On hold in Liberia


Fellow Workers, 

We bring you greetings from the students and staffs in Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute, hoping all is well with you and your families in the Lord's name. We truly appreciate God for your partnership with us in this great work we have to do here in Liberia, West Africa. Below are the happenings for the month of April 2020.


Classes continued normally in the first and second weeks in this month with every student and staff carrying their duties as assigned to them even with news of the coronavirus fast spreading across the world. Our students contunued to engaged the communities around the school campus in weekends house to house evangelism and distributions of tracks as part of their practical grades for field work. These went on well until the virus hit Liberia …


Due to the fast spread of the Coronavirus across the world with cases in Liberia already, the government of Liberia through it President H.E. DR. George Manneh Weah imposed in Liberia a state of emergency ordering every citizens to be home by 3:00pm each day for the first three weeks. This from the beginning was not too strong as it is now when the virus rate started rising that a total lock down was ordered by the Government demanded the immediate closure of every schools, businesses, restaurants, transport stations Churches etc. This forced us to followed the Government orders by suspending classes on March 6, and sending the students home to avoid getting in trouble with the Government. This has brought everything out here to a stand still. It is our prayer that things get better soon and our students come back to finish the activities for graduation.


We continue to thank you so much for your support to all the work here in Africa especially in Liberia. May God continue to bless you in Jesus Name.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn Jr.

Director- Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia

Posted on June 9, 2020 .

Pig project progressing in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the beautiful country of Cameroon. We are happy to share news with you about the work that is going here in Cameroon. Last week went on well in BVBIC-Wotutu as it was the last week for the second quarter in the second year of the EPSILON batch. Keep them in your prayers as they are moving towards the end of their studies in Wotutu.

Students are doing final exams in music. This marked the end of their music studies. They have made it through of all the music lessons. They have really grown in their talents to be able to lead songs in their congregations and to teach others to do. We are still maintaining our social distancing.

We spend midweek activities praying for the world. We are a very prayerful congregation. As we pray, many things happen. The world will become a better place if Christians spend time to pray for the ills that are in the world.

Our piggery farm is on and the pigs are growing. Within the next 6 months it will be different. Our Bible students are taking care of them and by so doing they are learning how to keep pigs because it is our aim to make our graduates self-sustaining with income generating activities that will not distract them from preaching and evangelism their communities. If it develops well, students will each have a piglet upon graduation and other piglets will be kept for food to help many here as food shortage is at its rise now. Many are suffering for food and basic needs but God is using His children everywhere in the world to help as time permits.

Brother Tabi Elvis baptized a soul, as we are still on with weekend evangelism. The threats in the world because of COVID19 are helping many to gain consciousness about life and it is helping them to come closer to their creator. That is why we are taking advantage to help as many as we can to hear the gospel and we pray, if God wills, obey it.


The short course starts tomorrow. The book of James is the course for the Bible students while their wives will be learning how to organize a VBS. We miss our brethren from the USA who were supposed to be here  by now to do a lot for the work here. The COVID 19 stopped them from coming. That is why COVID19 is not good at all because either you are infected by the disease or you are affected by its influences around the world.


God bless you. Thanks very much for all that you are doing for the people of Cameroon through our ministries. You are feeding people here physically by putting food on their tables and feeding their spiritual man as well. God bless you and your entire house. Please share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on June 9, 2020 .

Using lockdown time wisely in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report for April and May 2020

Greetings to you all from the administrative body of the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute.

It is by the grace of God especially during this pandemic period of COVID -19 that we are not only kept alive, but in good health and are therefore able to give you an update of events during the months of April and May.

Government had since end of March taken necessary measures forbidding the gathering of persons in all public places such as schools and religious centers. Therefore the Bear Valley Bible Institute has not been holding classes and all other public activities such as campaigns. Our students are making telephones calls from time to time especially since May inquiring to come back. It is true that new cases are still being confirmed, but the number of those being healed in Guinea is encouraging. With this, Government attempted to give hope that in a short time the resumption of gatherings up to 30 would be possible in the interior, but that is yet to be confirmed.

While the lockdown is still in place, a few other things did take place and these are detailed below.

Evangelism: Even though constrained by health measures, we were nevertheless able to reach out a few with the gospel. In Gueckedou, our efforts resulted to 5 conversions. Then we managed to continue visits to the village of Tehomolo where we started in March. That effort resulted to 6 baptisms making a total of 11 souls in April and May.

Agriculture /Well drill: Just before the spread of the deadly virus, COVID -19, “Healing Hands” had already made available funds needed to start the first majour action of the agriculture program namely, well- drilling. Hence, after contact and a series of follow-ups, the team of drillers and their equipment finally arrived on Wednesday, May 13th. The job was successfully done even though they encountered tick rocks at 2 different times.

Two days later, another team was sent to install the manual pump-head - meaning all is now done with the well drilling.

Conclusion: We are truly grateful to the Bear Valley administrative members for their support and for every achievement thus far at the Guinea Bear Valley School. We are equally expressing the same gratitude to all our friends especially those who were prompt to answer our urgent financial needs for the agriculture program.

It is our prayer especially for the brotherhood for God’s protection and to eradicate the virus that has caused the luckdown worldwide.

Be blessed!


Posted on June 9, 2020 .

Giving much needed help in India

Reporting letter for the month of May -2020

Respected  International director Mr.Keith Kasarjian  , Our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds , supporters and prayer partners of BVBI-Tiurpati , A.P,India behalf of our Bible college we convey our greetings to you in the precious and matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ . We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey gratitude and thanks to each one of you for your love, prayers and encouragement.

