part of the efforts by the grace of God to reach many lost souls with the Gospel of Christ, the school has scheduled to undertake another extra campaign in Saclepea City, Nimba. Saclepea is one of the major city in Nimba county with an estimated population of about 46.000 inhabitants and without the Lord's church. Through the Radio preaching program, many people who have been following the preaching from Saclepea have been calling for the establishment of the church of Christ there. Over four months ago, we promised them that we were going to come to Saclepea. The date has been set for November 11-17. Please keep us in prayer for the success of this program.


We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible school here in Liberia. My are sincerely thankful for every dollar you will sacrifice for the sake of Christ in Ganta. Thank you very much.

Your brother and co-worker in the lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

Prayers requested for Haiti

International School of Theology – Haiti

International Extension School of Bear Valley Bible Institute

Please Continue Praying for Haiti. 

Because of the violence in Haiti, the students have not been able to attend classes for over two months. It now looks like the classes will be suspended until January 2020. The people are calling for the removal of the president. The directors and teachers are in regular contact with the students, and at this time, everyone is safe. The immediate area of IST (International School of Theology) has not had any violent activity; we pray that it will continue. More than 2,000,000 children have not been able to attend regular school, several hotels have closed their doors, stores have not been able to restock their shelves; therefore, there is a food shortage. Many gas stations have not been able to get fuel. The stations that have gas and diesel continue to raise their prices. We know this will pass, and God will use it to his glory – more doors will open for the gospel. The demonstrations do not stop on Sundays; therefore, many of the Christians are not able to attend worship. In some areas, the church is meeting in homes but continue to reach out to others. 

Personal Request for Prayers:

I also ask for your prayers. Recently I was diagnosed with Uveal Melanoma, a tumor on the back of my left eye. It was small, and the doctors believe they caught it at the right time. One doctor said, if it had been any smaller, it would need to grow before it could be treated properly. I received two CT scans and an MRI to see if the cancer had spread. We thank God that it hasn’t. I received Brachytherapy radiation treatment. The doctor places a device on the back of my eye for three days and then removed it. The doctor said there will be some loss of eyesight but not sure how much at this time. I have made peace with whatever happens and have put it in God’s hands. I have double vision at this time and will wear a patch until it clears. The doctors said I should be able to continue regular activity by January. If things have calmed down in Haiti at that time, I plan to return then.

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

Graduation in Nepal

Nepal Center for Biblical Study

September - October 2019

Respected brothers in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you. I am extremely sorry for late report.

Our  classes

We had a question, answers and discussion classes in the month of September. We gave our students to prepare and present their sermons and lessons. They did well in the class. Some of other miscellaneous lessons were presented by Arun and Gajendra for students which will be useful for their local ministry and evangelism. We too had some written exam for them.

Local evangelism

Whenever we had opportunities we are always visiting different local congregations for congregational fellowship. Some time our male students got opportunity to lead songs, preach and present lessons to the congregations. Most of our ladies students do teaching to other women in the congregations of Kathmandu valley.

We had combined Bible study and ladies classes twice in the month. We are trying to encourage and extend our fellowship hand with other congregations.


We did two days of lectureship at the NCBS building. Around 70 leaders, graduated students including their family members were participated. We had chosen central theme from 1 Corinthians 9:16 for that lectureship. We had 14 lessons for two days. Our graduated students and preachers from different congregations presented their lessons based on our theme. It was encouraging time for all people.

Eight students were graduated in this year. Two students were male and six students were female. They will be big help for their local ministry in their congregations. Please kindly remember them in your prayer.

October holiday

We had planned to do Gospel campaign during our holiday camp. Soon after graduation ceremony all of our graduated students went their family. Due to viral of dengue fever two of our lady students became of victims of dengue viral disease. It was taken them long time to recover. Our graduated students suggested us not make any campaign in dengue affected areas. So, we didn't take any risk of that. But also, we visited six different congregations of India and eastern part of Nepal. One soul was baptized in those congregational visits. I had given fifteen different lessons during churches visits.

Voice of Truth International

We had printed out our third volume of the voice of truth international in Nepali edition. This is one of the gospel tools to spread out to the people. We thank Brother Jerry and Sister Paula Bates for their financially assistance in printing.

Thank you all of your prayer, love, suggestions and guidance.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar

Posted on November 26, 2019 .

Terry Harmon returns to Ukraine for a visit

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

In my monthly report I’d like to share with you the news about the ministry of our Bible Institute and some local congregations.

October was a very warm month this year. We didn't need to turn on the heat either in the church building or in the apartments rented for our students. We were able to save some funds even though the weather turned now as I'm writing this letter. And we are expecting some lower temperatures from now on.

The following subjects were taught in October: for the first year students - Hermeneutics (by Dennis Sopelnik), Christian Evidences (Albert Bagdasaryan) and for the second year students – Inter testament Period (by Terry Harmon) and Introduction to Greek (by Valentin Tsiopa). I always try to encourage local Instructors to help the ministry of the Bible Institute, and this time Valentin Tsiopa helped with teaching Greek. He is one of our graduates and has some good foundation to teach the course.

I'm very grateful to Terry Harmon who came to Ukrainian in the capacity of our Instructor. He tries to carry out a few ministries in the same time. Being the preacher of the Church of Christ in Rapid City, SD  Terry is the coordinator for the Ukrainian branch of Bear Valley Bible Institute.  As always, Terry Harmon encouraged us and presented an excellent example of a true minister of the Lord.

Currently all of our students are involved in the evangelism in different parts of Ukraine. Most of them went to Lviv to help out the local congregation. The other part of the student body went to the Eastern Churches of Christ in the cities of Kramatorsk, Slovyansk and Konstantynivka. Most of them took active part in the congregational work. They preached, taught Bible lessons, visited the sick and struggling with faith. I'm very thankful to all the local preachers who cared to let our students have the opportunities to serve.

In the middle of October, I attended the youth group seminar in Kamenskoe. I met a lot of young people and told them about our Institute's ministry.  Some of them were interested in applying. I hope their commitment will get even more serious.

And one more exciting news. Our local minister Konstantin and we are trying to establish a cooperation with a local boarding school and get their official permission to work with their students. We ask you to join us in prayer for the ministry. They house about 80 children whose parents are either deceased or deprived of their parental rights. They are from 6 to 16 years of age. God can open the door for us to serve these children.

We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible Institute. We are thankful for every dollar that you will sacrifice for our ministry in Ukraine. Thank you very much!

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord's Vineyard,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on November 12, 2019 .

So much good in Cameroon!

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We hope you are doing great in all that you do. We are doing our best in all that is entrusted in our hands, but many around us are sick and we keep praying for them and helping them to go see the doctor as we have the means to do so.

Last week in Bear Valley and other things in Wotutu went on well. There is peace now in Wotutu concerning the crisis. In other areas though, there is still serious trouble. Thanks to God for Wotutu having all of our activities running smoothly.

We just started some short courses now. I am teaching “Leadership” while brother Vincent, the prison minister, is teaching “1 Corinthians.” The class “Leadership” has a lot to expose. This is the third time I am teaching the course. I am able to add more and more as I apply my personal experience as a teacher, here, director, preacher of the Wotutu congregation since its establishments some fourteen years ago, and a father to three of my own and many more under my care.

Many thanks to God for all those who helped us to get clean potable water into the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Wotutu facility. It took millions of Cameroonian francs to complete the project. That is thousands of US dollars. Because of that huge financial sacrifice, we now have water in a greater part of the village of Wotutu. All glory goes to God. Thanks to the church of Christ! Since we have the put in the new water line, the villagers no only call the church of Christ the VILLAGE CLOCK because of our early morning preaching, but they call us THE CHURCH THAT CARES ABOUT PEOPLE’S PHYSICAL NEEDS AS WELL AS SPIRITUAL. They can see the orphanage. They can see the Brightland schools which is not for profit making. They can see the church of Christ Wotutu which is very benevolent not only in June when the missionaries will come and offer free medical consultations, free Vacation Bible school for children, but even now our nurse attends to sick people in Wotutu for free and our congregation helps feed people. For many times, my car has served as an ambulance for those sick in the night or during the day. The sick may be a member of our congregation or any member of the community in need. Many families, up to eight families now, have water in their homes because of this water line that came through our school. Glory to His name.

We shall be in Yato village next week for mass evangelism. We shall not be there fully because the funeral of our brother and the head teacher will be this week and next week respectively. Our young convert died instant from food poisoning while our head teacher died from severe gastric ulcers and she had delayed to go see the doctor. She needed surgery but it was too late. Keep their families in your prayers.


Thank you very much for all you do to keep this work moving. May God bless you and repay all your efforts. Please share our report with others.

God bless you

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu   

Posted on November 12, 2019 .

Inspiring testimonies in Lesotho!


Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I would like to thank God and everyone who is behind the success of BVBIL, your support both spiritually and materially is well appreciated. BVBI-Lesotho had a visiting instructor, the school also held its first outreach. One soul has been won to Jesus. Students are doing well in their studies and personal work, teachers are impressed with their performance in and outside class. One of our students lost a mother and the other one lost a grandmother. 

On the 31st of August 2019, brother Donnie Estep visited the school, he taught the Scheme of Redemption on the 31st and the 1st of September, Brother Tawanda took over the class for the remaining weeks. Brother Donnie also preached on the 1st September at Sehlabeng church of Christ, one of the newly established congregations which is well looked after by our students. BVBIL and the church appreciate his visit and the work he did in Lesotho.

On the 28th of September the school had its first outreach at Sekamaneng village in Maseru. The students under the supervision of brother Tawanda Mwadiya had door to door evangelism for 6 hours. 35 lessons were taught, 46 people were engaged and one obeyed the gospel through baptism. Students are making the follow ups to the potential prospects on their own time. The school is planning to have another outreach in Sehlabeng village before the year ends.

One of our students (brother Moliko Moliko) lost a mother, she was 84 years old and Khauhelo also lost a grandmother in October. The students led the prayer services starting from Wednesday up to Saturday on both funerals and 8 sermons were preached during these two funerals. From September to October BVBIL students taught 28 Bible classes on Sundays, 10 Sunday School lessons, 25 lessons on giving and Lord’s supper and 30 sermons were preached in 5 congregations.

The teachers are impressed with the performance of the students in and outside class. Most of the students are matured, hence, they are committed with school work, so as in spreading the gospel in Lesotho. Among the students is an elder at Maseru church of Christ who has been greatly impacted by the school, he has become an instrument in spreading the good news.

 This is what other students have to say about the school:

“The school helped me to understand that God is real and everything am facing, like any kind sin surrounding me am going to defeat it because I am given power by Lord Jesus. It also helped me understand that my duty is to obey God’s instructions and His duty is to keep His promise”- Ltlhare.

“I thought I knew the Bible up until my first day in class, that is when I realized that I don’t know anything. Thank you Bear Valley Bible Institute Lesotho.”- Moliko

“I can’t believe that we are now able to go to other congregations to preach and well received. Thank you brother for making it happening, thank you for bring the Bible school in Lesotho”-Ramphielo

“Bear Valley Bible Institute will unite churches (Congregations) in Lesotho, one day the church is going to be big and strong as you always tell us that the church is big and strong in Zimbabwe. I am seeing it coming, thank you BVBIL”- Khauhelo

“My brother in Christ, I am grateful for all your efforts in making sure that we now have Lesotho Bear Valley Bible Institute, after every class I thank God that I have the opportunity to learn His Word, the interaction with brothers from our sister congregations as scholars is very importantly narrowing the gap which for a long time existed between us, and it is promoting the fellowship amongst us, thank you brother, our chief Shepherd  is aware of everything and will reward you at the right time.”-Likhama Leuta.

The church in Lesotho has not been united for about two decades, to the point where by congregation A cannot fellowship with congregation B and one from congregation C cannot be invited to preach at congregation D, not because of doctrinal issues but matters of opinions. Thank God, BVBIL has imparted unity among the students, hence, the congregations are starting fellowshipping with one another.

Another method of evangelism that would be effective for our students and our community, more especially those who are busy, is the distribution of WBS booklets. Some prospects are busy to the point that they cannot give our students a chance to sit and discuss the Word of God and some prefer to study alone. Despite the fact that someone is busy that should not deprive that person to hear the gospel, hence, WBS would be of great benefit in this regard. The World Bible School courses would also be issued to High schools, colleges and prisons. BVBIL students will be making the follow ups and as a result, one on one Bible study can be initiated. In addition, this will also broaden the base for prospects.

If the school can have access of the WBS materials that would accelerating the spread of the gospel in Lesotho. The current challenge is that there is no WBS office in Lesotho and the school does not know where to get the materials, therefore, if there is a church or individual or an organization that can provide us with WBS materials, BVBIL will greatly appreciate that.

In conclusion, BVBIL is impacting the students, teachers, congregations and the community at large. On behalf of BVBIL, I am grateful to participate in what God is already doing in Lesotho. The school is kindly requesting for WBS materials. Once again, I would like to thank everyone who is behind the success of the school.

In His arms,

Tawanda Mwadiya


Posted on November 12, 2019 .

Agriculture seminar in Tamale


The month October has also come to an end with many fruitful activities. We ascend our gratitude to the highest God for His diverse favor and blessings He continues to bestow on us through nature and providential act. It is our plea and prayer that He forever strengthening and incubates you for your consistency.       


As usual, students have gone home for three weeks break to visit their Churches, members and families, they also use the opportunity to see to the progress of their farm work as farming is the common occupation in the three Northern regions. This helps those who are responsible to provide food at home to make their dependence feel at home. We are proud of these energetic and hardworking guys in the Lord’s Church. We adjure you to support us as we pray for the successful return of these brothers to continue their last academic work for the year 2019.


The following courses were taught and class work and tests conducted respectively by brothers: Albert Malir Tamanja, Life of Christ II; Daniel Adjei Mensah, Prison Epistles; James Legend, Gospel of John and Albert Malir Tamanja, 1 Corinthians.


We really thank almighty God for the sound protection and success in our entire administrative endeavor. The month October was occupied with many activities: food production and processing, rural water project for Church of Christ and Northern regions women annual fellowship, all hosted at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale, Ghana. Brother Ebeneezer the manager of food production and processing with the coordinator for Bear Valley Bible School Kojo Acquah Beenyi in Ghana arrived on 14th /10/2019 to help us prepare the land and also get necessary equipment and materials for the training. The participants reported on 16th /10/2019 and the next day the training on drip irrigation commenced and lasted for two days. The training was very comprehensive as whatever that was taught theory was practicalized on the already prepared land. Beds preparation, Compost manure preparation, Basic management and equipment were given and demonstrated as five groups were obliged to prepare beds as practical. The training was ended with certificates given to the participants total to 75 as attendance is concern.  The rural water project team with Brother Nathaniel and some brothers from America came to do visibility at the school and were welcomed by Kojo Acquah Beenyi and Ebeneezer.

They confirmed that the school was worthy to have a well drilled. The next day the experts for water location came and searched and discovered that there was water. To be sure another expert was sent with different technology and also reconfirmed that there was water and even foretold the level to get it. The borehole was drilled in the next moment and fixed with hand pump; hence, Tamale school is now having water for drinking and domestic purposes. The water is also to be used for irrigation purposes to grow vegetables and other crops for the students.


The three Northern regions women’s seminar was held at Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies on 24th /10/2019, the seminar longed for three days. First day was fasting and prayers giving thanks to God for His protection and care for their families, alongside with teaching on the


In the evening session there was a play on ten virgins {five wise & five fool} waiting for the bridegroom by west and east churches of Christ to demonstrate how Christian woman ought to prepare for Christ’s return. The next day Saturday, there were many activities: ‘The role Christian women have to play at their home and in the church’. The evening session was used for cultural drama{interlude} by Konkombas and Dagombas to demonstrate love and peace they enjoy through Christ . Sunday was a joint service by all the churches of Christ in Tamale with speakers invited from Upper West and East, brothers Atim from Tumu led in Bible studies and George Dassah for east church led in sermon and the preacher for Bolga led in Lord Supper and giving. The attendance was 357 and collection GH¢2,260.20. Most of the participants went home that Sunday and others on Monday the next day. We by this writings extend our word of appreciation to every hand that contributes to the fulfillment of these dreams to grow from grace to grace in Christ’s name.

Posted on November 12, 2019 .

Evangelism in Zambia


We bring Christian greetings from Luanshya, Zambia. Our prayers are that you are all doing well in all your endeavors. It is always a great pleasure to write and report some of the activities that the school was involved in during the month of October, 2019. We believe that the school is on course on its promise to train faithful preachers. As we come to the close of our first quarter of the second year. We expect most of our students to travel back to their respective congregations.

In our effort to preach Christ and our desire to reach central province of our mother Zambia our alumni have already laid the foundation for the gospel and doing great work in Kabwe district, Clive Kabika is a dedicated servant to preaching and is doing a good job he has also helped a thriving congregation in keeping good faith in Kapiri Mposhi district. He is now working with the youths and restored three back to the sheepfold. As our plans are underway to have our alumni back for fresher courses, we believe this will help him to be more effective. And now we have also reached Ngabwe the furthest district and fishing area of Central Province. Our current student Vinicent Simwanza, he is making head-ways in reaching out to the lost in this part of the country. In our effort to reach the young men in High schools Vincent was given opportunity to preach at Ngabwe secondary school to at least 80 pupils and the work was marvelous, since then the school staffs are looking forward to more of such preaching. There is no church of Christ in this area. The only known church of Christ is hundreds of kilometers away. We pray that with this efforts and help from God, we will soon have a new congregation in Ngabwe district.

In Luanshya many bible studies with not only the youths but elderly also have been set and we had two baptisms from such meetings. Our student Stembiso Magawa is from Eastern province of Zambia who is he doing well as he grows in the knowledge of God, this was a student when first arrived was shy to stand and now he is reading the way, in Baluba we have four converts as a result of his preaching

Hornbye Mupengu who is also an Institute representative to the students has won three souls in preaching Christ, and these young men have become very eager wanting to enroll at our Institute. Hornbye is now engaged to Memory and she has been very supportive to his studies. We will soon have them both for counseling at school in order that their Marriage is well established. With the farming skill he has acquired at school, he is making good progress to establish a farm and manage it. He is helping the congregation with bible studies and preaching and making great impact in surrounding communities.

The five congregations in Luanshya district are doing well. The students have taken turns to preach, serve on the Lord’s Supper, and lead songs in these congregations. We pray that a good transport will help the Institute to coordinate more effectively with the rest of the province. Austin Musonda and Nelson Sikazindu are regular preachers at Chibwe church of Christ where they go each Lord’s Day. They also conduct bible studies every Saturday afternoon.

While students will be on long vacation break the Institute staffs have work to do, brother Cephas will be in northern and brother Fred Kanangu will be in Luapula and brother Kennedy Mukuka will be in Muchinga province, this is due to the fact that we have been receiving calls to visit these places but due to lack of enough time and transportation we cannot be everywhere, this will help us catch wide area in short time. Please pray for our visits in these areas in the month of November.

