Evangelism in Zambia


We bring Christian greetings from Luanshya, Zambia. Our prayers are that you are all doing well in all your endeavors. It is always a great pleasure to write and report some of the activities that the school was involved in during the month of October, 2019. We believe that the school is on course on its promise to train faithful preachers. As we come to the close of our first quarter of the second year. We expect most of our students to travel back to their respective congregations.

In our effort to preach Christ and our desire to reach central province of our mother Zambia our alumni have already laid the foundation for the gospel and doing great work in Kabwe district, Clive Kabika is a dedicated servant to preaching and is doing a good job he has also helped a thriving congregation in keeping good faith in Kapiri Mposhi district. He is now working with the youths and restored three back to the sheepfold. As our plans are underway to have our alumni back for fresher courses, we believe this will help him to be more effective. And now we have also reached Ngabwe the furthest district and fishing area of Central Province. Our current student Vinicent Simwanza, he is making head-ways in reaching out to the lost in this part of the country. In our effort to reach the young men in High schools Vincent was given opportunity to preach at Ngabwe secondary school to at least 80 pupils and the work was marvelous, since then the school staffs are looking forward to more of such preaching. There is no church of Christ in this area. The only known church of Christ is hundreds of kilometers away. We pray that with this efforts and help from God, we will soon have a new congregation in Ngabwe district.

In Luanshya many bible studies with not only the youths but elderly also have been set and we had two baptisms from such meetings. Our student Stembiso Magawa is from Eastern province of Zambia who is he doing well as he grows in the knowledge of God, this was a student when first arrived was shy to stand and now he is reading the way, in Baluba we have four converts as a result of his preaching

Hornbye Mupengu who is also an Institute representative to the students has won three souls in preaching Christ, and these young men have become very eager wanting to enroll at our Institute. Hornbye is now engaged to Memory and she has been very supportive to his studies. We will soon have them both for counseling at school in order that their Marriage is well established. With the farming skill he has acquired at school, he is making good progress to establish a farm and manage it. He is helping the congregation with bible studies and preaching and making great impact in surrounding communities.

The five congregations in Luanshya district are doing well. The students have taken turns to preach, serve on the Lord’s Supper, and lead songs in these congregations. We pray that a good transport will help the Institute to coordinate more effectively with the rest of the province. Austin Musonda and Nelson Sikazindu are regular preachers at Chibwe church of Christ where they go each Lord’s Day. They also conduct bible studies every Saturday afternoon.

While students will be on long vacation break the Institute staffs have work to do, brother Cephas will be in northern and brother Fred Kanangu will be in Luapula and brother Kennedy Mukuka will be in Muchinga province, this is due to the fact that we have been receiving calls to visit these places but due to lack of enough time and transportation we cannot be everywhere, this will help us catch wide area in short time. Please pray for our visits in these areas in the month of November.

We give special thanks to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to the partnership we have with the entire Bear Valley Bible Institute at large, may our God continue to bless all of you.

In His service,

Cephas & Fred

Posted on November 12, 2019 .