Students gain practical experience in India

We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey our greetings, gratitude and thanks to each one of the prayer partners and supporters of Bear Valley Bible Institute, in Tiurpati, A. P. State in India.

According to the BVBI-instruction soon after two months period of class work the students need to be sent out for the one month practical work. Therefore all the students of Bear Valley Bible Institute at Tirupati have been sent out for the field work in the month of November. This one month break is so much useful and helpful for our students to work with their local congregations and with the neighboring churches and earn good  practical experience.

Our students were able to gain well experience how to organize gospel meetings, children classes, youth classes, ladies  classes, home bible studies, leadership classes, holiday bible classes, family counseling, funeral services, marriage ceremonies etc. The local churches were able encourage and nourished  by the preaching and teaching of young men whom we sent out from BVBI. The Third semester has began from December 2nd, 2019 Monday. All the students were able to submit the one month field report to the college. All teachers were able to make correction and given their paper for the second semester.

BVBI at Tirupati has conducted staff meeting and decided about the courses to teach in 3rd semester according the syllabus prescribed by the BVBI.

By partnership with Healing Hands International we are trying to established vegetable garden with innovative methods using raised beds, drip irrigation system, self making compost, building perfect fencing to prevent from the animals like cows, pigs, chickens etc., and cultivating organic healthy vegetables. Students are happy to work few hours in their leisure timings .

All the teachers are mostly preachers of different local churches and they have more than 25 years of preaching experience. We appreciate their dedication to serve in our BVBI.

Lord willing next month BVBI’s  Coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and Mr. Damon Vincent are going to visit us and teach few courses.

We thank you so much for your loving cooperation and fervent prayers for the success of the spiritual educational project (Bible College). Please keep on praying for the 3rd Semester.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar, Behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, India.

Posted on December 20, 2019 .