Successful Campaign in Enugu, Nigeria


The evangelism was proposed to be two days programme which was intended to be house to house and open air, but due to the government policies on social/religious activities, the management decided to carry out massive house to house and tracts sharing on Saturday (23/5/2020) just a day programme.

The students and their instructors with a member of Garriki Church gathered in the morning of 23/5/2020 in the meeting place of the Church of Christ, Garriki and after songs and prayers entered the vehicle (a bus provided by the management) and left for Akwuke village (evangelism venue). They arrived Akwuke by 11:00am, after prayers they went out and spoke to many and shared tracts. The exercised lasted till 2:10pm when they gathered again at the point where their vehicle stationed. They entered the vehicle and returned to the Church’s meeting place by 2:40pm.

Participants’ report of the work: the participants returned with good reports of the listening ears and interactions of their prospects and also informed us of the need to start a congregation in Akwuke Village as many of the people complained of farness of the Church’s meeting place from Akwuke.

After light refreshment, we sang and prayed and the brethren left for their homes.

Financial report: The budget for the evangelism was N60,000 to N65,000, but we later spent N40,000 as the evangelism was just a day programme. The expenses was carried out on Polo (T-shirt), Tracts printing, refreshment and transportation.

Based on the report returned with, we hoped to visit Akwuke village again for a greater work which will include open air evangelism any time they relaxed COVID-19 policies. And by His grace establish a congregation there.

NB. One of the students (a minister) pleaded that the students come and help them evangelize their area (Awgu town) in Awgu LGA of Enugu State. We hoped to do so soon, God helping us.

I want to say a very big thank you to God, BVBI team/resource persons, the instructors, the students and all the saints for the grace, support and encouragement/prayers.

May God bless us all as we labour sincerely in His vineyard – Amen.

Yours in His vineyard

Bro. Patrick Makwe

Enugu - Nigeria

Posted on June 8, 2020 .