Plans and progress in Zambia

January, 2020

Hearty greetings to you all brethren!!

We are always humbled to God who has given us the privilege to work for Him in His Kingdom. This month has been filled with sad developments and good news, on a sad note brother Fred Kanangu just lost his Mother and we had to mourn for three days until we buried. May you remember him and the rest of his family in prayers. 

On the other development the institute met with the leadership on the Copperbelt representing twenty congregations and we had a good plan for the co-ordination of the work with the Institute and the meeting went on well. We anticipate a good year and we pray that we all remain motivated for the work. The students are indeed diligent in their studies and dedicated to preaching. As a result of such work three souls have been restored back to the sheepfold at Mikomfwa and two at Chibwe. We believe that the school is on course on its pledge to train these faithful men. The courses that they are being taught this quarter are: Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John, public Speaking 2 (Practical Homiletics), Old Testament 4 (Study of the Major Prophets: Isaiah - Daniel) and the Book of James.

We will also be privileged to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach the Book of Romans as a short course. It is always great a period for us and the students to have Brother Estep. We are looking forward of having and seeing Donnie again in the last week of February, 2020. 

We are also happy to report that Brother Kennedy Mukuka, the director of recruitment  at BVBI-Zambia went on Evangelism outing in Luapula Province of Zambia. While in the area he preached from house to house that resulted in two baptisms. Through these movements we also recruit prospective students and result in restorations. We believe such efforts expands the Kingdom of God here on Earth. 

Our hearts are always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. We will pray that God will bless the work that you all are involved in as well.


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on February 4, 2020 .