Two guest instructors in Tirupati, India

We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey our greetings, gratitude and thanks to each one of the prayer partners and supporters of Bear Valley Bible Institute, in Tiurpati, A. P. State in India.

We are highly delighted to share with you about the success of 3rd semester of BVBI-Tirupati, India ; God has blessed our classes in the months of December and January. We are happy to report that our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds has visited on January 11th, 2020  he has been  with us for one week and completed first five books from the Old testament  (Genesis ,Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), his power point presentation was so good , each student enjoyed his each class . Each day he gave home work, memory work, checked each student’s note book  and  finally he conducted examination . We thank God for his encouragement and effective classes.

We are thankful to our director Mr.Keith Kasarjian for contacting Dr.Damon I. Vincent  from USA and sending him to teach for another week at our BVBI-Tirupati.  Bro..Damon I. Vincent   has visited on January 18th.He has been with us until January 27th , he completed wisdom literature  . We have conducted Bible Seminar at Vidyanagar on 25th and 26, 2020 from the book of Job.  Under his  leadership few Indian preachers joined with us to present excellent topics in our Bible Seminar. We invited local church leaders and BVBI-students and some of the local church members for the seminar. Each day we had more than 130 people attendance .  We are happy to mention Bro. Damon Vincent have conducted web seminar , in this seminar he gave lecture how to use the internet and study bible courses from different websites . We appreciate his good lessons which he presented by using power point.

We report you that in the month of January 11 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ, we request you to pray for their spiritual growth.

We would like to mention another event.  Healing Hands International has supported for the construction of Agriculture vegetable garden at BVBI-Tirupati, India, we conducted A.G. Garden work shop in the last week of December, we have presented beautiful certificates to the each participated students by Mr.Mark Reynolds who is the Coordinator of BVBI, now the age of the plants is one month, we started to harvest and cooking  organic green leaves vegetable, we are thankful to Mr.Carl Burkybile the Director of Agriculture, Healing Hands International, USA. Out of this work shop All the Bear Valley Bible Institute students and staff and some of the local church members and neighbors were able to learn how to create raised beds, dip irrigation system, compost making, mulching, forming protecting fencing, selecting the seeds and seedlings, garden management.  We treat BVBI is a great  blessing for the Indian young men to gain knowledge from the Bible and educate for the eternal life, The life changing and changing other people by teaching the sound doctrine is main goal of BVBI-Tirupati, for that we request your prayers.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar, behalf of  BVBI-Tirupati , India

Posted on February 4, 2020 .