In the month of May there was rapid spread of Corona virus in India , the Indian president has declared the lockdown and it was strictly implemented , Actually from the commencement of lockdown in India  many people suffered a lot without going out side to bring basic needs for the family maintenance, in addition the daily wage labor Christian families have no work to get earning to feed their families.  The local govt strictly prohibit the people’s entry into the streets. There are no shops , markets, bank transactions etc..to feed their family children and old people. In such a tough and crisis situation we have consulted Healing Hands International and raised $2000/ funds for the covid-19 pandemic relief supplies . we have helped the food material  in these following areas

( 1.Vidyanagar church of Christ &Surrounding areas in ,Nellore-DT, AP, India

2,Tirupati church of Christ &Surrounding areas in  Chittoor-DT, AP, India

3.Narapur church of Christ  &Surrounding areas in  west Godavari -DT, AP, India

4. Manipur-state, North east of India).Total Number of Beneficiaries : 150 Christian families .Food items distributed : families .Rice 1500 KG,Groceries (1.Green dall, 2.red dall, 3.Bengal gram,4. Ravva, 5.Cooking oil, 6.salt packers , 7.washing soup,8. bathing soap,9. tam rid , 10.chilly  powder, 11.coriander  powder , 12,turmeric powder 13. Rice 14.sugar etc..The Plan of Implementation : After receiving funds from HHI , we conducted meeting with the church members  both in Vidyanagar &Tiupati and Participation of staff &students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute and formed a distribution committee with 12 members .Then the committee selected a needy beneficiaries from the above said areas and purchased food material from  local whole sale market and packed them systematically and distributed each family with 10  KG Rice, Green dall 1-KG, red dall 1kg,  Bengal gram 1 KG, Ravva, 1 KG .Cooking oil 1 Liter  .salt packets 1 KG, washing soup-1, bathing soap-1, tam rid 500 Grams , chilly  powder 100 Grams, coriander  powder 100 Grams, and turmeric powder 100 Grams .We distributed the  above said items with packets door to door to all the families . The Christian families appreciated the work of benevolence that was done by the BVBI&local churches .God has blessed our benevolence service , 150 families were able to received food material, few fallen families were restored by seeing the love of God.

Regarding the lockdown period it will be ended by June 8, 2020 , we look forward seeing better days to conduct class room work and complete the syllabus.  we are ever grateful to you for your continue prayers and encouragement which helps us lot to serve Indian people , we request your prayers and encouragement .

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&swarupa, from Bear valley BibleInstitute, Tirupati,India

Posted on June 9, 2020 .

All set to move forward in Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I hope that you are well despite these challenging times. Today I'm glad to be able to bring you positive news.  The Tanzania government is allowing schools to resume, and the Andrew Connally School of Preaching is all set to bring our students back at the beginning of July.  They will have time to finish their second quarter of study, and be right back on track for the fall!  Travel has opened back up, and I have tickets purchased for my next trip.  We pray that conditions remain stable and that there will not be any more significant disruptions to our schedule.    

The work of evangelism has marched on.  In the past couple of weeks, our brethren have shared news of at least 11 baptisms.  One of which was Anthony Francis.  Anthony was a student of World Video Bible School.  They contacted us to find a local evangelist to help teach Anthony further.  I reached out to David Bayi who continued working with Anthony, and recently baptized him into Christ. 

Student Spotlight:  Shadrack Mkombwe.

Shadrack was born to Efrem and Franziska Mkombwe on August 25, 1987  in the village of Isimani in the Iringa region.  Together with his wife, Mariam, he has one child, Samuel.  He has been a member of the Lord's church since 2011 and came to ACSOP in search of a better understanding of God's word.  After he completes his studies, Shadrack hopes to go back to his home congregation to preach and teach.  

Shadrack wanted to tell you this:

"I would like to thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I also thank all the donors for the donation you are making for this School. We know for sure that without you I could not have an ability to afford the expenses of get this education. May the God of love bless you so much, and we still keep on praying for you."

Let me join with Shadrack in thanking you for your support and prayers.  Also, as your congregation begins to have assemblies again, let me know if you would like an in-person visit and presentation about the great work in Tanzania.  I am happy to make that happen!  

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on June 9, 2020 .

A milestone in Zimbabwe



At the time of this writing, Corona viruses’ positive cases in Zimbabwe have risen to 206 from 50 as of two weeks ago. The steep rise has been a cause of concern as it seems to indicate more stiffer measures going to be put in place. However, this figure is too low compared to other nations. With various efforts being made to deal with this scourge worldwide, many are slowly realising the brevity and fragility of life and that humanity should put its trust in God. Despite the lockdown currently prevailing in the country, we can report on the following;


As reported in our previous report, BVBIZ has accepted 14 students. This class was due to start on the 13th of May. However, due to the prevailing lockdown,  all activities remain on hold. To make use of the time, online classes shall be commencing slowly as we wait for the go ahead from government. The following subjects were due to be done this term;

Old Testament Law

How We Got the Bible

Christian Evidences

English and Writing Skills

Scheme of Redemption (SC)

Personal Evangelism

Public Speaking

Life of Christ 1

New Testament Church (SC)

Introduction to Horticulture (SC)


On the 29th of May, BVBIZ finally moved out of its rented house to the permanent site. Most of the school’s property, except office equipment, were moved into the almost completed hostel. BVBIZ shall maintain an office at the former premise during this transitional period.


As the school races against time to complete its hostel to accommodate students versus the challenge of funds to do the same, something was done in May. Glazing was done. 9 more doors  and 7 locksets were fixed. Labour cost for digging the septic and soak away tanks were met. The immediate challenge is to buy a 4m sliding door and construct the septic tank. A solar system is also needed. Since the school has moved out of its rented premise, funds meant for rent, rates and electricity will now be used to deal with outstanding issues slowly. However, this will take about 8 months unless a little funding comes in to deal with the few outstanding and critical issues, without which students would use the facility as it is when schools are allowed to resume.


Great appreciation to Brother F. Nyandoro and family for donating 4 (four) doors to BVBIZ. These doors will be fixed in the month of June. Those who still want to donate to enable this structure to become usable are welcome.                  


