Advancing in Sierra Leone



January is beginning month of every year was peaceful with Bear Valley Bible Institute. Firstly we thank God for seeing us through 2019. We are so grateful for His guardians and good health he extended to all of us. God is so good. We are looking at 2020 to be a year of changes in terms of achievement and progress in general.


We received 14 students at the beginning of January, along the course, one student fall sick and he was admitted at the Government Hospital for a week. Management could not continue to keep him in the campus after he was discharge as his health issue became challenging to our budget. There was no alternative but to drop him off the academic batch.  

The Institute is remaining with 13 students for the continuation of the academic year. In this quarter the following courses are on schedule with readily available lecturers. The following Brothers charge with the responsibilities to teach the following: The book of 1st & 2nd Thessalonians - Bro. Alfred Koyama; The book of 1st Corinthians – Bro. Joseph G. Bassie;  The Book of Galatians – The book of Kings  - Bro. A. B. Lansana 


Friends our God still listen and hear our petitions every day. We have been praying specifically for two things to happen.

1.    Replacement of our old generator in the school. Management has been battling with repairs of the old generator nearly every week. One unfortunate day it finally gives up and went into blaze. What brought the fire was unknown. We channel our problems to God Almighty for His provision of a better replacement. We went into hiring to keep the school in operation while we wait upon the Lord.

God accepted our request through USA Bear Valley Management who provided the funds needed to buy a Diesel type generator of 7KVA. The cost was $2,000 (Two Thousand United State Dollars).

2.   Water was another essential need we have been praying for. Again God moves in a mysterious ways. Healing Hands International Inc. became our second need solving machinery through the effort of  Brother Steven Ashcraft who became our advocator and forerunner for the provinsion of clean drinking water. We give thanks to Brother Joseph Smith  of Healing Hands who is the Vice President of Operation, for his timely approval and making the funds available. The hand drill well will serve our school, the community and for the purpose of our upcoming Agriculture development.

The drilling has commenced and will be completed by early April 2020, the contractor told me.

Along the achievement we are proud to let you know that Solar system worth $450 has been installed in the school premises donated by two Christian Brothers. They ask that we should not mention their names out. May God continue to provide for them and their families; these are all good news for the hearing of many. The light problem in the compound has been totally put to rest. God is good.


Evangelism is our next face of challenges. Our hands are lifted up to God for us to get a breakthrough. In our prayers of agreement we know that our God will do it again as He has done for the Light and Water provision.


Challenges are everywhere and in every aspect of life we meet or come across challenges so it is with Bear Valley Bible school in Kenema. Basic commodities in the cost of living are a serious challenge to make ends meet. To sleep and wakeup in the morning is every living soul’s desires, surprisingly, the prices of basic commodities changes over night. The poor who are in the majority in Sierra Leone are left in the mercies of God Almighty. Let us pray for one another for the intervention of God for His people and above all for our donors at Bear Valley. With God all Things are possible.


In conclusion, we remain pledging our commitment in doing what we are doing for the furtherance of the Gospel. We thank all those who are putting efforts in the building of God’s soldiers for His Kingdom. May they found favor in the sight of God for Christ sake…. Amen.

Keep us in your prayers and we always do for all.

Yours in Him

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Sierra Leone

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Classes resume in Tamale

Tamale 1.jpg




We are grateful to God for the many things He has performed via you in our lives and in the lives of others in Ghana. Your support to the Bear Valley Bible colleges in Africa is highly appreciated, we pray that you succeed in whatever you endeavor to do for the living and even all your plans for this year for the Lord’s work to progress.


Fourteen students have healthily resumed to school to continue with their studies. We really appreciate God for the absolute protection He continues to grant the in and out movement.


Classes are in progress with two courses taught by Brothers Daniel Adjei Mensah, Book of Hebrews and Albert Malir Tamanja, Life of Christ 3. Church History is in session with brother James Legend Bisong. The remaining three courses for the term would be handled by the respective short course instructors of the school.


The administration is displaying its effort in every course to bring more strategies in order to win the attention of the prospects to keep the school and the Church on its course. The irrigation activities are ongoing although there is water crisis but the drilled “well” is supplementing the city water. The public rely solely on this well as their only source of water for drinking and domestic purposes.

We are also working tirelessly for students for next batch recruitment for 2021/2022 academic year, our communication with prospects is intact and we wish to embark on visitations so that we can reach some of these prospective brothers to also have access to the forms.

 Peace and joy of God rest upon us all

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

New students in Accra



 Praise be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has made us workers of His field to His glory.

The work has been fruitful for the past year. The third batch 2018/2019 having completed their courses, awaiting their graduation. The school resumed 13th January, 2020 to begin new curriculum for the first quarter. As usual, this quarter will be studying Hermeneutics 1, How We Got the Bible, Scheme of Redemption, Old Testament 1, Personal Evangelism 1, 1&2 Thessalonians, ICT 1 and English 1. All instructors are taking part in the teaching of these courses.


Hopefully, there have been much circulation and advertisement of the admission forms and time to time visiting the churches and following up for more students. Currently, 7 students have been interviewed and admitted now. In total we have 7 students studying now.


Interview and orientation were organized on 13th and 20th where all the students were present for the activity. Students were introduced about the school, her purpose for the training, and rules and regulations needed to be complied.


