Continued success in Zimbabwe


2019 has come and gone and the coming of  a new year (2020) brings with it expectations of better things in our effort to do our part in the Kingdom.  As an institution, we look back  and cherish  the lessons learnt in 2019 and the previous years with a mind to maximise on our strengths and turn the shortcomings into lessons we can learn. But by and large, classes resumed on the 14th of January. Activities at BVBIZ have, therefore,  started in earnest as is reported hereunder.


Most of our students did not go to rest during their December –January break. They were active in churches. In fact, more than half of the students offered to be attached to certain congregations during this period. These congregations include Redcliff, Buchwa, Dzivarasekwa Extension, Stanhope, Jowo  and Sharara. Much appreciation goes to them as they provided an opportunity for students to put into practice what they are learning and for the accommodation, food and transport money they provided.


The following activities will be taking place in terms of evangelism this term;

Weekend evangelism

This component shall continue this term. Students will be available to do evangelism on Saturday and worship with the congregation on Sunday. Congregations who wish to benefit from this offer can contact the school.


There shall be campaigns this term. Places that shall benefit are Siqaba, Mambo, Norton and Binga. Congregations that are to benefit will provide accommodation and food for the food.  


The present class shall go on a six-month attachment from April to September. Currently, the number of requests from congregations has exceeded the number of students we currently have. More congregations have also expressed their desire though they have not formally communicated with the school. A decision shall be made and communicated to the few congregations that shall benefit.


The following subjects are being taught this term;



Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics

Minor Prophets

Community Development and Poverty Alleviation

Bible Geography

1 & 2 Thessalonians

Foundation of Missions


Development continues at the school’s site. All available resources are put into use so that the school moves to her permanent site. Brickwork to an ablution block which had remained stagnant since September last year has finally been completed. This block also has bathrooms attached to it.


A new class is expected to begin in May 2020. This will be the third intake. From the applications and interviews that have been made, 10 students have so far been accepted. The target is to have a minimum of 15.


We praise God for what he continues to do through every one of you in His kingdom. May God continue to bless you all. To Him be the glory!

Posted on February 24, 2020 .