26 baptisms in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for October 2019

To you, our supporters, well-wishers and to those of you who have interest to know what we do here at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible school, greetings!

The month of October has ended and though half of it was part of our 3rd quarter break a few interesting things did occur and we are glad to share such things with you. On the over all, it was another month of success both in the classroom and on the field of evangelism where the reactions were not only challenging, but dramatically interesting. On the other hand a thousand dollar donation was made to us to be used where needed in the work. Follow with me for the details outlined below.

Classroom: From our third quarter break, classes were resumed on the 14th October and we completed 2 courses – Christian Ethics and The Book of Revelation. The results were good for the 16 students left on roll. No other event was special.

Evangelism: During the 2 weeks of our evangelism, we visited 3 of the villages where the church is already planted with the aim to strengthen the new converts and to win additional souls. By His grace, the efforts resulted to 10 conversions 2 of which are in the congregation at the school premises. There was another village where we visited and evangelized and there was a good turn up to hear the gospel, but no conversions even though hopes were raised for another visit.

Campaign: Besides the regular campaigns which are on a quarterly basis, Steven, our West Africa Coordinator financed an extra campaign with the sum of $525.00 since September.

We visited and worked in 2 different villages in 7 days – 4 and 3 and converted 16 souls – 10 and 6 in Koundou-toh and Kolifa Ouende respectively.

In the latter, we found 2 members of the Lord’s church one of them was part of the 87 persons, a whole Pentecostal denomination converted in August 1995 in the town of Nongoa where the Lord had brought me (as a refugee) to plant the church and train men to help 2 years earlier.

What was really interesting in Kolifa was the dramatic challenge from 2 forces: A certain young woman was touched by the word and decided for an immediate baptism. The husband, a New Apostolic denomination leader and chief of the village who himself admitted “the message is true” would not allow his wife to make the change. It was a hot debate between them on the question of whether the woman remain his wife and stay in the NA church or accept the baptism and lose the marriage.  Since he was not directly against us or the message, we intervened to help him understand the importance of obeying the truth that “now, today is the day of salvation” (2Cor 6:2) and the danger of becoming a stumbling block. Yet he would not still accept, but the woman was adamant even to the risk of losing the marriage and was urging us to baptize her. After additional effort to plead with the man we accepted the woman’s desire and baptized her. The man made further threats and refused the wife from worshiping with the church. We have since made follow-up visits and seen that no divorce took place, but sister Tewa Leno is in a very sad mood for not being allowed to worship with her brethren. She needs our prayers and encouragement!

The other challenge was from another elderly man, a Muslim who resisted 2 other women, his relatives from accepting Christ because as he put it “this mosque that I am building here is for them!” Consequently, none of them accepted the Lord. We hope God will grant them another opportunity that will be accepted.

A Special Aid: A $1,000.00 check was cashed and forwarded to me for “church building construction work or needed equipment” by brother Ken Stanley of the Florida, Niceville church. The funds were from donations by members of the 9th Ave church of Christ, Alabama for a signed book of Poems written by sister Teas (the mother), in memory of her son, Randy Green, a great World Bible School teacher who has passed on. Randy was the main evangelist though at distance for the planting of the church of Christ in Bomi Hills, Turgmanburg, Liberia through WBS program some 30 years back when we did coursed with him. The funds will be used in one of the areas indicated above. Our appreciations to the sister and the 9th Ave church as a whole.

Conclusion: We are closer to completing the course requirement for the present class. The work on the field of evangelism is tedious, but the results keep us encouraged. A total of 26 persons were baptized this October. The Lord is to be praised for enabling you to support and encourage us in this work. Our appreciations to you all.                                                 

A few photos are attached.     


Posted on December 20, 2019 .