Minimal Covid impact in Sierra Leone



Dear Brothers

Greetings from my family and from Brethren who are laboring with us. With continuous prayers we would say thank God for our lives and the lives of Brethren in Sierra Leone. The scaring of COVID 19 is fresh in the hearts of many.

Sierra Leone has been one of the few fortunate countries in cases of Corona COVID 19. There are 164 cases country wide. Out of this total 44 have recovered and discharged and 9 deaths recorded. The use of Face Mask and washing of hands has been strongly implemented especially in public places. As at Sunday 3rd of May, Government implemented partial District lockdown of 3 days which ends on Tuesday May 6th.

The 3 days imposed lockdown restrictions without provision for citizen was a thing to think about for future lockdowns. I keep wondering how people can survive on lockdown when they depend on daily labor to eat. For countries with large poor populations particularly in Africa Sierra Leone to be specific, the stay at home order will be very hard on the people. The news reports from around says that people are in danger of being left without access to food. This is as sad as many people are left with no alternative. Africans are now pursuing with two deaths Hunger and Covid 19. We pray and ask God to intervene and free us from this Pandemic.  


However, there is freedom of internal movement at District level. People are going to work and doing their normal businesses as they follow precautions implemented by the state. We are having our normal classes with no hindrances. We have started the Second Academic Year. Kindly keep us in your prayers.

The First Quarter session of the Second Year begins in May 2020. This quarter involves six courses. In this we have 2 short courses; These are 2nd Corinthians and Marriage and the Family. We already have the following Lecturers schedule, Alfred Koyama; Gabriel Abu; A.B Lansana; Joseph Missielie; Osman Sheke and Samuel Bangura.

Expected courses to be treated in addition to two short courses:

Church History

Old Testament IIIB

Life of Christ III

Old Testament IVA

The operation of the school will come to a close immediately the need arises. We will let you know when things get rough. Let us join hands with continuous prayers for all of our safety and a speedy remedy of this virus on the Planet Earth.


Corona virus Covid 19 is deadly dangerous and pandemic but our God is Omniscience; Omnipresence; Omnipotent and He is Jehovah Raphael (The God that heals) so Let us depend on Him today and always for it shall be well in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

We thank all those who are putting efforts in the building of God’s soldiers for His Kingdom. May they found favor in the sight of God for Christ sake…. Amen.

Keep us in your prayers and we always do for all.

Yours in Him

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Posted on May 11, 2020 .