Year end review in Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I hope that the holiday season was enjoyable for you, and that you are ready to take on the new year!  This is a good time to offer you a quick review of some of the highlights of the last year for Tanzania Missions.  


In 2019... 

  • The Andrew Connelly School of Preaching had 30 undergraduate students. 

  • 20 students successfully completed their bachelor's degrees

  • 2 students earned a master's degree

  • 5 campaigns were conducted in the Arusha area

  • 216 lost souls were baptized for the remission of their sins 

  • 167 erring souls were restored

  • 1,149 bible studies were conducted

  • 3 whole congregations were restored

  • 2 camps were hosted at ACSOP (Future Preacher Training Camp & Tanzania Christian Camp)

The camps take place each December.  There were 44 students at this year's Future Preacher Training Camp.  They were taught how to lead in worship services, conduct Bible studies, and other Christian leadership skills.

Tanzania Christian Camp has a more traditional youth camp format.  TCC had 127 campers this year, and 16 of them were baptized during the week! 

As you can see, the Lord has been at work in powerful ways in East Africa.  Thank you for your encouragement and support during 2019.  Join with me in praying for an even better 2020 for the Lord's work in Tanzania.

One great need that we have for this year is for more monthly supporters.  Could you add Tanzania Missions to your monthly budget if it isn't already a part?  Do you have anyone that you could recommend the work to?  Let me know!  

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on February 4, 2020 .