Graduation in Nepal

Nepal Center for Biblical Study

September - October 2019

Respected brothers in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you. I am extremely sorry for late report.

Our  classes

We had a question, answers and discussion classes in the month of September. We gave our students to prepare and present their sermons and lessons. They did well in the class. Some of other miscellaneous lessons were presented by Arun and Gajendra for students which will be useful for their local ministry and evangelism. We too had some written exam for them.

Local evangelism

Whenever we had opportunities we are always visiting different local congregations for congregational fellowship. Some time our male students got opportunity to lead songs, preach and present lessons to the congregations. Most of our ladies students do teaching to other women in the congregations of Kathmandu valley.

We had combined Bible study and ladies classes twice in the month. We are trying to encourage and extend our fellowship hand with other congregations.


We did two days of lectureship at the NCBS building. Around 70 leaders, graduated students including their family members were participated. We had chosen central theme from 1 Corinthians 9:16 for that lectureship. We had 14 lessons for two days. Our graduated students and preachers from different congregations presented their lessons based on our theme. It was encouraging time for all people.

Eight students were graduated in this year. Two students were male and six students were female. They will be big help for their local ministry in their congregations. Please kindly remember them in your prayer.

October holiday

We had planned to do Gospel campaign during our holiday camp. Soon after graduation ceremony all of our graduated students went their family. Due to viral of dengue fever two of our lady students became of victims of dengue viral disease. It was taken them long time to recover. Our graduated students suggested us not make any campaign in dengue affected areas. So, we didn't take any risk of that. But also, we visited six different congregations of India and eastern part of Nepal. One soul was baptized in those congregational visits. I had given fifteen different lessons during churches visits.

Voice of Truth International

We had printed out our third volume of the voice of truth international in Nepali edition. This is one of the gospel tools to spread out to the people. We thank Brother Jerry and Sister Paula Bates for their financially assistance in printing.

Thank you all of your prayer, love, suggestions and guidance.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar

Posted on November 26, 2019 .