Successful alumni evangelism campaign in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni

Malawi – November 2019 Report


Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni in Malawi is dedicated in the work of training faithful men to be preachers who can take the same saving message the apostles taught to other people – 2 Timothy 2:2. We always understand that the gospel should be shared; therefore we make sure we train as many capable men to be good vessels who can be used to carry the gospel to other people. We have this opportunity to train men since 2015.

November has been a busy month of the year and a lot have been achieved. In this report, we will be giving you a feedback of the trip Brother Ephron had and also the interviews Brother Clergynton conducted for our 2020/2021 class. We also had to visit an area called “Tumbwe” – Kasungu the central region of Malawi, where we called some of the students we trained in 2016-2019. We thought sometimes it is not good to just train men and let them go after graduation without following them up to check if they are continuing doing what they have been entrusted. We were encouraged to see the fire burning in them. We conducted a 2 days campaign and the result is outstanding.

Gweru – Zimbabwe

It was in 2017 when brother Donnie suggested that the directors of the three schools in central African have the time visiting each other at lest once in a year. Brother Matthew Muchingami visited Malawi school in June and he taught the book of Revelation. This is the time when we agreed that Ephron will also visit Gweru – Zimbabwe to teach Pastoral Epistles. We want to thank Brother Donnie for helping Ephron with the bus far to travel to Zimbabwe school and back. It was great to see the work our sister school is doing. They are doing a good job. They have good students and lot of congregations are using this opportunity for evangelism work as they call the school to help. Ephron spent one week teaching the Pastoral Epistles and came back encouraged for what the brothers are doing at the school in Zimbabwe. We pray that God will keep blessing the families of our fellow soldiers there for the good work they are doing in the Lord’s kingdom.

2020/2021 intake

Very amazing turn up! We received 40+ application forms from the applicants while we only needed to pick 20. The interviews were conducted in all the regions of Malawi and about 45 men came for the interviews. We have chosen 20, who will be coming to the school in February, 2020. The classes will begin in the second week of February, which will be the 10th of February, 2020. All the preparations are done.

Gospel campaign at Tumbwe – Kasungu (Central Malawi)

After the graduation in September this year, we decided that we start following up the students we have been training since 2015. This year we thought to start with central region of Malawi and great results have been seen in just two days of the meeting with the students. We went just to see how they were doing, but guess what? The students didn’t like seating and just discussing about what they are doing in their congregations. We ended up going in the villages preaching the gospel and the result was very excellent. We witnessed the Lord adding to His flock 5 souls and 8 other souls restored. This means, we had a number of 13 souls saved! We are thankful to God for the students as they preach the “healthy gospel”. It is our prayer that the Almighty God will bless their families as they keep staying focused and being faithful in doing the good work. God will always bless His people – Romans 8:28.

Good news from Brother Richard Wakisa and Oscar Banda

Brother Richard Wakisa is the recent graduate from our school (BVBI – Ekwendeni Malawi). Brother Richard was once a Muslim before he became a Christian. He is such a noble vessel in the Lord’s church. Only in the month of November, he has helped 7 souls be saved, and also about 15 souls restored. He is doing a wonderful job in Karonga far North of Malawi. And also, Brother Oscar Banda is a young Christian man who is looking after the church we established before the students left in September. This congregation started with 51 people and now they are 59, in a week ago he baptized a husband and his wife (2 souls saved). We hope God will continue using these brothers’, help many come to Christ. It is only when the gospel is preached; people are called to Christ – 2 Thessalonians 2:14


In this year of 2019, we have had some challenges as we train preachers, the main challenge is “Transportation” this is very important as an institution especially when we have trips going to preaching campaigns. We have been hiring minibuses to travel to preaching campaigns but it is expensive. It would be better if we could have a van at the school. The van can be used as we take students out for preaching campaigns, taking students to hospitals if any is seriously ill and also be used to pick visiting teachers. It is our hope that God will one day remove away our challenge. God is able!

As we always say; on our own we could not reach where we are without the support the Bear Valley Bible Institute International are giving us. We thank God for you! As the door is widely open for the gospel to be preached and train as many people as we can to be faithful gospel preachers, your involvement is still needed. We pray that God will keep blessing your family for the support you give us and the school. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your fellow soldiers of Christ,

Ephron & Clergynton

Posted on December 20, 2019 .