Despite the challenges that the world is going through, we are always grateful to God always sees His children through difficult challenges and moments. Our prayer at BVBIZ is that God sees you through these trying times. Great appreciation goes to all our partners for their sacrifice towards this noble work. To God be the glory!

Posted on June 9, 2020 .

Good work in Lesotho



Grace and peace from our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. The school has   
resumed its operation after a month of inactive. The class attendance   
has been affected negatively after six weeks lockdown. Homiletics and   
Holy Spirit are the two courses taught in March and May. Five baptisms 
were recorded and a single restoration.
On the 29th of March 2020, Lesotho went under national lockdown for   
six weeks. Schools and churches were not allowed to operate hence, we   
temporarily closed BVBIL for the period mentioned above. Although we   
were encouraging the students to read their notes, posting quiz on the 

BVBIL WhatsApp group, nothing much was done during the national   
lockdown. We were fortunate that in February we had two courses which   
were taught, the weekend class and the weekdays evening class.

The national lockdown has also affected our class attendance in May a 
lot of people lost their jobs and some who were fortunate are 
earning  50% salary, which caused some students to work on weekends 
therefore,  absent in class. Although it will take time, our prayers 
and hope is  that things will get back to normalcy so that we can have 
all our  students in class.

                                   COURSES TAUGHT

Brother Robert Likhang taught Homiletics to 18 students in the month   
of March 2020. The students appreciate the knowledge and experience   
they are gained through BVBIL, three students have so far presented   
their sermons at Maseru church of Christ after they are taught the art 
of preparing and delivering a sermon. Not only are the students 
happy  about the knowledge they are receiving, the church appreciates 
On the 29th of March, brother Tankiso Mohono preached from the book of 
1 Cor 3, he did exceptionally well. Prior to his sermon, one of the   
elders did not like brother Mohono to preach the reason being, he was   
not eloquent in speech but after he delivered the sermon, the elder   
went in front of the congregation cried and confessing that he was   
wrong. The elder thanked the school for the good work it is doing to   
produce competent preachers
Brother Tawanda taught Holy Spirit to 13 students in May 2020. The   
school chose Holy Spirit as one of its elective courses because in   
2013-2014 the church in Lesotho split, some believed miracles,   
speaking in tongues and healing are the spiritual gifts which God is   
currently giving to Christians, while another believed in the   
cessation of those gifts. The students who were present benefited,   
they are able to differentiate the pre-canon gifts and post-canon   
ones, they can tell when the miraculous gifts ceased based on 1   
Corinthians 13:8-13.

                           BAPTISMS AND RESTORATION

Before lockdown, one of our students, borther Leuta has been   
evangilising in Ladybrand (South Africa), we were happy to be informed 
by the brethren in Ladybrand that in April, four souls were added in 
Christ’s body. In Maseru one soul put on Christ in baptism and one   
restoration was recorded in May.


Our desire to spread the word of God in every town and village of   
Lesotho can be possible with your assistance to establish a World   
Bible School in Lesotho. Like other Southern African countries where   
WBS is active, congregations can be planted, churches can be grown and 
communities can be transformed, so as in Lesotho, with the 
involvement  of WBS and BVBIL, great things can happen.  Looking 
forward to hear  from you and at the end it is all in God’s hands. Amen.

Posted on June 9, 2020 .

Starting back in Zambia

Although not many activities are happening at the Institute for the past one month and two weeks, the church is still active even in christian homes and there has been a number of restorations and baptisms reported by our former and current student body. In Ndola through Stephen Ngosa we have received the baptism of Sam Watupa and in Mansa Luapula province through Joseph Musonda we have received Three Souls restored back to sheepfold. 

Since then the cases of this pandemic here in Zambia has continued to be surging. In spite of this situation, the government has decided to ease some restrictions that were imposed when early cases were recorded. It has been announced that all examination classes will resume learning starting on 1st June, 2020. In line with this declaration by the government, BVBI-Zambia is planning to cautiously resume learning as well. The e-learning would have been a very good option in this situation, but most of our students can have challenges because of lack of the electronic devices. And in many cases the easy connectivity of internet remains a very great challenge in most of the places here in Zambia. We praise God our country has recorded 80% of covid 19 recovery has of today. 

We are resuming classes on the 15th June, 2020. As they report, we will try to conclude the work of the third quarter and quickly begin the final quarter. The courses that they will be taking in their final quarter are: The Book of Revelation, Christian Ethics, and Congregational Development, Denominational Doctrines and1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. We know this delay has adversely disturbed our scheduled plans for the present class’ graduation. But we pray to work with everyone to make this event come to reality.

All of our students are still sound and in good healthy and we have continued to receive good reports from there places respectively.

Some of the congregations in the Copper Belt Province have resumed their meetings as they observe what is now commonly known as "the new normal" guidelines. Luanshya Central church of Christ and Mikomfwa church have cautiously started meeting at their places of worship. On 31 May we had 4 souls restored at minkomfwa Church were brother Cephas is preaching and he is also counseling two men for marriage of which one of them had to travell all the way from kapiri- Mposhi in central province (Boston Sialwindi). Though some of the members are very hesitant to come to these meetings but the greater number are very excited to come. There have been mix feelings among the members and we only pray that we adapt to the new standared and hope this pandemic comes to an end very soon. 

Our hearts are forever indebted to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. You are always in our prayers. Please stay safe and healthy!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

Classes continue in Sierra Leone



Dear Brothers

Greetings from my family and from Brethren who are laboring with us;

With continuous prayers we would say thank God for our lives and the lives of Brethren in Sierra Leone. The scaring of COVID 19 is fresh in the hearts of many. Sierra Leone has been one of the few fortunate countries in cases of Corona COVID 19. There are 164 cases country wide. Out of this total 44 have recovered and discharged and 9 deaths recorded. The use of Face Mask and washing of hands has been strongly implemented especially in public places. As at Sunday 3rd of May, Government implemented partial District lockdown of 3 days which ends on Tuesday May 6th.

