Prayers requested for Haiti

International School of Theology – Haiti

International Extension School of Bear Valley Bible Institute

Please Continue Praying for Haiti. 

Because of the violence in Haiti, the students have not been able to attend classes for over two months. It now looks like the classes will be suspended until January 2020. The people are calling for the removal of the president. The directors and teachers are in regular contact with the students, and at this time, everyone is safe. The immediate area of IST (International School of Theology) has not had any violent activity; we pray that it will continue. More than 2,000,000 children have not been able to attend regular school, several hotels have closed their doors, stores have not been able to restock their shelves; therefore, there is a food shortage. Many gas stations have not been able to get fuel. The stations that have gas and diesel continue to raise their prices. We know this will pass, and God will use it to his glory – more doors will open for the gospel. The demonstrations do not stop on Sundays; therefore, many of the Christians are not able to attend worship. In some areas, the church is meeting in homes but continue to reach out to others. 

Personal Request for Prayers:

I also ask for your prayers. Recently I was diagnosed with Uveal Melanoma, a tumor on the back of my left eye. It was small, and the doctors believe they caught it at the right time. One doctor said, if it had been any smaller, it would need to grow before it could be treated properly. I received two CT scans and an MRI to see if the cancer had spread. We thank God that it hasn’t. I received Brachytherapy radiation treatment. The doctor places a device on the back of my eye for three days and then removed it. The doctor said there will be some loss of eyesight but not sure how much at this time. I have made peace with whatever happens and have put it in God’s hands. I have double vision at this time and will wear a patch until it clears. The doctors said I should be able to continue regular activity by January. If things have calmed down in Haiti at that time, I plan to return then.

Posted on November 26, 2019 .