Agriculture seminar in Tamale


The month October has also come to an end with many fruitful activities. We ascend our gratitude to the highest God for His diverse favor and blessings He continues to bestow on us through nature and providential act. It is our plea and prayer that He forever strengthening and incubates you for your consistency.       


As usual, students have gone home for three weeks break to visit their Churches, members and families, they also use the opportunity to see to the progress of their farm work as farming is the common occupation in the three Northern regions. This helps those who are responsible to provide food at home to make their dependence feel at home. We are proud of these energetic and hardworking guys in the Lord’s Church. We adjure you to support us as we pray for the successful return of these brothers to continue their last academic work for the year 2019.


The following courses were taught and class work and tests conducted respectively by brothers: Albert Malir Tamanja, Life of Christ II; Daniel Adjei Mensah, Prison Epistles; James Legend, Gospel of John and Albert Malir Tamanja, 1 Corinthians.


We really thank almighty God for the sound protection and success in our entire administrative endeavor. The month October was occupied with many activities: food production and processing, rural water project for Church of Christ and Northern regions women annual fellowship, all hosted at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale, Ghana. Brother Ebeneezer the manager of food production and processing with the coordinator for Bear Valley Bible School Kojo Acquah Beenyi in Ghana arrived on 14th /10/2019 to help us prepare the land and also get necessary equipment and materials for the training. The participants reported on 16th /10/2019 and the next day the training on drip irrigation commenced and lasted for two days. The training was very comprehensive as whatever that was taught theory was practicalized on the already prepared land. Beds preparation, Compost manure preparation, Basic management and equipment were given and demonstrated as five groups were obliged to prepare beds as practical. The training was ended with certificates given to the participants total to 75 as attendance is concern.  The rural water project team with Brother Nathaniel and some brothers from America came to do visibility at the school and were welcomed by Kojo Acquah Beenyi and Ebeneezer.

They confirmed that the school was worthy to have a well drilled. The next day the experts for water location came and searched and discovered that there was water. To be sure another expert was sent with different technology and also reconfirmed that there was water and even foretold the level to get it. The borehole was drilled in the next moment and fixed with hand pump; hence, Tamale school is now having water for drinking and domestic purposes. The water is also to be used for irrigation purposes to grow vegetables and other crops for the students.


The three Northern regions women’s seminar was held at Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies on 24th /10/2019, the seminar longed for three days. First day was fasting and prayers giving thanks to God for His protection and care for their families, alongside with teaching on the


In the evening session there was a play on ten virgins {five wise & five fool} waiting for the bridegroom by west and east churches of Christ to demonstrate how Christian woman ought to prepare for Christ’s return. The next day Saturday, there were many activities: ‘The role Christian women have to play at their home and in the church’. The evening session was used for cultural drama{interlude} by Konkombas and Dagombas to demonstrate love and peace they enjoy through Christ . Sunday was a joint service by all the churches of Christ in Tamale with speakers invited from Upper West and East, brothers Atim from Tumu led in Bible studies and George Dassah for east church led in sermon and the preacher for Bolga led in Lord Supper and giving. The attendance was 357 and collection GH¢2,260.20. Most of the participants went home that Sunday and others on Monday the next day. We by this writings extend our word of appreciation to every hand that contributes to the fulfillment of these dreams to grow from grace to grace in Christ’s name.

Posted on November 12, 2019 .