The 3 days imposed lockdown restrictions without provision for citizen was a thing to think about for future lockdowns. I keep wondering how people can survive on lockdown when they depend on daily labor to eat. For countries with large poor populations particularly in Africa, Sierra Leone to be specific, the stay at home order will be very hard on the people. The news reports from around says that people are in danger of being left without access to food. This is as sad as many people are left with no alternative. Africans are now pursuing with two deaths Hunger and Covid 19. We pray and ask God to intervene and free us from this Pandemic.  


However, there is freedom of internal movement at District level. People are going to work and doing their normal businesses as they follow precautions implemented by the state. We are having our normal classes with no hindrances. We have started the Second Academic Year. Kindly keep us in your prayers.

 The First Quarter session of the Second Year begins in May 2020. This quarter involves six courses. In this we have 2 short courses; These are 2nd Corinthians and Marriage and the Family.

We already have the following Lecturers schedule, Alfred Koyama; Gabriel Abu; A.B Lansana; Joseph Missielie; Osman Sheke and Samuel Bangura.

Expected courses to be treated in addition to two short courses:

Church History

Old Testament IIIB

Life of Christ III

Old Testament IVA

The operation of the school will come to a close immediately if the need arises. We will let you know when things get rough. Let us join hands with continuous prayers for all of our safety and a speedy remedy of this virus on the Planet Earth.


Corona virus Covid 19 is deadly dangerous and pandemic but our God is Omniscience; Omnipresence; Omnipotent and He is Jehovah Raphael (The God that heals) so Let us depend on Him today and always for it shall be well in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

We thank all those who are putting efforts in the building of God’s soldiers for His Kingdom. May they found favor in the sight of God for Christ sake…. Amen.

Keep us in your prayers and we always do for all.

Yours in Him

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Sierra Leone

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

Successful Campaign in Enugu, Nigeria


The evangelism was proposed to be two days programme which was intended to be house to house and open air, but due to the government policies on social/religious activities, the management decided to carry out massive house to house and tracts sharing on Saturday (23/5/2020) just a day programme.

The students and their instructors with a member of Garriki Church gathered in the morning of 23/5/2020 in the meeting place of the Church of Christ, Garriki and after songs and prayers entered the vehicle (a bus provided by the management) and left for Akwuke village (evangelism venue). They arrived Akwuke by 11:00am, after prayers they went out and spoke to many and shared tracts. The exercised lasted till 2:10pm when they gathered again at the point where their vehicle stationed. They entered the vehicle and returned to the Church’s meeting place by 2:40pm.

Participants’ report of the work: the participants returned with good reports of the listening ears and interactions of their prospects and also informed us of the need to start a congregation in Akwuke Village as many of the people complained of farness of the Church’s meeting place from Akwuke.

After light refreshment, we sang and prayed and the brethren left for their homes.

Financial report: The budget for the evangelism was N60,000 to N65,000, but we later spent N40,000 as the evangelism was just a day programme. The expenses was carried out on Polo (T-shirt), Tracts printing, refreshment and transportation.

Based on the report returned with, we hoped to visit Akwuke village again for a greater work which will include open air evangelism any time they relaxed COVID-19 policies. And by His grace establish a congregation there.

NB. One of the students (a minister) pleaded that the students come and help them evangelize their area (Awgu town) in Awgu LGA of Enugu State. We hoped to do so soon, God helping us.

I want to say a very big thank you to God, BVBI team/resource persons, the instructors, the students and all the saints for the grace, support and encouragement/prayers.

May God bless us all as we labour sincerely in His vineyard – Amen.

Yours in His vineyard

Bro. Patrick Makwe

Enugu - Nigeria

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

Evangelism in Ibadan, Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus.
Greetings from students and staff Of Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria and Southwest School of Evangelism Ibadan.
You are all in our prayers for God's Grace and Peace during this global pandemic.
Below are some of our activities for the month of May 2020.

1. Weekend Evangelism/Gospel Campaigns
2.Reports from some of our Graduates/ congregations planted by us.
3. VOTI Volume 104 posted and WBS Introduction lessons distributed.

As usual, the ten students that remain in the school campus and three staffs continue every weekend in the evangelization of the remote villages and towns in Ona-Ara and Egbeda Local Government of Oyo State in the month of May 2020. We divided ourselves into three groups in the evangelization of Ajia town,Egbeda town and Butubutu and Eletu villages while villages such as Kuede,Lamini,Banshinde,Gbada,Ogidi,Alabama,Jago,Ogunbunmi,Arikusa,Giwa and many other villages were visited with the gospel of Christ Jesus on every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday by our students under the leadership of Bro.Andrew Adeolu and Bro.Dele Shotola.
Although, no conversion is recorded yet in the groups that evangelised Ajia town and Butubutu village but thanks be unto the Lord that two of our prospects in Egbeda town got baptized on May 18,2020 at Asejire River, Osun State. They are Mrs.Timileyin Abiodun and Miss Busayo Oladunjoye.

