Giving much needed help in India

Reporting letter for the month of May -2020

Respected  International director Mr.Keith Kasarjian  , Our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds , supporters and prayer partners of BVBI-Tiurpati , A.P,India behalf of our Bible college we convey our greetings to you in the precious and matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ . We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey gratitude and thanks to each one of you for your love, prayers and encouragement.

In the month of May there was rapid spread of Corona virus in India , the Indian president has declared the lockdown and it was strictly implemented , Actually from the commencement of lockdown in India  many people suffered a lot without going out side to bring basic needs for the family maintenance, in addition the daily wage labor Christian families have no work to get earning to feed their families.  The local govt strictly prohibit the people’s entry into the streets. There are no shops , markets, bank transactions feed their family children and old people. In such a tough and crisis situation we have consulted Healing Hands International and raised $2000/ funds for the covid-19 pandemic relief supplies . we have helped the food material  in these following areas

( 1.Vidyanagar church of Christ &Surrounding areas in ,Nellore-DT, AP, India

2,Tirupati church of Christ &Surrounding areas in  Chittoor-DT, AP, India

3.Narapur church of Christ  &Surrounding areas in  west Godavari -DT, AP, India

4. Manipur-state, North east of India).Total Number of Beneficiaries : 150 Christian families .Food items distributed : families .Rice 1500 KG,Groceries (1.Green dall, dall, 3.Bengal gram,4. Ravva, 5.Cooking oil, 6.salt packers , 7.washing soup,8. bathing soap,9. tam rid , 10.chilly  powder, 11.coriander  powder , 12,turmeric powder 13. Rice 14.sugar etc..The Plan of Implementation : After receiving funds from HHI , we conducted meeting with the church members  both in Vidyanagar &Tiupati and Participation of staff &students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute and formed a distribution committee with 12 members .Then the committee selected a needy beneficiaries from the above said areas and purchased food material from  local whole sale market and packed them systematically and distributed each family with 10  KG Rice, Green dall 1-KG, red dall 1kg,  Bengal gram 1 KG, Ravva, 1 KG .Cooking oil 1 Liter  .salt packets 1 KG, washing soup-1, bathing soap-1, tam rid 500 Grams , chilly  powder 100 Grams, coriander  powder 100 Grams, and turmeric powder 100 Grams .We distributed the  above said items with packets door to door to all the families . The Christian families appreciated the work of benevolence that was done by the BVBI&local churches .God has blessed our benevolence service , 150 families were able to received food material, few fallen families were restored by seeing the love of God.

Regarding the lockdown period it will be ended by June 8, 2020 , we look forward seeing better days to conduct class room work and complete the syllabus.  we are ever grateful to you for your continue prayers and encouragement which helps us lot to serve Indian people , we request your prayers and encouragement .

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&swarupa, from Bear valley BibleInstitute, Tirupati,India

Posted on June 9, 2020 .