Awesome in Accra




We are most grateful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for this establishment in Nsawam. We extend our greetings and appreciation to all the brethren for their marvelous contribution. They will never be forgotten in the blessings of God and our prayers. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with them.

Relocation successful

The Nsawam School formally situated at Sarpeiman in the residence of Guidelite Literature Center- Accra, which was given out by bro. Seth Osae Larbi for the commencement of the school. This was as a result of the unfinished room in Nsawam.

We are happy finally that the place is fully prepared with wash room, water and tank. Though, the W/C is not fully completed for students convenient however, a public use which is good has been recommended for their use. This being a challenging, Sammy has met with the church once again and it is in the progress of fixing it.

The students have been moved to further their programme. We can now boast of this school being established here. Though, there were minor complains on the movement by some students due to the proximity from the city. Yet, the director and the administration have explained to their understanding of the situation.

Class Activities

Lesson taught in October was Divorce and Remarriage by brother Emmanuel Odeng Larbi, which was successfully completed. In November, a group study was conducted by bro. E.O. Larbi on this course.

The next courses were Preacher and His Work and Congregational Development by Kojo. This time Kojo combined the final year and the Nsawam school on the study of these courses. All the students were present, 15 instead of 16 and 24 instead of 25. Those who were absent were on trips outside home.

Number of students

Currently, 13 students are on the roll preparing to be graduated out of 16 students for the Final year. Number of students meeting for Nsawam School are 25 but one of them is a police man who has traveled yet studying online with the students. Courses in PDF/word are sent to him.


The director has designed an evangelical programme for this school. This programme contains weekly schedule for dawn preaching on information center for those who will pass the night for the next day. End of six-month campaign, and students visiting the churches for practical assessment.

Currently, we embarked on house-to-house and open-air evangelism at Adoagyiri community. This exercise started 22 and 23 November and ended on 6 and 7 December, 2019. There were no baptisms recorded.

Observation after campaign

During the campaign, we observed that the people were receptive but the issue of baptism were challenging when they heard immersion once instead of three times.

The directors are planning to continually visit and teach them. Also, all the prospect contacts have been written down and some given to the church for follow up.


The students of Nsawam School have donated an Air Conditioner for their class upon realizing the amount of heat generated during the classes period.

Student’s Profile

Wisdom Kwasi Yirenkyi is one of the Nsawam School student. He is a professional teacher and has married to Asare Elizabeth and are blessed with five children. This is his third year since he started the school. He has been punctual in classes. Our brother preaches for Asuom Church of Christ. The members of this congregation are with the average attendance of 51 without children. This year 2019, baptisms of 16 were recorded.

As part of the church management, he has been working with bro. Osae Larbi’s evangelical team every three month. Recently, they embarked on campaign at the villages of Awerensua and Coalta in the Eastern Region. During these campaigns some baptisms were recorded.

In conclusion, we are much grateful to the Lord and the brethren. Our hope is that the Lord guide us through all the activities ahead of us in the next year, 2020 with more baptisms.

Always pray with us.

Posted on February 4, 2020 .