Extended schools in Ghana

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Kasoa - Ghana

By the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are doing well.

Students have completed the courses on How We Got the Bible, Old Testament I, and Hermeneutics I and currently studying the Life of Christ. The director Kojo and Roger Asante were the Instructors. Gospel campaign is planned for the next quarter.  

Pray with us.

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Koforidua - Ghana 

We are thankful to the Most High God for the school in Koforidua. This school is yielding fruit to the Glory of God and the brethren here.

At this quarter, we had a regular attendance of 13 students. The courses completed were Life of Christ I, Personal Evangelism I and Homiletics I. The director for this school, Gyan-Mante and Amoo-Gyimah were the instructors for these courses.

We are in good condition and enjoying our studies. We are preparing for the evangelism the next quarter at the nearby villages.

God bless you.

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Nsawam - Ghana

Thanks be to the Lord God for the wonderful achievement and its progressing ability. All the directors and instructors extend their appreciation to the brethren and the management for the heartfelt support rendered to the Schools. Also, our appreciation to the Ghanaian churches who have given out their church auditorium for the use by the school. May the Lord bless you all.

To begin with, the Nsawam school is worth with active students eagerly pursuing the diploma programme. Almost done with the work on the church at Adoagyiri for the school to move in at the beginning of the next quarter. Averagely, there was an attendance of 24 of the 25 students. This is because, one of them is preparing to attend the call of the security services (Police) to peace-keeping exercise. The courses studied during the quarters were Old Testament I, Old Testament II (History books - Joshua – Ester) and the Epistle to the Galatians. These were taught by E.O. Larbi and Amoo-Gyimah. Campaign activities are scheduled for the next quarter.

Posted on November 26, 2019 .