An outstanding year in Gweru!



The month of December was without much activity since the school went on break on the 4th of December. However, we had other activities that lightened up the month. Some of these will be highlighted below.


As the last month of the year, we reflect and thank God who has brought us this far. We also thank those who have financially, materially and spiritually contributed to our needs in 2019, both locally and internationally. Our most profound appreciations goes to Bear Valley Bible Institute International and Woodland Oaks church of Christ for the financial, moral and spiritual support rendered to BVBIZ.

We also want to thank our local partners. Many congregations and individuals have embraced BVBIZ whilst some congregations, individuals and families have, even in a small way, contributed something to the school, both material and financially. Furthermore, there are some people whose names have never appeared in our reports but have been very strong behind the scenes. Brothers and sisters, thank you?

Appreciation also goes to all congregations that benefited from the various practical programs that were done. These have met accommodation and food costs for our students.  Some of these congregations have, at times, also met the transport costs. Appreciation also goes to individuals who hosted the students during their life’s skills practicum in January. May you all be blessed accordingly.


In an attempt to produce highly competent servants of God, practical has been a major component in the school’s curriculum.

·         Weekend evangelism (every Saturday, besides leading worship in various congregations, when the school is in session, students do evangelism)

·         Field program (this took place from the 22nd June to 8th of September). The 12 week program took place at Mutorashanga, Sharara, Igava, Stanhope, Nketa and Redcliff.

·         One week campaign programs (at least once every term). These took place at Warren Park, Buchwa, Mkoba 4, Mkoba 12, Mazowe, Sharara and Julena

·         Holiday Preaching (some students avail themselves and forego their holidays by opting to go for a month long preaching attachment)

·         Entrepreneurship practical (Students in January undertook practicum in life skills development. Skills such as welding, piggery, horticulture, poultry amongst others were learnt. In the process, evangelism took place among fellow workers and in the community. 7 were baptised in the process).


A workshop on the life of a preacher and his work was held on the 4th of December. Brother Soul Botoman, the preacher at Westgate in Harare was the guest teacher. He shared his experiences and gave wide ranging thoughts on the work of a preacher, the preacher’s call, issues affecting the work of a preacher amongst many other related issues. This was a day well spent. In the picture below, students pause for a photo with their teacher.


On the 6th of December, we were blessed to have Dorian Flynn visiting the school. Dorian works with Partners for Africa which has done a lot of work in the church in Zimbabwe. Partners for Africa drilled a borehole for the school. Dorian had come to see the borehole and familiarise himself with the school. He also had an opportunity of planting an avocado tree on site. BVBIZ remains grateful for this gesture.


The current class is now left with one more term in their studies. From there, students shall go on a supervised six months practicum in various congregations and then graduate in October 2020. The following are the last subjects that students shall undertake;

Minor Prophets

Foundation of Missions

Preacher’s Life and Work

Geography of the Bible


Christian Ethics


Community Development and Poverty Alleviation

Research Project


It is with the most profound gratitude that God has enabled us to go through 2019. We wish you all a better and prosperous 2020 even as we all continue to labour for the cause of Christ. To God be the glory!

Posted on February 4, 2020 .