Currently, classes have begun on studying all the various courses for the quarter.


Just 27th January to 2nd February, a public preaching was organized by Sammy and the current students to preach at a town called Okanta in the Eastern Region of Ghana, no baptisms were recorded.


On January 10th the degree programme was organized and the students were taught Congregational Development 1 by E. O. Larbi. A number of 16 students out of 20 reported for the class.

As our wish is to train men for the truth, we immensely need your support in pray.

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Appreciating Arusha partners

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

The past few weeks have been extremely eventful in our lives.  My daughter, Abby, accompanied me on a road trip across Tanzania.  Along with Phillip, Isaac, and Selena, we were able to visit 13 church meeting places and meet with representatives of 22 congregations.  Even though it required about 56 exhausting hours in the truck, it was a great blessing to visit with these brethren.  I had never been to most of these locations, so it was good for me to see their environments and hear about their needs and challenges.  It also gave us the chance to discuss some important plans and strategies for the future of these congregations.  These brethren received us enthusiastically.  One even described it as his "dream come true" that we had visited.  This speaks to their desire to feel like they are connected to the larger body of Christ rather than being isolated and unnoticed.  
Abby had prepared children's bible school kits with a binder of material and some school supplies donated by the South Green Street Church of Christ.  At each stop, she gave the kits to the local teachers and provided training in how to use the material.  On several occasions, she was also able to demonstrate with the children of the congregation assembled for a special class.  One teacher remarked, "I have been desperately searching for aids for bible class, and God has answered my prayers."  

We got back to the USA just in time to head to Henderson, TN to represent Tanzania Missions at the Freed-Hardeman Lectures.  It was a great week of networking and Bible study.  It is encouraging to know that even in this wicked world, there are so many wonderful works going on! 

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Continued success in Zimbabwe


2019 has come and gone and the coming of  a new year (2020) brings with it expectations of better things in our effort to do our part in the Kingdom.  As an institution, we look back  and cherish  the lessons learnt in 2019 and the previous years with a mind to maximise on our strengths and turn the shortcomings into lessons we can learn. But by and large, classes resumed on the 14th of January. Activities at BVBIZ have, therefore,  started in earnest as is reported hereunder.


Most of our students did not go to rest during their December –January break. They were active in churches. In fact, more than half of the students offered to be attached to certain congregations during this period. These congregations include Redcliff, Buchwa, Dzivarasekwa Extension, Stanhope, Jowo  and Sharara. Much appreciation goes to them as they provided an opportunity for students to put into practice what they are learning and for the accommodation, food and transport money they provided.


The following activities will be taking place in terms of evangelism this term;

Weekend evangelism

This component shall continue this term. Students will be available to do evangelism on Saturday and worship with the congregation on Sunday. Congregations who wish to benefit from this offer can contact the school.


There shall be campaigns this term. Places that shall benefit are Siqaba, Mambo, Norton and Binga. Congregations that are to benefit will provide accommodation and food for the food.  


The present class shall go on a six-month attachment from April to September. Currently, the number of requests from congregations has exceeded the number of students we currently have. More congregations have also expressed their desire though they have not formally communicated with the school. A decision shall be made and communicated to the few congregations that shall benefit.


The following subjects are being taught this term;



Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics

Minor Prophets

Community Development and Poverty Alleviation

Bible Geography

1 & 2 Thessalonians

Foundation of Missions


Development continues at the school’s site. All available resources are put into use so that the school moves to her permanent site. Brickwork to an ablution block which had remained stagnant since September last year has finally been completed. This block also has bathrooms attached to it.


A new class is expected to begin in May 2020. This will be the third intake. From the applications and interviews that have been made, 10 students have so far been accepted. The target is to have a minimum of 15.


We praise God for what he continues to do through every one of you in His kingdom. May God continue to bless you all. To Him be the glory!

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Enjoying relative peace in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Our students in BVBIC-Wotutu were also in different locations spreading

the message of Jesus and His church. As I write this report, we are all back on campus safe and sound. Thanks for the fervent prayers, as it is not easy to travel to some parts of Cameroon now because of the insecurity. But we thank God for Wotutu, as we are having some relative peace here.

Our weekend evangelism is on in the midst of crisis in many other locations. Our students are breaking the odds to preach the gospel anywhere at any time though. Our school identification and their mode of dressing are helping differentiate them from the AMBA fighters. This helps keep them safer in the crisis zones. Keep your prayers to God on our behalf daily.

Young men within the west coast of Cameroon are obeying the truth. They need more nurturing. They are zealous and are happy that one day they will come to the school of preaching. So, if these young men are being added to the church weekly, it shows the future of the church in that area is good. Please pray for them and help us to be able to help the work there.


We plan to do more evangelism in different virgin locations.


May God bless you daily as we thank you daily for the work you are doing here with us. Your prayers and support are making things possible. Please keep on! In due season you will reap! Please share our report with others.

God bless you. Till next week!

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu   

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Lectureship in Liberia

Greetings Brethren,

It has been a great privileged and blessings to be part of God workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom here in this part of the world. We are so very grateful for this opportunity to serve. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their willing sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well.


