Guest instructor in Accra


Glory be to God for marvelously blessing us throughout the vacation and reopening. His love had made us who we are today. Praise be unto Him forever.

The school vacated after the very campaign in Tamale on September, 2019. All the students dismissed at the end of the programme when we journey back to Accra. We were pleased with the Lord for the strength and the happiness put in our heart after a massive conversion.

Vacation Activities

During the vacation period, some of the students who remained in the school for a reason of long journey home, devoted themselves to work on the school land. This work was to spray the weeds and to tend the crops therein.

Some of the students participated in the house-to-house campaign activities in Nkawkaw in the eastern part of Ghana and some souls were won to the Lord during the holidays.

Degree Programme

Per the school’s academic calendar, 25th October, 2019, the under graduate students met with Steven Ashcraft to offer the course on Greek. The students appreciated it so much though there were minor challenges comprehending the subject as it is their first time studying such course. The class has arranged another meeting for further study and understanding of the course.


School reopened on 20th October, 2019 by the Grace of God, and we had all the students and staff present. This is the last quarter of the school’s year 2019, which finalizes the completion of our 3rd batch students, hence their graduation. This period, they are studying the courses 1,2,3 John and Jude, Logics and the Bible, Christian Ethics, Revelation, Congregational Development, and the Preacher and His Work, Computer Studies and Communication Skills.

Instructors for these courses were Emmanuel Odeng Larbi, Kojo Acquah Beenyi, Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah, Kwabena Gyan-Mante, Samuel Sasu Ntim, George Osafo and Shadrack Oppong Sika

Staff Meeting

The staff and the administration had met on discussing the Lectureship, Graduation and Matriculation activities which is to come off on 17th and 18th of April, 2020. The idea for the lectureship, was to invite our brother, Gary Fallis and one Ghanaian brother for the teachings.

Also, some of the students, who’s results were not meeting the Bear Valley Academic requirements for graduation, where encouraged to re-write before they are announced disqualified. 

New Admission

In the previous and current staff meetings, were discussed the advertisement of new students in June, 2019. The majority of the members, specifically, men of the churches, have expressed their interest to get admitted into the full-time programme. These men are with application forms and on the process of completing them. Regularly, the administration gets in touch with them for the submission and interview by the end of December, 2019.

Our Student on field

Sah Yaw David was once a student at the Dobro school, a second batch student who was sent to the school by the mother. Formally, the mother teaches him in the home on how to lead the worship of the church. When he does mistakes, she corrects him after the worship, until she heard of the school. Having successfully completed a two-year programme, now preaches for the church of Christ in Sampa, northern part of Ghana. We always hear from him and the church as they do well in the Lord. It is our prayer and expectation that we get all these interested men for the full-time programme.

As it is our custom, Pray with us always.

Posted on November 26, 2019 .