Virtual classes in Peru

A virtual but fraternal hug from Lima - Peru,

We remain immersed like everyone, in the midst of this quarantine scenario. 

We are very sorry for everything or that is happening, but we accompany all of you in our prayers. The quarantine in our country has practically been extended until the end of May, but security measures will surely continue to prevent infections.

As an institution, the institute has had to adapt and we are presenting the courses in a virtual way (we finished I Corinthians, this course was covered by me in April) and we have started the second virtual course "Planting churches".

The first virtual course I Corinthians was presented to the students using Facebook Live from 5 - 8 in the morning. There have been advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

1) The broadcasts have ensured us a production of material for future students who are interested in studying at a distance.

2) The possibility for students to replay the recordings to perfect their assimilation of the material.

3) More advantage to nourish our website with material and in a more organized way.

Among the disadvantages are:

1) Very limited interaction with students.

2) The time was not the most appropriate, most have expressed this point of view.

3) The limitations of both technological knowledge and devices have also been a problem.

Adapting to virtual mode is something that is costing some because they are not so up-to-date with the use of technology, deficiencies in their network service or lack of a pc or laptop. But they are still trying their best to assimilate the material.

With these things in mind and after having discussed them, aware of the possibility that the quarantine would continue, we have launched our next course "planting churches" but we will use a platform for virtual classes "Google Meet" through which we can do of this course much more interactive and assimilable for students. (I attach a screenshot of our virtual classroom).
We have six students enrolled in this period in which the virtual modality has been implemented (Alejandro Berrio, Alejandro Manrique, José Medina, Moises Guevara, Margot Rodriguez and Jaime Ancori).

As part of the activities planned in our annual calendar, we have had to adapt to the scenario we are in. Our annual conference scheduled for April 9-10 was presented virtually, many brothers an sisters were able to connect to broadcasts on those days. Five lessons were presented, under the theme “Complete in Christ”. 1) Full salvation, 2) Full communion, 3) Full instruction, 4) Full perfection, 5) Full communion. (I attach a screenshot of the transmissions made during this conference and to their respective participants).

We would like to ask for your prayers for one of our teachers ANDRES NUÑEZ, he is affected by Covid-19, right now he is in quarantine, two of his close relatives have already passed away, we pray to God that he can recover as soon as possible. We ask your prayers for this faithful servant of the Lord and committed teacher in BVBI - PERU.

Grateful for your constant support and endorsement with this extension. 

God be with you, dear brothers.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .