Inspiring testimonies in Lesotho!


Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I would like to thank God and everyone who is behind the success of BVBIL, your support both spiritually and materially is well appreciated. BVBI-Lesotho had a visiting instructor, the school also held its first outreach. One soul has been won to Jesus. Students are doing well in their studies and personal work, teachers are impressed with their performance in and outside class. One of our students lost a mother and the other one lost a grandmother. 

On the 31st of August 2019, brother Donnie Estep visited the school, he taught the Scheme of Redemption on the 31st and the 1st of September, Brother Tawanda took over the class for the remaining weeks. Brother Donnie also preached on the 1st September at Sehlabeng church of Christ, one of the newly established congregations which is well looked after by our students. BVBIL and the church appreciate his visit and the work he did in Lesotho.

On the 28th of September the school had its first outreach at Sekamaneng village in Maseru. The students under the supervision of brother Tawanda Mwadiya had door to door evangelism for 6 hours. 35 lessons were taught, 46 people were engaged and one obeyed the gospel through baptism. Students are making the follow ups to the potential prospects on their own time. The school is planning to have another outreach in Sehlabeng village before the year ends.

One of our students (brother Moliko Moliko) lost a mother, she was 84 years old and Khauhelo also lost a grandmother in October. The students led the prayer services starting from Wednesday up to Saturday on both funerals and 8 sermons were preached during these two funerals. From September to October BVBIL students taught 28 Bible classes on Sundays, 10 Sunday School lessons, 25 lessons on giving and Lord’s supper and 30 sermons were preached in 5 congregations.

The teachers are impressed with the performance of the students in and outside class. Most of the students are matured, hence, they are committed with school work, so as in spreading the gospel in Lesotho. Among the students is an elder at Maseru church of Christ who has been greatly impacted by the school, he has become an instrument in spreading the good news.

 This is what other students have to say about the school:

“The school helped me to understand that God is real and everything am facing, like any kind sin surrounding me am going to defeat it because I am given power by Lord Jesus. It also helped me understand that my duty is to obey God’s instructions and His duty is to keep His promise”- Ltlhare.

“I thought I knew the Bible up until my first day in class, that is when I realized that I don’t know anything. Thank you Bear Valley Bible Institute Lesotho.”- Moliko

“I can’t believe that we are now able to go to other congregations to preach and well received. Thank you brother for making it happening, thank you for bring the Bible school in Lesotho”-Ramphielo

“Bear Valley Bible Institute will unite churches (Congregations) in Lesotho, one day the church is going to be big and strong as you always tell us that the church is big and strong in Zimbabwe. I am seeing it coming, thank you BVBIL”- Khauhelo

“My brother in Christ, I am grateful for all your efforts in making sure that we now have Lesotho Bear Valley Bible Institute, after every class I thank God that I have the opportunity to learn His Word, the interaction with brothers from our sister congregations as scholars is very importantly narrowing the gap which for a long time existed between us, and it is promoting the fellowship amongst us, thank you brother, our chief Shepherd  is aware of everything and will reward you at the right time.”-Likhama Leuta.

The church in Lesotho has not been united for about two decades, to the point where by congregation A cannot fellowship with congregation B and one from congregation C cannot be invited to preach at congregation D, not because of doctrinal issues but matters of opinions. Thank God, BVBIL has imparted unity among the students, hence, the congregations are starting fellowshipping with one another.

Another method of evangelism that would be effective for our students and our community, more especially those who are busy, is the distribution of WBS booklets. Some prospects are busy to the point that they cannot give our students a chance to sit and discuss the Word of God and some prefer to study alone. Despite the fact that someone is busy that should not deprive that person to hear the gospel, hence, WBS would be of great benefit in this regard. The World Bible School courses would also be issued to High schools, colleges and prisons. BVBIL students will be making the follow ups and as a result, one on one Bible study can be initiated. In addition, this will also broaden the base for prospects.

If the school can have access of the WBS materials that would accelerating the spread of the gospel in Lesotho. The current challenge is that there is no WBS office in Lesotho and the school does not know where to get the materials, therefore, if there is a church or individual or an organization that can provide us with WBS materials, BVBIL will greatly appreciate that.

In conclusion, BVBIL is impacting the students, teachers, congregations and the community at large. On behalf of BVBIL, I am grateful to participate in what God is already doing in Lesotho. The school is kindly requesting for WBS materials. Once again, I would like to thank everyone who is behind the success of the school.

In His arms,

Tawanda Mwadiya


Posted on November 12, 2019 .