1. Bro.Godwin Johnson reported the conversion of a couple in Ode-Aye congregation,Ondo State.
2.Bro.Olorode Samuel reported the restoration of an erring brother and sister in Ode-Ajagba, Ondo State.
3. Bro.Daniel Onifade reported about the growth of the Church in Ode-Irele,Ondo State from 35 membership to 48,children inclusive. The global pandemic has led some erring brethren to return to the Faith. To God be the glory!
4. Bro. Akilapa Timileyin reported the conversion of two brothers and restoration of an erring family of five in Odo-Sida ,Ondo State.
5. On May 1st,Bro.Dele Shotola and one of our present year -1 students, Bro.Oviri Careson stated the need for the young congregation in Ajia town via Ibadan to look for a better place of assembling because the prospects after coming two or three times to where they are, will stop coming due to the havoc committed by the owners of the Hall rented for worship presently.
6. Bro.Obey Rimamskwe reported the conversion of two of his family members in Kapakya congregation,Taraba State. He also invited us for two weeks gospel campaign by July 2020.
7. Bro. Adedoyin Sola Rotimi of Badeku congregation and Bro. Peter Orterga of Jago congregation reported the need for the school to think of assisting them with two to four students for weekend Evangelism as it was in 2019 .
8. Bro. Emmanuel Godwin reported the restoration of two erring aged brothers and conversion of an aged woman in Igbara-Odo, Ekiti State.
9. Bro. Okpulor Baruch and his Evangelism team could not progress further since the total lockdown because of Covid-19. The last Evangelism held was in Egbuoma town,Uguta L.G.A. ,Imo State in the early days of March 2020. Nevertheless, they were instrumentals to the planting of a Lord's Church in Imo State in the early week of May 2020 due to gradual lockdown ease.
10. Bro. Samuel Oladokun reported that the Church in Igbo-Oloyin, Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State is gradually growing and that they have just succeeded in purchasing a plot of land with the help of Gahanna -Jefferson congregation, Blacklick,USA.
11. Bro. Olorunda Augustine reported the conversion of a soul and restoration of two erring brethren in Ido-Ekiti, Ekiti State where he is presently ministering. He also reported the conversion of eleven souls during the one week mass Evangelism of March in Ijebu-Jesha, Obokun-Ijesha and Esa-Oke with group of Evangelists /WBSFUW in Osun State.

On May 11,we succeeded in posting 130 packages of VOTI Volume 104 (i.e. 3,940 )to brethren and friends of the Church of Christ in Nigeria.
Also, 23 packages of 50 booklets each (i.e.1,150) plus 6,000 WBS Introduction lessons were delivered by hand in this month of May 2020.

Bro. Afolabi Timothy Olamide is one of the children of the less privileged brethren from Arandun town, Kwara State. He was sent to the school immediately after his conversion in 2017 by the  Preacher of The Church of Christ, Arandun, Bro. Jeremiah Dada to learn the Bible and Vocational Studies (Tailoring). He was born on November 20 in the year 2000 at Oloje compound, Arandun-Kwara State. He is presently our time keeper.
His mission is to learn the WORD of God and be a good Christian fashion designer and to be useful for the work of God within and outside the Western States of Nigeria.

Lord's willing, this session fourth semester classes will commence on June 1st through July 24,2020 before the students embark on a month Teaching Practice between July 25 to August 29, 2020. However, all of these plan are subject to Government's decision on inter-state travels and gradual lockdown ease of the country's economy.

We are very very grateful for your great commitment to serving the Lord and humanity. May the Lord keep on blessings all you do for His name in Jesus Christ name, amen.
I remain your fellow labourer in the vineyard of Master Jesus,
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
(The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE Ibadan And a WBSFUW)

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

Pressing on in Mbanga

Dear fellow workers in the vineyard of the Almighty,

We praise our God for Jesus, who came and died for us all. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lord has been so kind to the church in Cameroon and to the world at large even though one case has been reported among the brethren in Chad republic. I wish we put this brother into serious prayers for he has been quarantined for over two weeks now. His name is Feltoing Daniel and his cousin is in school in Mbanga.

The work has been going on, although with lots of inconveniences in trying to do door to door evangelism and weekend evangelism to small assemblies. Some people will receive us and some others will be scared of us. Never the less, the Lords will always bless our outings with a few who are ready to listen and even ask questions some of which arose from listening to our morning radio program. 

As you can see, all those going out must put on their mask just as we do even while we are in class. Prevention is very important. May the name of the Lord be praise, in Jesus name! On the same light, our week evangelism has also been going on to various destinations and to very far places.

This is another assembly in Edea where an ex-convict from the Mbanga prison is now worshiping. Our student, brother Prince, went there visiting and find out about their difficulties in the field. We realized that the field is ripe and ready for evangelism but they need help. We are planning for a mass evangelism there. Another circumstance, according to his report and a letter of appreciation send by the leader is, that the church still worships in his home and he is advanced in age. He is therefore wishing for the school to help get a place for worship and some benches and at graduation give them a preacher to come and handle the congregation. Let the will of God prevail!

Since studies are on-going, we bought some library books for the students to facilitate research and develop very good lesson outlines. All of these are in the French language. I just discovered where we could easily get books to equip our library even though they are very expensive but very useful.  

Our morning radio program "Back to the Bible," is going on every day from 5 AM to 5:50 AM. My fellow workers in the vineyard, we want to appreciate every effort made by those who helped us to be able to purchase this sound system. It covers a vast area in our large village but not all. Mbanga is too vast for the speakers to send the message to it all but the Lord’s time is the best. In the Lord’s time we would like to be able to cover the entire Mbanga area with a community FM radio station that would not be for any business purpose but for the spreading of the gospel only. Maybe someday we will be able to realize this dream. We need to spread the gospel in the modern ways that people will hear it. We pray for those who are listening to it every morning and for their immediate reactions.

For the past two Sundays we have worshiped, along with a visiting family who came all the way from Yaounde to come and take a short vacation here. Their presence at worship was due to the present morning radio topic on love that she has been following. After listening, she decided to come and worship with us. May God accompany her as she travels back to Yaounde. Paul planted, Apolos watered then Christ gave the increase. We know that the influence of different people who may be in different places can go together to help win a soul.

The students can be seen here spreading sea-ward around their campus and also on the road that leads to it. The neighbors along the way are able to benefit as well. We offer a special thanks to brother David Ballard and the support team for helping our campus with these seawards to keep the campus free from mud during this raining season. Kudos to all.

The crisis in the English-speaking part of our country is still on-going and the consequences are seen in the life of the displaced brethren and non-Christians. Both are having very serious difficulties.

