So much good in Cameroon!

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We hope you are doing great in all that you do. We are doing our best in all that is entrusted in our hands, but many around us are sick and we keep praying for them and helping them to go see the doctor as we have the means to do so.

Last week in Bear Valley and other things in Wotutu went on well. There is peace now in Wotutu concerning the crisis. In other areas though, there is still serious trouble. Thanks to God for Wotutu having all of our activities running smoothly.

We just started some short courses now. I am teaching “Leadership” while brother Vincent, the prison minister, is teaching “1 Corinthians.” The class “Leadership” has a lot to expose. This is the third time I am teaching the course. I am able to add more and more as I apply my personal experience as a teacher, here, director, preacher of the Wotutu congregation since its establishments some fourteen years ago, and a father to three of my own and many more under my care.

Many thanks to God for all those who helped us to get clean potable water into the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Wotutu facility. It took millions of Cameroonian francs to complete the project. That is thousands of US dollars. Because of that huge financial sacrifice, we now have water in a greater part of the village of Wotutu. All glory goes to God. Thanks to the church of Christ! Since we have the put in the new water line, the villagers no only call the church of Christ the VILLAGE CLOCK because of our early morning preaching, but they call us THE CHURCH THAT CARES ABOUT PEOPLE’S PHYSICAL NEEDS AS WELL AS SPIRITUAL. They can see the orphanage. They can see the Brightland schools which is not for profit making. They can see the church of Christ Wotutu which is very benevolent not only in June when the missionaries will come and offer free medical consultations, free Vacation Bible school for children, but even now our nurse attends to sick people in Wotutu for free and our congregation helps feed people. For many times, my car has served as an ambulance for those sick in the night or during the day. The sick may be a member of our congregation or any member of the community in need. Many families, up to eight families now, have water in their homes because of this water line that came through our school. Glory to His name.

We shall be in Yato village next week for mass evangelism. We shall not be there fully because the funeral of our brother and the head teacher will be this week and next week respectively. Our young convert died instant from food poisoning while our head teacher died from severe gastric ulcers and she had delayed to go see the doctor. She needed surgery but it was too late. Keep their families in your prayers.


Thank you very much for all you do to keep this work moving. May God bless you and repay all your efforts. Please share our report with others.

God bless you

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu   

Posted on November 12, 2019 .