New students in Accra



 Praise be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has made us workers of His field to His glory.

The work has been fruitful for the past year. The third batch 2018/2019 having completed their courses, awaiting their graduation. The school resumed 13th January, 2020 to begin new curriculum for the first quarter. As usual, this quarter will be studying Hermeneutics 1, How We Got the Bible, Scheme of Redemption, Old Testament 1, Personal Evangelism 1, 1&2 Thessalonians, ICT 1 and English 1. All instructors are taking part in the teaching of these courses.


Hopefully, there have been much circulation and advertisement of the admission forms and time to time visiting the churches and following up for more students. Currently, 7 students have been interviewed and admitted now. In total we have 7 students studying now.


Interview and orientation were organized on 13th and 20th where all the students were present for the activity. Students were introduced about the school, her purpose for the training, and rules and regulations needed to be complied.


Currently, classes have begun on studying all the various courses for the quarter.


Just 27th January to 2nd February, a public preaching was organized by Sammy and the current students to preach at a town called Okanta in the Eastern Region of Ghana, no baptisms were recorded.


On January 10th the degree programme was organized and the students were taught Congregational Development 1 by E. O. Larbi. A number of 16 students out of 20 reported for the class.

As our wish is to train men for the truth, we immensely need your support in pray.

Posted on February 24, 2020 .