Some congregations are still suffering with where to worship. We know the early church worshiped in homes and it was working but today, just like I early mentioned about sharing the gospel in modern ways, the people are looking to worship in a more modern place. This archaic system does not work well today in some villages and even less in township's as it is hard to get visitors to come to a home for worship. This is the challenge of the congregation in Bafang.

The church also received this family who came to present their child to the church, not because they are members of the church, but because we have been visiting and sharing the gospel with them. This this is why they decided to come to us. This could be a good step for us to be able to keep on encouraging them. At the end, we gave them a very precious gift that was suggested to us by a relative.

Thanks for all your concern and for your effort to make the work in Cameroon and Mbanga to continue to move.

By His Grace,

Ititi Benedict director BVBIC-Mbanga

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

Ready to Resume in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni - Malawi

May, 2020 Report


As Christians, we are commanded to be subject to the government authorities  Romans 13:1-3. However, the same people in authorities are breaking their own set of rules concerning the challenge of the pandemic. We were advised to suspend the schools, not to gather more than 10 people, but today the same people (politicians) are going round the country conducting meetings as they are campaigning for the presidential elections and we see on TVs thousands of people attending their meetings with no social distances observed. This habit of politicians including the government has brought in serious worries on school departments and now the government is being pressurized by the NGOs to resume both secular and Biblical schools by the 1st of June, 2020. 

We the Christians, we are directed by the Bible to do what is right before the sight of God. Therefore, our duty still remains  “Pray for Those in Authorities”.


The Lords Kingdom is growing daily despite the pandemic. As I said in the previous report, we are using IT ways to reach out to some souls like through Whatsapp platforms, and also I and the teachers we visit the congregations where some of our students comes from every Sunday and does some personal evangelism in the afternoons of every Sunday. This way has also help to hook some souls to Christ. This month we have witnessed 3 souls being saved as a result of this approach.


We are still on suspension of classes for the school, but whenever the government orders schools to resume again, we will be ready for it. We understand that even the government can say a go to resuming classes, but still the threat of the pandemic will be there, therefore we shall always observe to social distances and do all the precautions given.

We are thankful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for your support. We really thank you for being with us in every situation even during this pandemic time as the source of funding has been challenged by shunning up of gathering of the Saints. But still, you send us support every month. It really gives us the heart to be grateful that we have such a supportive eldership of Bear Valley Church of Christ  Denver! Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your fellow workers in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton 

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

Teleconferencing in Ukraine

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ and churches, True, the time we are living in is the most unusual in the world's history. As far as I know, there has never been a pandemic of this scale. We all are learning to live in a different mode with the new rules. All courses in our Bible Institute are online now. It was easy to make it happen in Ukraine.

We have well-developed webs of Internet connection in the cities, and most providers charge reasonably. So we established teleconferencing with all of our students, and this way our first-year students had Jeremiah and Lamentations (taught by Vitaly Rodichev), Gospel by Luke (Viktor Semikoz) and Ezekiel (Dennis Sopelnik) and second-year students had 1 and 2 Corinthians (Dennis Sopelnik) and Revelations (Andrew Zhuravlev). For this kind of teaching, we had to change the textual part of the course. Some Instructors assigned additional reading, some had to implement timed testing. We are hoping that next year we can return to normal way of teaching while being able to utilize the newly acquired methods of teaching.

The graduation is postponed to the beginning of September. This year we have 7 graduates. Our country doesn't allow travels between the cities yet and the government doesn't announce any definite plans of reopening the railroads and bus charters. So we conduct a lot of classes via online channels such as YouTube or Facebook. The same applies to the Sunday services which we are forced to stream online. Usually, a few men from the congregation meet in the church building and divide the responsibilities during the online worship service and then just conduct and stream it. We have difficulties recruiting students for the next school year. Usually, I travel a lot, visit with a lit of congregations, make our Bible Institute presentation. But now I record a video presentation, place a call to the local preachers, and then call potential students. However, so many are not certain about tomorrow. So I ask for your prayer for the next year recruitment.

And I'd like to ask your prayers for our graduate Taras Danilenko. He was diagnosed with thrombosis in the leg's vein. He is hospitalized and is waiting for the planned surgery. He is ok but his leg is swollen and he has back pain. May God keep you and guard you! All students and Instructors send their greetings.

Your brother in Christ,

Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on June 8, 2020 .

A new school in Ghana's 2nd largest city



Glory and Thanksgiving be to God Our Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ with the sanctifying works of the Spirit has made us to come this far. In our quest to commit to Faithful men who will be able to teach others, there has been a need to thoroughly equip students of Bear Valley Bible institute over the period with the unadulterated gospel of Christ. This undertaking is gradually been accomplished with what the institute is here for.


Accra-Road Church of Christ, Ayigya through the influence of Brother Ken Gyan Kesse has been supporting students with food every meeting day{Saturdays}as part of its edification expenses. Students enjoy lunch over the long hours of study and it has really gone a long way to help them concentrate on lessons taught. A devoted sister (Sarah Asiamah) in the Church have been preparing this hot meal all the time.


Previously, Bro Ken Gyan Kesse had been devoting himself to teach these students despite his busy schedules over the past months. I, Alex Akosa Karikari (Preacher for Accra-Road Church of Christ-Ayigya) came over to support this course from September till January. The one true Church and the Book of Acts was completed over this period. The next course, a Basic Computerized Programme was supposed to be handled by Bro Ato Essuman, however the Covid-19 made the government suspended all Public gatherings. A two-month’s salary support of (800gh cedis) have been received and we are grateful of that.


A total of 13 Bible students are currently enrolled in the institute. However, one Brother, Kofi Agyeman has been seriously sick over the past months. Two University Students recently joined the last Course. Students have been given index numbers to identify the date they had joined.


The College commenced in a rented apartment in a media School in Kumasi. The Accra-Road Church paid the rent in advanced at the beginning of the school, however there have been a series of areas for some months now. The Director of the School couldn’t take our excuses any longer. We are currently back to the Church premises. We have received 800gh cedis to support reduced the huge cost of rent accrued.


Transportation cost have become a little of challenge for students who are eager to study but cannot continue funding themselves with transport fares. Additionally, getting tables available for studies will make teaching and learning effective in our currently situation to roll out our rent cost.


In the beginning of every step, challenges are there to be faced. I will recommend that a conscious attention should be given to this new branch of the School in its elementary stage. There has been a lot of sacrifices and risks made in grounding the institute. Motivation students and Lectures in this ministry would be of great help.

Posted on May 14, 2020 .

Virtual classes in Peru

A virtual but fraternal hug from Lima - Peru,

We remain immersed like everyone, in the midst of this quarantine scenario. 

We are very sorry for everything or that is happening, but we accompany all of you in our prayers. The quarantine in our country has practically been extended until the end of May, but security measures will surely continue to prevent infections.

As an institution, the institute has had to adapt and we are presenting the courses in a virtual way (we finished I Corinthians, this course was covered by me in April) and we have started the second virtual course "Planting churches".

The first virtual course I Corinthians was presented to the students using Facebook Live from 5 - 8 in the morning. There have been advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

1) The broadcasts have ensured us a production of material for future students who are interested in studying at a distance.

2) The possibility for students to replay the recordings to perfect their assimilation of the material.

3) More advantage to nourish our website with material and in a more organized way.

Among the disadvantages are:

1) Very limited interaction with students.

2) The time was not the most appropriate, most have expressed this point of view.

3) The limitations of both technological knowledge and devices have also been a problem.

Adapting to virtual mode is something that is costing some because they are not so up-to-date with the use of technology, deficiencies in their network service or lack of a pc or laptop. But they are still trying their best to assimilate the material.

With these things in mind and after having discussed them, aware of the possibility that the quarantine would continue, we have launched our next course "planting churches" but we will use a platform for virtual classes "Google Meet" through which we can do of this course much more interactive and assimilable for students. (I attach a screenshot of our virtual classroom).
We have six students enrolled in this period in which the virtual modality has been implemented (Alejandro Berrio, Alejandro Manrique, José Medina, Moises Guevara, Margot Rodriguez and Jaime Ancori).

As part of the activities planned in our annual calendar, we have had to adapt to the scenario we are in. Our annual conference scheduled for April 9-10 was presented virtually, many brothers an sisters were able to connect to broadcasts on those days. Five lessons were presented, under the theme “Complete in Christ”. 1) Full salvation, 2) Full communion, 3) Full instruction, 4) Full perfection, 5) Full communion. (I attach a screenshot of the transmissions made during this conference and to their respective participants).

We would like to ask for your prayers for one of our teachers ANDRES NUÑEZ, he is affected by Covid-19, right now he is in quarantine, two of his close relatives have already passed away, we pray to God that he can recover as soon as possible. We ask your prayers for this faithful servant of the Lord and committed teacher in BVBI - PERU.

Grateful for your constant support and endorsement with this extension. 

God be with you, dear brothers.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Planting the garden in Tamale



This period indeed is a moment of reflection to reckon the indisputable activates God has bestowed on us all. We are grateful and appreciative for your gestures in turning your kindness toward us. May God keep you save and strong during this hard time of covid 19 pandemic.


We are committed to the orders of the government for its further postponement of public and private schools as well as social gathering suspension. We continue to pray with the students in their various homes to adhere to the safety protocols till the epidemic is well controlled.

We the staffs with our families meet on Sundays as a Church to reason together with the Lord with safety measures observed. We are working wholeheartedly to insure that both the school and the Church achieve its goals for the year 2020. Our communication with coordinator Kojo Acquah Beenyi on issues that will propel the progress of the school in Tamale is intact; we also keep on updating current students and incoming students through phone calls on government directives, assuring them the victory in the battle of corona virus menace. They are all responding positively as majority of them are engaged in farming activity now.


Though it has been difficult globally to predict effectively into the future, we are mandated to walk by faith and not by sight. For that matter, working as a team with our coordinator Brother Kojo, we continue to find ways to strategically plan for the future and smooth survival of the school. Therefore, per government withdrawal of restriction of movements, we embarked on four days (4 days) visitation and campaign for students in the Zabzugu Tatale District and its environs. Brother James Bisong Legend embarked on this journey. James left Tamale on the 22nd of April, and returned on the 25th , 2020. Visited locations where both past and current students of BVBI are residents, either as preachers for congregations or assisting preachers. Visited Nbolado where Samson Bisigma preachers for, Osunado congregation, cared for by Eric Bintim and Simon, Jomoni, where David is the Preacher, Gmanyando, Francis Satinja Works there, Kparibontaabo, Samuel Ogan and Daniel Kolimba are helping put things in order, Bikpabjab, where Brother Kolimba Samuel is the preacher. Also visited Brother Jagri Joe at New Jado congregation and Brother Alex at Sanguli respectively.

All these brethren are current and past products of Bear Valley Tamale. Due to covid 19, some weren’t meeting for worship any longer; they couldn’t device and creative way to worship, whiles others were breaking the restrictions of government. This visitation served a very good purpose as many were encouraged to meet in smaller groups and at homes to worship whiles observing the measures given by the government. Those who weren’t observing the government restrictions were advised with scriptures to do so. All of them were excited and strengthened by my presence. Four forms were taken by brethren who showed interest in enrolling into the school, whiles six forms were left with Brother Eric Bintim for those who were undecided at that time.


The farming activities are ongoing on the school plot, herbicide is bought and the compound have been sprayed, crops sowed (e.g. Groundnut and Yam), which help keep the environment clean to chase away dangerous creatures in and around the school. Two hundred yams {200 yams} as well as groundnut are cultivated for the school.  Maize would be sowed in early July after we uproot the groundnuts. We are very happy as family of God and we guess you all are faring better than us in Tamale.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Minimal Covid impact in Sierra Leone



Dear Brothers

Greetings from my family and from Brethren who are laboring with us. With continuous prayers we would say thank God for our lives and the lives of Brethren in Sierra Leone. The scaring of COVID 19 is fresh in the hearts of many.

