Enjoying relative peace in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Our students in BVBIC-Wotutu were also in different locations spreading

the message of Jesus and His church. As I write this report, we are all back on campus safe and sound. Thanks for the fervent prayers, as it is not easy to travel to some parts of Cameroon now because of the insecurity. But we thank God for Wotutu, as we are having some relative peace here.

Our weekend evangelism is on in the midst of crisis in many other locations. Our students are breaking the odds to preach the gospel anywhere at any time though. Our school identification and their mode of dressing are helping differentiate them from the AMBA fighters. This helps keep them safer in the crisis zones. Keep your prayers to God on our behalf daily.

Young men within the west coast of Cameroon are obeying the truth. They need more nurturing. They are zealous and are happy that one day they will come to the school of preaching. So, if these young men are being added to the church weekly, it shows the future of the church in that area is good. Please pray for them and help us to be able to help the work there.


We plan to do more evangelism in different virgin locations.


May God bless you daily as we thank you daily for the work you are doing here with us. Your prayers and support are making things possible. Please keep on! In due season you will reap! Please share our report with others.

God bless you. Till next week!

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu   

Posted on February 24, 2020 .