We give special thanks to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to the partnership we have with the entire Bear Valley Bible Institute at large, may our God continue to bless all of you.

In His service,

Cephas & Fred

Posted on November 12, 2019 .

Graduation in Fiji

It has been a great year! We finished up the school year with two short course instructors: Bill Steward from Bear Valley in Denver, CO who taught a course entitled Christ of the Covenants, and Stan Dean the pulpit minister at the Killen Church of Christ in Killen, AL who taught a class on the Book of James.

They both did a great job and also stayed over to assist with our graduation exercises on Saturday 2nd of November. Stan did a devotional for the graduation, and Bill did the commencement address and also handed out the certificates to our graduates. We had 4 students to graduate from our program, including two international students:

  • Alphonsus Rickimae was our top student from the Solomon Islands

  • Asher Abraham received our Heart of a Servant award and came to us from Micronesia

  • Kitione Solinadrotini from Naila village here in Fiji

  • Samuela Tupou from the Ten Miles Church of Christ in Nakasi

We have continued to do follow up work with the Nadi Church of Christ following our campaign there in September. While I am reporting in the U.S. several of the students plan to travel over and do visitation and help with the Sunday worship services on the weekends. The brethren in Nadi have fixed up the upper floor of the church building so that they will have a place to stay while they are in Nadi.

Since we are south of the equator, we are headed into Summer here. The students will have time to plant their gardens and rest up before starting back to school on February 17, 2020.

Thank you for all you do to make this work possible. May God be gloried by this work. Please keep the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa in your prayers!

Your servants in Christ,

Rocco Pierce, Jason Pierce, and Emosi Sailo

Posted on November 12, 2019 .

More courses in metro Lagos

Greeting from the staff and students of BVBI - Ikorodu Lagos State. God bless you. Here is our summary of September to November 2019 activities.

The school is growing rapidly with the total number of 27 students. four sisters and twenty three brothers, ten out of the twenty-three brothers are preachers in various congregations of the Lord's Church. Our lecturers are actively carrying out their assignment, with all our students present in the class.

The subjects treated so far from September to November are:

1 Corinthians- lecturer Bro Abiola Joseph Adesoji,

Leadership- lecturer Bro Lucky Uzoyare

Church History: Lecturer Bro Okoro Chinyere

Public Speaking 2 (Practical Homiletics) ; Lecturer Bro Makinde Olufemi.

The Life of Christ to be treated December 2019 by bro Ezekiel Okorougo.

2019 Campaign had been carried out on 9/2/2019, which three souls were saved and one soul restored.

EVANGELISM: All of our students participated in outside evangelism. This took place on October 13th Sunday evening. seven souls wee converted, although, we have no restoration. It was a blessed outing.

* On 24th of November 2019 by 3pm, all of our students will embark on house to house evangelism with open air.

* On 22nd December 2019 we are going to have our 4th annual lectureship. THEME: STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED....(2Tim. 2:15)

* Ikorodu students are planning to plant the Church of Christ at Isiwu Arana Ikoodu. on February next year (2020).


One of our student by name israel Tayomovwo will preach at Owode Ibeshe Church of Christ in her indoor lectureship. TOPIC: "The CHURCH of CHRIST".


We have received gifts of Desktop computer, printer and mattress. Gift of tables was sent to us. our students can write conveniently. We pray that GOD will continually bless the BVBI management immensely. we also receive the support of our 4th Annual Lectureship. we say a BIG THANK YOU to the management.


Ikorodu staff and students deeply appreciate your GOD given lobe to us and your support to Africa countries and beyond. May the Lord keep on blessing all your joint effort in CHRIST Name. Amen.