Annually in December , the Ministers and Leaders of the Lord's church across Nimba County gathered at a local congregations to encourage and strengthen ourselves in the faith. In these meetings, lessons are taught to help ministers and leaders to stay with the one truth gospel no matter what come their way. House to house evangelism is also done to strengthen the host congregation in winning new souls to Christ and hopefully restoring backsliding brethren. This year's Lectureship was held by the Bahn Church of Christ in Bahn City, Nimba County from December 10th-15th . Lessons taught included the following:

  1. Church Growth

  2. Sacrificial Giving

  3. Person Evangelism

  4. The Difference Between The O.T and the N.T

  5. Worship and The Worship Leader

  6. Christians Dress Code

  7. Church History

  8. Baptism

  9. Officiating Weddings and Funirals Ceremonies

  10. Gorup Discussion on The Way ahead for the church

    in this region

In view of the above, we saw this again as another opportunity to expose our students ministers and get them acquainted with other congregations in Nimba county and their leadership. This truly was a great experience and blessing for my students


During the campaign and house to house evangelism part of the program in Bahn, we carried out three nights of public preaching and one broad day public preaching at the most populated round about area in the city of Bahn and huge number of people came to listen to the truth. The mornings hours of our six (6) days stayed was used for house to house evangelism whiles the afternoon hours was used for the indoor discussions in the church. This finally resulted in twenty eight (28) baptism and sixty seven restored at the end of the program in Bahn. My were 357 in worship that Sunday.

Our students were given the opportunities to lead all the devotions during our stayed, handled all the baptism and led every three men team that went out for the house to house evangelism and come back to make reports during the indoor discussions in the church during the afternoon hours. They learned a lot.

We came back to Ganta safely by His special grace and the student left for the Christmas vacation on the 22nd of December after writing their final exam for the 4th quarter.


We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible school here in Liberia. We are sincerely thankful for every dollar you continued to sacrifice for the sake of Christ in Ganta Liberia. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful holiday and a happy New year...

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-l

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Busy in Ibadan

Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you from God our Father and from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

Here are report of some of our activities  for the month January 2020


1.  Second Semester Classes Concluded.

2. Weekend Evangelism

3.Bro.Bill Pennell visit to BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN

4. 18th Annual Leadership Seminar.

5. Three days Gospel Camp in Ajia, Ona-Ara L.G.A. Oyo State.

All subjects, tests and quizzes for this 2nd Semester came to an end on Friday, January 24th,2020 while Saturday was used in preparation for our 18th Annual Leadership Seminar. Third Semester classes will begin Lord's willing on March 2nd ,2020.

With the help of the Lord and supports from our American brethren, we were able to evangelize Butubutu, Akinwande, Arikusa,Panu,Eletu,Ajia,Egbeda and Asejire-Osun State on January 11&18. Bro. Andrew Adeolu led the first group that evangelized Butubutu and environment, Bro. Kayode Solomon Eniafe led the group that evangelized Asejire-Osun State while Bro.Dele Shotola and myself piloted the group that evangelized Ajia and Egbeda towns. Though there is no converts but a family of six was restored in Egbeda town. TO GOD BE THE GLORY AND HONOUR.

One of our majestic visitors and our long-term supporter, Bro.Bill Pennell visited the city of Ibadan on January 20 through 22. During the brief visit,he met with the staffs and students of both the ministerial and secular schools. He inspected some of the facilities in the sçhools and advised us on how to grow the schools.

This year's leadership seminar held at Bro.Doug Wheeler's Events Center in Butubutu village was graced by 135 brethren from Oyo,Osun,Ogun,Ondo, Kwara, Kogi, Lagos, Cross River, and Abia States. Over 10,000 of our local tracts and Mission Printing International booklets were freely distributed and packages of leftovers of VOTI Volumes  99,100 & 102 , BVBIN AND SWSE Calendar 2020 and books by Bro.John Waddey were also shared to churches represented.The Lord add two souls to His Church on day one of the program.
Bro. Chad Wagner who is our guest speaker spoke on The Church and Her Leaders ,Vision in Local Evangelism and Vision in World Evangelism and I spoke on Leadership & Church growth and The kind of Leaders God wants.

With the last month of the year 2019 support from Bro.Chad Wagner and associate, we were able to organize the first gospel camp for our students and staffs in Ajia town from evening of January 29 through February 1,2020.
Brethren went out from 9:00am after the break fast in two-by-two /house-to-house Evangelism and returned to the rented house by 1:30pm for lunch. By 4:00pm ,we set for Open Air Bible Lectureship at an open space near our brother, Agunbiade ID carpentry Workshop, Ajia -Amuloko Road,and by 7:00pm we closed for the day.

The SWKA pupils opened for the 2nd term classes on Monday, January 6,2020 .The school is growing gradually even though, the Oyo State Government are now running a free education system in the State and many of the parents here preferred the Government Schools ,most especially those that are not beneficiaries of the scholarships provided for the children of the less privileged by Blacklick Congregation, Bro. Mike and Sister Joyce Davila and Sister Cherry Lloyd. We hired the services of three University graduates as part-time teachers to increased the efforts of our five full-time teachers in the Kiddies Academy on January 2020.

Bro. Umoh Sunday is one of our year-2 students. A native of Ibiono in Akwa-Ibom State. Born 28 years ago. He is the only son of his parents. His mission is to serve in this Western States of Nigeria after his ministerial training.

By His Grace, we were able to host 135 Church leaders in the just concluded 18th Annual Leadership Seminar held in Butubutu village, Ibadan ,Oyo State from evening of January 26 through 29. All participants were fed and transportation fare giving to all our Nigerian speakers. And 1,000 copies of the seminar materials produced.

This year's Great Workshop for Evangelists / WBSFUW in Southern States of Nigeria is coming up first time in Abuja between February 5-9,2020 .The BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN will be represented by six of her instructors and a student.

CONCLUSION : We are deeply appreciative of your partnership and support for the Lord's work in Africa, Nigeria in particular. May you be continuously blessed in Christ Jesus, amen.
I remain yours in His Grace as a servant,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

(The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan)

Posted on February 24, 2020 .

Awesome in Accra




We are most grateful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for this establishment in Nsawam. We extend our greetings and appreciation to all the brethren for their marvelous contribution. They will never be forgotten in the blessings of God and our prayers. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with them.

Relocation successful

The Nsawam School formally situated at Sarpeiman in the residence of Guidelite Literature Center- Accra, which was given out by bro. Seth Osae Larbi for the commencement of the school. This was as a result of the unfinished room in Nsawam.

We are happy finally that the place is fully prepared with wash room, water and tank. Though, the W/C is not fully completed for students convenient however, a public use which is good has been recommended for their use. This being a challenging, Sammy has met with the church once again and it is in the progress of fixing it.

The students have been moved to further their programme. We can now boast of this school being established here. Though, there were minor complains on the movement by some students due to the proximity from the city. Yet, the director and the administration have explained to their understanding of the situation.

Class Activities

Lesson taught in October was Divorce and Remarriage by brother Emmanuel Odeng Larbi, which was successfully completed. In November, a group study was conducted by bro. E.O. Larbi on this course.

The next courses were Preacher and His Work and Congregational Development by Kojo. This time Kojo combined the final year and the Nsawam school on the study of these courses. All the students were present, 15 instead of 16 and 24 instead of 25. Those who were absent were on trips outside home.

Number of students

Currently, 13 students are on the roll preparing to be graduated out of 16 students for the Final year. Number of students meeting for Nsawam School are 25 but one of them is a police man who has traveled yet studying online with the students. Courses in PDF/word are sent to him.


The director has designed an evangelical programme for this school. This programme contains weekly schedule for dawn preaching on information center for those who will pass the night for the next day. End of six-month campaign, and students visiting the churches for practical assessment.

Currently, we embarked on house-to-house and open-air evangelism at Adoagyiri community. This exercise started 22 and 23 November and ended on 6 and 7 December, 2019. There were no baptisms recorded.

Observation after campaign

During the campaign, we observed that the people were receptive but the issue of baptism were challenging when they heard immersion once instead of three times.

The directors are planning to continually visit and teach them. Also, all the prospect contacts have been written down and some given to the church for follow up.


The students of Nsawam School have donated an Air Conditioner for their class upon realizing the amount of heat generated during the classes period.

Student’s Profile

Wisdom Kwasi Yirenkyi is one of the Nsawam School student. He is a professional teacher and has married to Asare Elizabeth and are blessed with five children. This is his third year since he started the school. He has been punctual in classes. Our brother preaches for Asuom Church of Christ. The members of this congregation are with the average attendance of 51 without children. This year 2019, baptisms of 16 were recorded.

As part of the church management, he has been working with bro. Osae Larbi’s evangelical team every three month. Recently, they embarked on campaign at the villages of Awerensua and Coalta in the Eastern Region. During these campaigns some baptisms were recorded.

In conclusion, we are much grateful to the Lord and the brethren. Our hope is that the Lord guide us through all the activities ahead of us in the next year, 2020 with more baptisms.

Always pray with us.

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

Encouraging news from Takoradi


Dear Brethren,

We thank God the almighty for getting all of us this far. It is by the grace of God we are what we are (1Cor. 15: 10). “Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever” (Ps. 106: 1). We also thank you our sponsors for the love you have for God which has been extended to us in the other part of the globe. May God bless you for all you do; it is our fervent prayer that you will continue to be our fellow workers in the vineyard of God. May God keep all of us safe in this New Year, Amen!

1.     Classroom Work

Classes continued for both the regular and part-time students until the 20th of the month when we gave them recess for the Christmas holidays.

2.     Personal Evangelism

One of the village congregations, Abott church of Christ brought the school a letter requesting our students to go and help them in a one-day house to house evangelism. So, on Friday, December 6, which was a national holiday, the regular students were sent to the village under the oversight of one instructor, Brother Nathaniel Brobbey to help in personal evangelism. One (1) baptism was realized.

Also, the students busily continued to study with their prospects in their various towns and villages, after they were given break, and so far, one (1) soul has been baptized.

3.     Campaign For Christ

The church of Christ at Mpintsin where brother Joshua Aidoo preaches, organized a gospel campaign for Christ which happens to be the congregation’s annual program. More than thirty (30) gospel preachers, made up of West Coast School of preaching’s past students joined this program. There was intensive house to house evangelism, and night preaching as well. The night preaching was broadcasted live on two of the radio stations here in our city, while it was also streamed live on Facebook. This program resulted to nine (9) baptisms.

4.     Baptism

Eleven (11) baptisms were recorded through our efforts in the month of December.


During the school’s recess, brother Joshua Aidoo has been engaged with speaking schedules in annual lectureships among some congregations in the Western Region.

