Weekend evangelism in Liberia

We remain grateful to God for all that He has been able to do for the Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia through your supports and love for His kingdom. As we look back in to the month of October, with all the challenges, we are still very grateful to report the following happenings here in Liberia.


As part of our practical requirement for the school, our students continued to progress in the weekend evangelism and house to house visitation in most part of the communities around the location of the school. Many of them continued to appreciate the field experiences as it brings to bear what is going to be expected of them in the future of their work as preachers. In total for the month of October through their efforts, six (6) person were baptized and from their report, they made 57 contacts ( People they talk to). They also restore three (3) old members.


Brother Joseph Brooks accepted our invitation and spent a week with the school teaching one of our short course for this quarter ( The Prison Epistles). Brother Brooks is the pulpit minister of the Forehouses Church of Christ in Bechannan City, Grand Bassa County. During his stay, he led the students in to three days fast and prayer, something many of them haven't done before and at the end, many of them appreciated the experience. We appreciate his good work done with the students.


As part of the efforts by the grace of God to reach many lost souls with the Gospel of Christ, the school has scheduled to undertake another extra campaign in Saclepea City, Nimba. Saclepea is one of the major city in Nimba county with an estimated population of about 46.000 inhabitants and without the Lord's church. Through the Radio preaching program, many people who have been following the preaching from Saclepea have been calling for the establishment of the church of Christ there. Over four months ago, we promised them that we were going to come to Saclepea. The date has been set for November 11-17. Please keep us in prayer for the success of this program.


We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible school here in Liberia. My are sincerely thankful for every dollar you will sacrifice for the sake of Christ in Ganta. Thank you very much.

Your brother and co-worker in the lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr

Posted on November 26, 2019 .