Good work in Lesotho



Grace and peace from our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. The school has   
resumed its operation after a month of inactive. The class attendance   
has been affected negatively after six weeks lockdown. Homiletics and   
Holy Spirit are the two courses taught in March and May. Five baptisms 
were recorded and a single restoration.
On the 29th of March 2020, Lesotho went under national lockdown for   
six weeks. Schools and churches were not allowed to operate hence, we   
temporarily closed BVBIL for the period mentioned above. Although we   
were encouraging the students to read their notes, posting quiz on the 

BVBIL WhatsApp group, nothing much was done during the national   
lockdown. We were fortunate that in February we had two courses which   
were taught, the weekend class and the weekdays evening class.

The national lockdown has also affected our class attendance in May a 
lot of people lost their jobs and some who were fortunate are 
earning  50% salary, which caused some students to work on weekends 
therefore,  absent in class. Although it will take time, our prayers 
and hope is  that things will get back to normalcy so that we can have 
all our  students in class.

                                   COURSES TAUGHT

Brother Robert Likhang taught Homiletics to 18 students in the month   
of March 2020. The students appreciate the knowledge and experience   
they are gained through BVBIL, three students have so far presented   
their sermons at Maseru church of Christ after they are taught the art 
of preparing and delivering a sermon. Not only are the students 
happy  about the knowledge they are receiving, the church appreciates 
On the 29th of March, brother Tankiso Mohono preached from the book of 
1 Cor 3, he did exceptionally well. Prior to his sermon, one of the   
elders did not like brother Mohono to preach the reason being, he was   
not eloquent in speech but after he delivered the sermon, the elder   
went in front of the congregation cried and confessing that he was   
wrong. The elder thanked the school for the good work it is doing to   
produce competent preachers
Brother Tawanda taught Holy Spirit to 13 students in May 2020. The   
school chose Holy Spirit as one of its elective courses because in   
2013-2014 the church in Lesotho split, some believed miracles,   
speaking in tongues and healing are the spiritual gifts which God is   
currently giving to Christians, while another believed in the   
cessation of those gifts. The students who were present benefited,   
they are able to differentiate the pre-canon gifts and post-canon   
ones, they can tell when the miraculous gifts ceased based on 1   
Corinthians 13:8-13.

                           BAPTISMS AND RESTORATION

Before lockdown, one of our students, borther Leuta has been   
evangilising in Ladybrand (South Africa), we were happy to be informed 
by the brethren in Ladybrand that in April, four souls were added in 
Christ’s body. In Maseru one soul put on Christ in baptism and one   
restoration was recorded in May.


Our desire to spread the word of God in every town and village of   
Lesotho can be possible with your assistance to establish a World   
Bible School in Lesotho. Like other Southern African countries where   
WBS is active, congregations can be planted, churches can be grown and 
communities can be transformed, so as in Lesotho, with the 
involvement  of WBS and BVBIL, great things can happen.  Looking 
forward to hear  from you and at the end it is all in God’s hands. Amen.

Posted on June 9, 2020 .