Thank you for assisting us carry out our duties to the Lord. God bless you.

For the Master.

Joshua Aidoo.

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

Year end review in Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I hope that the holiday season was enjoyable for you, and that you are ready to take on the new year!  This is a good time to offer you a quick review of some of the highlights of the last year for Tanzania Missions.  


In 2019... 

  • The Andrew Connelly School of Preaching had 30 undergraduate students. 

  • 20 students successfully completed their bachelor's degrees

  • 2 students earned a master's degree

  • 5 campaigns were conducted in the Arusha area

  • 216 lost souls were baptized for the remission of their sins 

  • 167 erring souls were restored

  • 1,149 bible studies were conducted

  • 3 whole congregations were restored

  • 2 camps were hosted at ACSOP (Future Preacher Training Camp & Tanzania Christian Camp)

The camps take place each December.  There were 44 students at this year's Future Preacher Training Camp.  They were taught how to lead in worship services, conduct Bible studies, and other Christian leadership skills.

Tanzania Christian Camp has a more traditional youth camp format.  TCC had 127 campers this year, and 16 of them were baptized during the week! 

As you can see, the Lord has been at work in powerful ways in East Africa.  Thank you for your encouragement and support during 2019.  Join with me in praying for an even better 2020 for the Lord's work in Tanzania.

One great need that we have for this year is for more monthly supporters.  Could you add Tanzania Missions to your monthly budget if it isn't already a part?  Do you have anyone that you could recommend the work to?  Let me know!  

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

An outstanding year in Gweru!



The month of December was without much activity since the school went on break on the 4th of December. However, we had other activities that lightened up the month. Some of these will be highlighted below.


As the last month of the year, we reflect and thank God who has brought us this far. We also thank those who have financially, materially and spiritually contributed to our needs in 2019, both locally and internationally. Our most profound appreciations goes to Bear Valley Bible Institute International and Woodland Oaks church of Christ for the financial, moral and spiritual support rendered to BVBIZ.

We also want to thank our local partners. Many congregations and individuals have embraced BVBIZ whilst some congregations, individuals and families have, even in a small way, contributed something to the school, both material and financially. Furthermore, there are some people whose names have never appeared in our reports but have been very strong behind the scenes. Brothers and sisters, thank you?

Appreciation also goes to all congregations that benefited from the various practical programs that were done. These have met accommodation and food costs for our students.  Some of these congregations have, at times, also met the transport costs. Appreciation also goes to individuals who hosted the students during their life’s skills practicum in January. May you all be blessed accordingly.


In an attempt to produce highly competent servants of God, practical has been a major component in the school’s curriculum.

·         Weekend evangelism (every Saturday, besides leading worship in various congregations, when the school is in session, students do evangelism)

·         Field program (this took place from the 22nd June to 8th of September). The 12 week program took place at Mutorashanga, Sharara, Igava, Stanhope, Nketa and Redcliff.

·         One week campaign programs (at least once every term). These took place at Warren Park, Buchwa, Mkoba 4, Mkoba 12, Mazowe, Sharara and Julena

·         Holiday Preaching (some students avail themselves and forego their holidays by opting to go for a month long preaching attachment)

·         Entrepreneurship practical (Students in January undertook practicum in life skills development. Skills such as welding, piggery, horticulture, poultry amongst others were learnt. In the process, evangelism took place among fellow workers and in the community. 7 were baptised in the process).


A workshop on the life of a preacher and his work was held on the 4th of December. Brother Soul Botoman, the preacher at Westgate in Harare was the guest teacher. He shared his experiences and gave wide ranging thoughts on the work of a preacher, the preacher’s call, issues affecting the work of a preacher amongst many other related issues. This was a day well spent. In the picture below, students pause for a photo with their teacher.


On the 6th of December, we were blessed to have Dorian Flynn visiting the school. Dorian works with Partners for Africa which has done a lot of work in the church in Zimbabwe. Partners for Africa drilled a borehole for the school. Dorian had come to see the borehole and familiarise himself with the school. He also had an opportunity of planting an avocado tree on site. BVBIZ remains grateful for this gesture.


The current class is now left with one more term in their studies. From there, students shall go on a supervised six months practicum in various congregations and then graduate in October 2020. The following are the last subjects that students shall undertake;

Minor Prophets

Foundation of Missions

Preacher’s Life and Work

Geography of the Bible


Christian Ethics


Community Development and Poverty Alleviation

Research Project


It is with the most profound gratitude that God has enabled us to go through 2019. We wish you all a better and prosperous 2020 even as we all continue to labour for the cause of Christ. To God be the glory!

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

Mark Reynolds' report from Tirupati

The school in Tirupati, a large city in Andrha Pradesh, India is one of our newest schools in Asia. It is known as “The Temple City” because it is home to two of the “holiest” Hindu temples. I arrived on Saturday, January 11. The following day I preached for a combined worship service that four congregations conduct each year. There seems to be good cooperation and fellowship between the congregations in this area. 

I taught Genesis and Exodus, as well as gave detailed outlines of Numbers and Leviticus, during the week of my stay. I gave the students homework each night to gauge how well they were getting the information. I also graded their notebooks, which were all very good and well organized. The students did exceptional work. They also did very well on their final exams. In fact, this class is one of the finest I have had the privilege of teaching. The school’s director and instructors are all very knowledgeable in the word of God, and sister Kumar, the director’s wife, is a math teacher and accountant so she naturally keeps the books for the school. In fact, I believe this is the most organized school I have ever seen.

