Students are growing in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. We do hope you are doing fine in all that is under your care. We are doing great here in Wotutu but other parts of the English-speaking regions are having though times. We are appreciating God daily for Wotutu as we have relative calmness now. Keep Cameroon in your prayers as we are going to have both municipal and legislative elections on the 9th of February. Some are saying that those elections should not be conducted in the English-speaking region and that is causing tension to some extent.

Last week went on well in BVBIC-Wotutu. Our students are fine even though some of them are having some health complaints but it sounds like life is better as they are serious with their studies.

As a write this report, students who went out for weekend evangelism are all back on campus safe and sound. We thank God for their safety because now in Cameroon in some areas there is a lot of uncertainty. Our God is watching over us.

Our students are growing not only with knowledge, but they are also growing practically as they handle the word when opportunity is given to them. This is brother Elvis kneeling down during his sermon praying on behalf of our country and for the church to stand on the side of peace. The Wotutu congregation is healthy preach the gospel, peace, and good will in our messages. That is why the military, as they listen to us preach during our programs in worship and during the morning preaching, see us as law abiding people and as very patriotic.

“Evangelism is Our Mission and Our Mission is Evangelism.” Anywhere we go and any time we have the opportunity, students will open up their Bibles to teach a soul the truth. It may be at a river side, on a farm or many other places. The truth is being preached!


Evangelism remains top on our agenda on a daily basis. We are bent on evangelizing our communities as long as we have life and opportunity.


Many thanks to you for your help and for all that you are doing to keep this work moving. We shall remain indebted to you for all your concerns with your prayers and financial support. God bless you! Keep up the good work. Share our reports with others.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on February 3, 2020 .