Sierra Leone has been one of the few fortunate countries in cases of Corona COVID 19. There are 164 cases country wide. Out of this total 44 have recovered and discharged and 9 deaths recorded. The use of Face Mask and washing of hands has been strongly implemented especially in public places. As at Sunday 3rd of May, Government implemented partial District lockdown of 3 days which ends on Tuesday May 6th.

The 3 days imposed lockdown restrictions without provision for citizen was a thing to think about for future lockdowns. I keep wondering how people can survive on lockdown when they depend on daily labor to eat. For countries with large poor populations particularly in Africa Sierra Leone to be specific, the stay at home order will be very hard on the people. The news reports from around says that people are in danger of being left without access to food. This is as sad as many people are left with no alternative. Africans are now pursuing with two deaths Hunger and Covid 19. We pray and ask God to intervene and free us from this Pandemic.  


However, there is freedom of internal movement at District level. People are going to work and doing their normal businesses as they follow precautions implemented by the state. We are having our normal classes with no hindrances. We have started the Second Academic Year. Kindly keep us in your prayers.

The First Quarter session of the Second Year begins in May 2020. This quarter involves six courses. In this we have 2 short courses; These are 2nd Corinthians and Marriage and the Family. We already have the following Lecturers schedule, Alfred Koyama; Gabriel Abu; A.B Lansana; Joseph Missielie; Osman Sheke and Samuel Bangura.

Expected courses to be treated in addition to two short courses:

Church History

Old Testament IIIB

Life of Christ III

Old Testament IVA

The operation of the school will come to a close immediately the need arises. We will let you know when things get rough. Let us join hands with continuous prayers for all of our safety and a speedy remedy of this virus on the Planet Earth.


Corona virus Covid 19 is deadly dangerous and pandemic but our God is Omniscience; Omnipresence; Omnipotent and He is Jehovah Raphael (The God that heals) so Let us depend on Him today and always for it shall be well in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

We thank all those who are putting efforts in the building of God’s soldiers for His Kingdom. May they found favor in the sight of God for Christ sake…. Amen.

Keep us in your prayers and we always do for all.

Yours in Him

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

The newest Bear Valley school

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Enugu Study Centre, Enugu State Nigeria

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Enugu Study Centre started on the first week of January 2020 with 22 students on the first Saturday and additional 3 students on second Saturday bringing to total of 25 students. The centre is located at the meeting hall of Church of Christ Garriki Awkunanaw Enugu. The 25 students are made up of 9 sisters, 15 pulpit preachers and 1 evangelist who has been with a congregation for years now.

From the month of January to March 2020, the students have studied and written exams on 3 courses which are: How we got the Bible, Personal Evangelism and Christian Evidence (part A). The centre has 3 instructors that are committed to this work.

By the end of March 2020, the number of students at the centre is 20 persons (8 sisters and 12 brothers). 5 persons dropped based on health and other personal reasons.

The centre planned having their evangelism by the month of April 2020 to practice what they have learned, but the COVID -19 pandemic outbreak thwarted the plans. The centre shifted the evangelism programme to last week of May 2020 if the situation (COVID -19 pandemic and government polices) is stabilized to normal again.

We appreciate BVBI of Denver coordinators and resource persons/churches for their great efforts and supports financially, morally and spiritually to all the study centres globally. Also to resource person/persons in Nigeria, we say thank you.

May the good Lord bless and keep you as you continue in this good work in Jesus name Amen.

Report submitted by

Bro. Patrick Makwe

Enugu Study Centre coordinator.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Preparing for the future in Wotutu

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Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you from your brethren here in Cameroon. We do hope this report finds you doing well and well sounding in your faith even though things are on a standstill in most parts of the world. We are trusting God to do what pleases Him because we know that God is still in control even though corona virus is ravaging humans.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. We started teaching in the secondary and elementary part of our Christian school but not full scale as the lock down by government is still on. The government has reduced some measures for students in public exams classes. We keep praying that things should get back to normal as soon as God decides.

Keep praying for many here who are hungry and sick because of the virus now and who were hungry and sick even before this time because of the crisis in our country where the French-speaking Cameroonians government army is fighting against the English-speaking Cameroonians rebel army who is fighting for secession. These two crises’ have brought untold suffering to many here. Please pray for us. It is not easy with us here.

Amidst the pandemic we are on with our mission as you can see Mission Printing tracts going to the mission fields with the students. More demands of the Mission Printing tracts are being made from different locations. That tells me that many are busy preaching and evangelizing their communities.

In different communities, we do house to house evangelism by meeting one on one. We go from one person to another, sharing the bread of life free of charge.

I am still engaged and  teaching advance Homiletics. We are concentrating on expository sermons and also helping the students be prepared to handle special occasion like weddings, funerals etc. It is very interesting. Students are getting what will help them manage congregations well. When an event like a wedding comes up, the student will know what to do from start to end.

Students in threes were given assignments to do an expository sermon from the book of Daniel Chapter 6. I was very impressed as I watched them handle the word aright. Keep them in your prayers as we will see them going to the field this December 9, fully baked and ready for the Masters use.


This weekend we shall join with a displaced preacher to evangelize his new community of Buea Town with the aim of establishing a new congregation there.

This Saturday keep our prospective students, who will be traveling far and near to make it to Wotutu for the entrance exams for 2021-2022, in your prayers. There is a lot of insecurity in other parts of our country. Pray that God gives our prospective students a safe passage from their location to Wotutu.


Thank you very much for all your prayers and support to make the work here keep moving. God is watching and we know He will certainly reward you in due time. Do your best to share our report with others.

 God bless you as you continue to serve Him this week.

 Elangwe and family

 By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 11, 2020 .