One of the difficulties many of the schools struggle with is the lack of good research material. The Bear Valley school in Denver keeps a supply of donated books that they make available for us to take with us when we make trips. I will definitely be taking some more material with me next time I go and will encourage others who visit Tirupati to do the same.

One of the students that really made an impact on me was a man by the name of John Wesley (yes, his name is John Wesley). He has been blind from birth and used to be a member of a denomination. The director of the school, Vijay Kumar, taught John the gospel a few years ago and immediately John went to work converting many of his blind friends. In fact, he converted twenty-seven men during one gospel meeting. John was not able to take notes but can read braille so he knows the Bible very well. All of his tests are given orally, and he is one of the top students. His goal upon graduating from preaching school is to continue his work with the blind.

Below are two pictures. The first is a picture of the 21 students at the school and the other is a picture of John Wesley (the one in blue) standing with me and another gospel preacher who is also blind.

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

Plans and progress in Zambia

January, 2020

Hearty greetings to you all brethren!!

We are always humbled to God who has given us the privilege to work for Him in His Kingdom. This month has been filled with sad developments and good news, on a sad note brother Fred Kanangu just lost his Mother and we had to mourn for three days until we buried. May you remember him and the rest of his family in prayers. 

On the other development the institute met with the leadership on the Copperbelt representing twenty congregations and we had a good plan for the co-ordination of the work with the Institute and the meeting went on well. We anticipate a good year and we pray that we all remain motivated for the work. The students are indeed diligent in their studies and dedicated to preaching. As a result of such work three souls have been restored back to the sheepfold at Mikomfwa and two at Chibwe. We believe that the school is on course on its pledge to train these faithful men. The courses that they are being taught this quarter are: Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John, public Speaking 2 (Practical Homiletics), Old Testament 4 (Study of the Major Prophets: Isaiah - Daniel) and the Book of James.

We will also be privileged to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach the Book of Romans as a short course. It is always great a period for us and the students to have Brother Estep. We are looking forward of having and seeing Donnie again in the last week of February, 2020. 

We are also happy to report that Brother Kennedy Mukuka, the director of recruitment  at BVBI-Zambia went on Evangelism outing in Luapula Province of Zambia. While in the area he preached from house to house that resulted in two baptisms. Through these movements we also recruit prospective students and result in restorations. We believe such efforts expands the Kingdom of God here on Earth. 

Our hearts are always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. We will pray that God will bless the work that you all are involved in as well.


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

Two guest instructors in Tirupati, India

We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey our greetings, gratitude and thanks to each one of the prayer partners and supporters of Bear Valley Bible Institute, in Tiurpati, A. P. State in India.

We are highly delighted to share with you about the success of 3rd semester of BVBI-Tirupati, India ; God has blessed our classes in the months of December and January. We are happy to report that our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds has visited on January 11th, 2020  he has been  with us for one week and completed first five books from the Old testament  (Genesis ,Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), his power point presentation was so good , each student enjoyed his each class . Each day he gave home work, memory work, checked each student’s note book  and  finally he conducted examination . We thank God for his encouragement and effective classes.

We are thankful to our director Mr.Keith Kasarjian for contacting Dr.Damon I. Vincent  from USA and sending him to teach for another week at our BVBI-Tirupati.  Bro..Damon I. Vincent   has visited on January 18th.He has been with us until January 27th , he completed wisdom literature  . We have conducted Bible Seminar at Vidyanagar on 25th and 26, 2020 from the book of Job.  Under his  leadership few Indian preachers joined with us to present excellent topics in our Bible Seminar. We invited local church leaders and BVBI-students and some of the local church members for the seminar. Each day we had more than 130 people attendance .  We are happy to mention Bro. Damon Vincent have conducted web seminar , in this seminar he gave lecture how to use the internet and study bible courses from different websites . We appreciate his good lessons which he presented by using power point.

We report you that in the month of January 11 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ, we request you to pray for their spiritual growth.

We would like to mention another event.  Healing Hands International has supported for the construction of Agriculture vegetable garden at BVBI-Tirupati, India, we conducted A.G. Garden work shop in the last week of December, we have presented beautiful certificates to the each participated students by Mr.Mark Reynolds who is the Coordinator of BVBI, now the age of the plants is one month, we started to harvest and cooking  organic green leaves vegetable, we are thankful to Mr.Carl Burkybile the Director of Agriculture, Healing Hands International, USA. Out of this work shop All the Bear Valley Bible Institute students and staff and some of the local church members and neighbors were able to learn how to create raised beds, dip irrigation system, compost making, mulching, forming protecting fencing, selecting the seeds and seedlings, garden management.  We treat BVBI is a great  blessing for the Indian young men to gain knowledge from the Bible and educate for the eternal life, The life changing and changing other people by teaching the sound doctrine is main goal of BVBI-Tirupati, for that we request your prayers.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar, behalf of  BVBI-Tirupati , India

Posted on February 4, 2020 .

