Preparing for the future in Wotutu

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Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you from your brethren here in Cameroon. We do hope this report finds you doing well and well sounding in your faith even though things are on a standstill in most parts of the world. We are trusting God to do what pleases Him because we know that God is still in control even though corona virus is ravaging humans.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. We started teaching in the secondary and elementary part of our Christian school but not full scale as the lock down by government is still on. The government has reduced some measures for students in public exams classes. We keep praying that things should get back to normal as soon as God decides.

Keep praying for many here who are hungry and sick because of the virus now and who were hungry and sick even before this time because of the crisis in our country where the French-speaking Cameroonians government army is fighting against the English-speaking Cameroonians rebel army who is fighting for secession. These two crises’ have brought untold suffering to many here. Please pray for us. It is not easy with us here.

Amidst the pandemic we are on with our mission as you can see Mission Printing tracts going to the mission fields with the students. More demands of the Mission Printing tracts are being made from different locations. That tells me that many are busy preaching and evangelizing their communities.

In different communities, we do house to house evangelism by meeting one on one. We go from one person to another, sharing the bread of life free of charge.

I am still engaged and  teaching advance Homiletics. We are concentrating on expository sermons and also helping the students be prepared to handle special occasion like weddings, funerals etc. It is very interesting. Students are getting what will help them manage congregations well. When an event like a wedding comes up, the student will know what to do from start to end.

Students in threes were given assignments to do an expository sermon from the book of Daniel Chapter 6. I was very impressed as I watched them handle the word aright. Keep them in your prayers as we will see them going to the field this December 9, fully baked and ready for the Masters use.


This weekend we shall join with a displaced preacher to evangelize his new community of Buea Town with the aim of establishing a new congregation there.

This Saturday keep our prospective students, who will be traveling far and near to make it to Wotutu for the entrance exams for 2021-2022, in your prayers. There is a lot of insecurity in other parts of our country. Pray that God gives our prospective students a safe passage from their location to Wotutu.


Thank you very much for all your prayers and support to make the work here keep moving. God is watching and we know He will certainly reward you in due time. Do your best to share our report with others.

 God bless you as you continue to serve Him this week.

 Elangwe and family

 By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 11, 2020 .