I remain your fellow soldiers of Christ

Bro Mfon Etim(Minister)

Director Ikorodu Campus

Lagos State Nigeria


Also, in the Agege area of Lagos…..

I and students went on evangelism on the 19/10/2019 and two souls were converted. They are Emmanuel Chukma and Amaka Chukma.

Olusoji Joseph Abiola started his teaching at Ikorodu on July 2019 using four weeks in which the students did their examinations. The same was done at Ibadan and Agege respectively.

Ten tables were built for the students. Three students to a table. The students were very happy for the tables been provided. We appreciate the management of Bear Valley Institute for this new development in our study class. 

Olusoji Joseph Abiola

Posted on November 11, 2019 .

More progress in Zimbabwe


As usual, at the end of each month, we look back and thank God for what he has been able to do through BVBIZ.  BVBIZ remains humbled and grateful to our partners and sponsors. Economically, things have not been easy in Zimbabwe. Despite all this, God has seen us through another month. We can only thank Him that despite these negative pressures, BVBIZ continues to advance her agenda, that is, to train men and women for the furtherance of the Gospel in Zimbabwe and beyond.  The following is a capsule of what transpired in the month of November.


In BVBIZ’s quest to produce highly qualified ,equipped and competent servants of God, practicum is a core factor. This is achieved in a number of ways which includes, weekend evangelism, one week campaigns every term, holiday preaching, 12 week field program at the end of the first year of study and another 6 months practicum before graduation.


This term’s one week campaign took place from the  6th-12th of October. Half of the students were at Warren Park being led by Howard Suwari whilst the other half was at Buchwa being led by Ishmael Mutichu. Various methods were used to reach out to lost souls. Great appreciation goes to the hosting congregations for providing food and accommodation to the two teams. Three souls were added to the church in the process.


Weekend evangelism continued in the month of October. Three congregations, that is, Mkoba 12, Nashville and Redcliff, benefited from the effort. Besides weekend evangelism, On the 18th of October, BVBIZ students and teachers went for an all-night worship service at Bulawayo Central Church of Christ. 5 students presented sermons that night 5 led in singing.  Ishamel Mutichu (one of the teachers) taught the male class whilst Thandikile Dube (a student) taught the ladies class. Our great appreciation to the Bulawayo Central congregation for according BVBIZ students the opportunity to put into practice what they are learning.    


Several subjects have been done and completed whilst others are still in progress. These that have been completed include Advanced Hermeneutics, the books of Romans and Hebrews. Those that are yet to be completed include the Pastoral Epistles, Church Growth, Major Prophets, Biblical Counselling and Greek 11. Great appreciation goes to the both teachers and students who have been putting their effort to meet the requirements of the curriculum this term. Nkosilathi Mpofu, a Masters graduate from Freed Hardeman University taught the book of Romans. He was with BVBIZ from the 30th of September to the 5th of October. Brother Mpofu made another visit with Bro. William Glover and his wife on the 21st of October. If God wills, Bro. Glover is exploring the possibility of assisting the school to set up a fishery project as part and parcel of students’ entrepreneurship skills development and also lowering the school’s food budget through the establishment of the same. The two couples are working with Zimbabwe Missions, an organisation geared towards the spread of the Gospel starting with the Southern part of Zimbabwe using various methods.       


In the previous month,  resources for the student house had depleted when the structure was at a critical point. Door frames were left exposed and there was danger of them being stolen.  It became necessary, following some advice, to borrow from the November allocation and also temporarily forego October salaries in order to leave the structure at a safer position. Once the structure is complete, BVBIZ will move to this permanent site. BVBIZ board also had an opportunity of appraising themselves with the developments.


Basing on the above, the month November saw us add more value to the students and also add value to the church through evangelism and various activities. We look forward to greater things to come.. We continue to fine tune ourselves towards this noble task. We remain grateful to every one of you for your spiritual, moral and material support. To God be the glory!

Posted on November 11, 2019 .