Students are growing in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. We do hope you are doing fine in all that is under your care. We are doing great here in Wotutu but other parts of the English-speaking regions are having though times. We are appreciating God daily for Wotutu as we have relative calmness now. Keep Cameroon in your prayers as we are going to have both municipal and legislative elections on the 9th of February. Some are saying that those elections should not be conducted in the English-speaking region and that is causing tension to some extent.

Last week went on well in BVBIC-Wotutu. Our students are fine even though some of them are having some health complaints but it sounds like life is better as they are serious with their studies.

As a write this report, students who went out for weekend evangelism are all back on campus safe and sound. We thank God for their safety because now in Cameroon in some areas there is a lot of uncertainty. Our God is watching over us.

Our students are growing not only with knowledge, but they are also growing practically as they handle the word when opportunity is given to them. This is brother Elvis kneeling down during his sermon praying on behalf of our country and for the church to stand on the side of peace. The Wotutu congregation is healthy preach the gospel, peace, and good will in our messages. That is why the military, as they listen to us preach during our programs in worship and during the morning preaching, see us as law abiding people and as very patriotic.

“Evangelism is Our Mission and Our Mission is Evangelism.” Anywhere we go and any time we have the opportunity, students will open up their Bibles to teach a soul the truth. It may be at a river side, on a farm or many other places. The truth is being preached!


Evangelism remains top on our agenda on a daily basis. We are bent on evangelizing our communities as long as we have life and opportunity.


Many thanks to you for your help and for all that you are doing to keep this work moving. We shall remain indebted to you for all your concerns with your prayers and financial support. God bless you! Keep up the good work. Share our reports with others.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 3, 2020 .

A shining light in Ukraine

Dear brethren and congregations,

In the beginning of the new year I'd like to thank all of you who sacrifices finances and personal time to create more opportunities for the successful ministry of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ukraine. We have been in cooperation with you for several years now and the results of our joined efforts are visible. At this time, I'd like to briefly sum up the events of the last year.

Many congregations of Church of Christ in Ukraine have our graduates as their preachers now. To be honest with you, it makes me exceedingly glad.

During the year of 2019 we've handled the sizeable amount of work load in partnership with local congregation. First, we established good contacts and received the official permission to work with the local children’s' home. There are more than 80 residents there from dysfunctional families of one kind or another, or completely orphaned. The local congregation was given a real opportunity to take care of orphans. It's a new challenge and a new ministry.

Secondly, the congregation obtained an opportunity to openly preach in the places of incarceration (Bela Tserkva maximum security prison). We encourage our students and graduates to participate in this evangelical effort. It takes special zeal and some experience, of course, so for starters we wanted to follow the lead of the more experienced brothers.

Last year we graduated three students and two of them are full time Ministers now. Oleg Fofanov preaches in Konstantinivka. Sergey Khovrich is very active in prison ministry. Taras Danilenko is a youth minister in Skvira Church of Christ.

At the end of the current school year we are to graduate 8 of our students. One of them will resume the courses in February after a full year of sabbatical. Alexander Reviakin had to take a year off and go back home to help out his mother who had a lot of health problems.  Now he is able to return and after successful passing of all the finals in May he'll be able to receive the Diploma.

During last year we acquired yet another Instructor who had successfully graduated our Institute in the past. His name is Valentine Tsopa. Also he will be in charge of evangelical efforts of the local congregation.

Our students are back to school after the holidays. Most of them had very busy time off. Christmas time in Ukraine makes more people willing to hear about Jesus Christ and most of our students used their holiday break for preaching the Gospel.

In March our Bible Institute and the local congregation plan to host a seminar for leadership and ministers of the Church of Christ in Ukraine. We'd like to invite the maximum amount of people. We are currently involved in planning the seminar making the list of events and recruiting the additional speakers.

Our students and our Instructors send their greetings and appreciation of your support and willingness to help the Church in Ukraine. Together we accomplished a lot but there is a long and interesting journey ahead that we will walk with the Lord.

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord's Vineyard,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on February 3, 2020 .

Outstanding graduates in Fiji

Fiji 1.jpg

We had four graduates from our program in 2019: Alphonsus, Kitione, Asher, and Samuela.  These men have successfully completed the program and are serving the Lord in their respected congregations.  

  • Alphonsus came to us from the Solomon Islands and was our top graduate for 2019.  He is now back home serving as one of the evangelists of the Honiara Church of Christ on the island of Guadalcanal.  Alphonsus shares the pulpit with Lency, a 2018 graduate of the school.  They plan to work with the Honiara congregation for two years to build it up and then return to their home islands to establish the church on them.  Alphonsus is from the island of Malaita and Lency is from the remote island of Lata (4 day boat ride from Honiara).

  • Kitione is a leader in the church in the Naila village just out of Naisori.  He was converted while in prison many years ago.  After getting out he entered the military and served faithfully until honorably discharged.  After that, he served the Fiji government until he retired again.  He has a heart for prison ministry and has been involved for several years now.  Upon graduation, he has started a weekly Sunday prison ministry.

  • Asher comes from the Federated States of Micronesia from the island of Pingelap.  10% of the population on this island is totally color blind.  Not only does Asher have this condition, he is extremely nearsighted and super sensitive to light.  He is legally blind.  In spite of this handicap, Asher did very well and earned the "heart of a servant" award for the 2019 graduating class.  He has returned to Micronesia where he is working on the island of Pohnpei assisting with preaching, translation work, and passing out tracts in the community.

