On hold in Liberia


Fellow Workers, 

We bring you greetings from the students and staffs in Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute, hoping all is well with you and your families in the Lord's name. We truly appreciate God for your partnership with us in this great work we have to do here in Liberia, West Africa. Below are the happenings for the month of April 2020.


Classes continued normally in the first and second weeks in this month with every student and staff carrying their duties as assigned to them even with news of the coronavirus fast spreading across the world. Our students contunued to engaged the communities around the school campus in weekends house to house evangelism and distributions of tracks as part of their practical grades for field work. These went on well until the virus hit Liberia …


Due to the fast spread of the Coronavirus across the world with cases in Liberia already, the government of Liberia through it President H.E. DR. George Manneh Weah imposed in Liberia a state of emergency ordering every citizens to be home by 3:00pm each day for the first three weeks. This from the beginning was not too strong as it is now when the virus rate started rising that a total lock down was ordered by the Government demanded the immediate closure of every schools, businesses, restaurants, transport stations Churches etc. This forced us to followed the Government orders by suspending classes on March 6, and sending the students home to avoid getting in trouble with the Government. This has brought everything out here to a stand still. It is our prayer that things get better soon and our students come back to finish the activities for graduation.


We continue to thank you so much for your support to all the work here in Africa especially in Liberia. May God continue to bless you in Jesus Name.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn Jr.

Director- Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia

Posted on June 9, 2020 .