  • Samuela lost his wife about 5 years ago leaving him with 6 girls to raise from age 3 to 13.  Samuela is a former Olympian swimmer and commander of the Fijian army.  While in school, Samuela had a full time job, preached for the 10 Miles Church of Christ, and took care of his six girls.  Samuela has a heart for the work and continues to serve as the evangelist for the 10 Miles congregation.  

These four graduates are representative of the caliber and character of the students we have enrolled in our program.  We praise God for blessing us with this opportunity to serve!  We continue to thank Him for your interest, words of encouragement, prayers, and support of this good work.  May God reward you for your kindness!


Director of the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa

Posted on February 3, 2020 .

So much good in Mbanga!

Our God is able to do what no man can do. He took us through 365 days with joy, favor, good health, and above all, love that binds us together.

We pray for a happy and prosperous new year to the big Bear Valley family. It has been quite some time that you haven't received my report out there. But,I am pleased again this morning as I report to you on how the work is going on in Cameroon and in Mbanga in particular. My family sends special greetings to you all over there. The staff of the BVBIC-Mbanga also send their greetings and appreciation for your partnership in the year 2019. The students send greetings and appreciations also. This photo was taken during the meeting held with the instructors and the students as we begin this 4th quarter of the 1st year with our 3rd batch of students. The Mbanga Balong assembly also send salutations.

Let me beginning with the work of BVBIC-Mbanga. We ended with the last quarter successfully. Both students and student’s wife had their short course after the main part of the quarter. During the short course, we had brother Evaristus and brother Nicanor teaching the sisters while brother Desire was teaching one of the short courses to the students on the book of Galatians. It was great to have the alumni coming back to help their own alma matter. 

God accompanied us through this period and next on our scheduled was the long-awaited annual lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon that was to be hosted by the campus church of Christ here in Mbanga. Both BVBIC- and all were involved both the BVBIC-Mbanga and the Mbanga congregation were involved in the planning and hosting of the lectureship.  

It was a great gospel lectureship. About 600 persons were present all together and God added 5 souls during the 5 days of lectureship and evangelism in Mbanga. Our next rendezvous will be in Bangante.

My beloved brethren, the field is vast but the laborers are few. God has blessed us this year with a big number of students to facilitate the work in our institution. The newly created congregations are experiencing rapid growth in some areas such as Loum and Banjock. The brothers are ready to sacrifice all their time just to go and preach and struggle to come back by Monday morning and continue with studies that same morning even after a sleepless night.

About 15 souls have been added to the church in these new areas as well as 4 restored brethren. Bibles are handed over to all of these converts some in French and some in English. Some are given to prospects who are in need. May God bless you as you put these assemblies into your prayers.

Here are the results of the third quarter field work for the students in Mbanga. 16 brethren went out to 14 assemblies and spend 2 weeks with each before they went for holidays for 10 days. Our students went as far as to Tchad republic and to the far north regions of Cameroon. Actually 2 were programmed to go to the far north but as the demand became high, I finally send 3. The third was out of my sponsorship as God blesses me. Our students all together had 35 baptisms, 5 restoration and the restoration of another big family that had abandoned the worship of God in favor of a denomination. One newly assembly was established in Tchad during this field work and many souls listened to the gospel in one way or another.

The school of preaching in Mbanga is doing her best to reach all the corners of the earth. If we could also have a “Gospel Chariot” for evangelism, it would help us to get into the interior of some new areas that I, Ititi Benedict, the director has seen to be fruitful for evangelism.

Up-coming events: 

The school is preparing for her first evangelistic campaign of this year to Santcho next weekend. We are praying to our God for it to be a success. 

News Break:

Our morning radio program is moving on well every day as from 5 am from our campus. Thanks so much for the equipment and the prayers. We receive this new year with some increased amount of seriousness in our work due to new opportunities like this one. 

Yours in the service,

Ititi Benedict and wife, my mission partner


Posted on February 3, 2020 .

Success in Kasoa, Ghana




Oct, Nov, Dec, 2019

The Lord has been good to us. So soon the school at Kasoa is passed through a year of teaching of the Gospel message of Our Lord, the Christ. We thank God, Bear Valley Institute and the financiers. May the Good Lord richly bless you, your work and that for Him.


Currently we have 14 students, two have applied and will start schooling when the school resumed in the second week in January in the New Year with us. We have one lady who is a Sunday School teacher for the Children. She also teaches in the Ladies’ Bible Class. Averagely, we have 13 students attending weekly. All are leaders in their congregations and they all preach as fill in, whereas 8 of them are working as preachers in their congregations.


We have done 10 courses of the 48 for the school. All the students participated and all have so far passed all the exams. Whereas Kojo Acquah Beenyi is the director and has also taught two courses, Roger Asante is the other instructor and he has done much work in the School. He comes from Eastern Region, takes three different transportation in one and half hours on the road to get there weekly to teach. He is the product of the School in Accra and is currently doing his Masters.


There was one campaign in the last quarter. It was done in a village called Akorle New Town nearer to Kasoa. There is a church in this village and the campaign was a kind to grow this congregation. This campaign and the other works of the students resulted in 44 baptisms and 6 restorations. 

Praying that God will to be kind to us, guard us, guide us, bless us, protect us and keep us safe for His Use in the coming Year and the years ahead.

Posted on February 3, 2020 .