An update from Tirupati, India

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Respected  International director Mr.Keith Kasarjian , our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds, supporters and prayer partners of BVBI-Tiurpati , A.P,India behalf of our Bible college we convey our greetings to you in the precious and matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ . We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey gratitude and thanks to each one of you for your love, prayers and encouragement.

We heard about the Corona virus has been rapidly spreading in US and causes many people have been hospitalized   and many people are dying . We bleed in our heart and feel sorry  to hear about this news. We continue to pray for you and your nation.

By the grace of God BVBI-Tirupati has completed three semesters successfully and fourth semester has started. In this semester  we have completed the  book of  1.Galatians, 2. First Thessalonians( and ) 3. Second Thessalonians, 4.First Peter, 5.Second Peter and of  Jude. According  to Indian president guidelines our indoor classes room work has been suspended an due to  Corona virus threat .

The number of positive Covid-19 cases and deaths continue to increase in India, but thankfully not at too high a rate. Let us continue to pray that the Medical scientists and Researchers could come up with a cure and vaccine soon. That the virus is more easily managed. In the meantime we pray all of us be safe and do not be infected with the virus. God is faithful. He cares for His own.

Assignment work : During this lock down period students have been busy in writing assignments from the completed syllabus , they need to spend 8 hours per day to study and write the assignment . All the teachers are available for the students to clarify their questions and doubts by using text messages, whats App , skipe, zoom, e-mails , phone calls etc…

Benevolence: This is the time all the members of lord’s church have been struggling along with citizens of our country  during this lock down period which was started in March 22nd midnight , the govt has been trying level best in meeting the needs of the people by  supplying food packets but still hundreds of the people in need .Therefore all the students and teaching faculty have been moved with great compassion and helped  the needy families in their own local churches, we approached  the capable members in the local church personally and collected some contributions , by using this money we purchased rice , groceries , fruits and vegetables and provided to the neediest families  in the local churches. By the grace of God beside students and staff  we have distributed rice and groceries to 20 families in the Vidyanagar church , we have helped vegetables to 150  families in total village which was under the RED-ZONE and second round we have provided vegetables and fruits to 25 families.

Online classes: According to current news from the Govt  the lockdown period suppose to be completed by May 17th, 2020, if not we will be started to teach our courses by using zoom-app, we already contacted all the students to download the zoom app, they are ready for the online classes .

HHI-Vegetable  garden :  myself and few students  have been regularly working  for the AG vegetable garden  to keep healthy and greenish. We try to keep all the guidelines whatever we learned in our HHI-AG workshop training  given in Zimbabwe  for the maintenance of the hunger garden .

Staff meeting: Before the lock down period was started we had our staff meeting on March 20 Friday , we discussed several things regarding the discipline, punctuality  and character development of the students and their  home works, kitchen work and gardening works etc...

Students and Sundays:  As we began the 4th semester we are planning to send the students to neighboring local churches to teach the word of God , we are happy to report you that there are several local churches are available  in and around the Tirupati-city. We know several local preachers who are interested to receive our students for the Sunday preaching .

The progress of the students : All the students are able to follow each teacher in the class room  , they are  given home work, memory work , weekly exams . Teachers observe their class room running note books. BVBI-Tirupati is trying  level best to maintain the good standard in preparing effective spiritual soldiers for the sake  dying souls in our county. We strongly believe that only the word of God is solution for all the spiritual problems. All the students meet in the morning and evening  for the student’s devotions. Happy to report you that they use to have prayer, singing, bible reading and preaching  . Each day two  student get opportunity to preach the word of God (Morning and evening). As they earned one year preaching experience among the students that helped them to develop boldness to teach the word of God.

We extend our thanks from the bottom of our hearts to the director Mr.Keith Kasarjian  Our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds  for their commitment and personal care and concern for the smooth function of the Bible college . We don’t find words to appreciate their guidelines and encouragements. It was the life threat time when Mr. Mr.Keith Kasarjian has visited in 2020 March because of Covid-19. We praise God for his safe travel with good health . We sincerely thankful to his great efforts to visit us and encourages us. We also thankful to all the prayers partners of our Bible College.

Thanks to all the visitors who could able to visit us from US before Covid-19:

We humble our self and remember all the visiting’s of our beloved brothers and sisters who visited BVBI-Tirupati and encouraged us just before The Covid-19 threat . We are thankful to Mr.John R. Vaughan( Graymere church of Christ ) Mr.Jonathan Winchester(Graymere church of Christ) Mr.Matthew Bowling (Graymere church of Christ), Mr.Larry Nokes (Foothills church of Christ(Mr.Dennis Widner(Foothills church of Christ) Mr.Damon Vincent(Sunset church of Christ) Mrs.Linda smith(WoodsonChapel Church of  Christ) and Mrs.Jackie Hills(Berrey’s Chappel Chuch of Christ) and Mr.Reyhart(4177 Bethlehem Church Road, Wickliffe,KY 42087) and  Mr.Peter Solomon( Kumaran Nagar church of Christ-Chennai) Mr.V.S. Immanuel (( Kumaran Nagar church of Christ-Chennai) Mr.M.Devasagayam( Arakonam church of Christ) Mr.David Martin -Chennai) etc..

Prayer Request: The every month  rents of  the Bible college building and student’s  hostel occupies the much of the monthly budget , we humbly request you to pray for the own building for the BVBI-Tirupati, India. Our present building owner has a plan to sell the building, if God opened the doors to own the building, it would be a great blessing to have permanent building for the BVBI-India, the RENTS  what we pay for the BUILDING would be saved and utilized for educating the young men for eternal life.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&swarupa, Behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

A new intake of students in Zimbabwe



As the world continues the struggle to contain the Covid19 pandemic, our hope and faith remain pinned on God to continue protecting you and eventually help expects to come up with a medical solution. It is a time when governments, church leaders and other leaders at various levels should depend upon God and make the right and necessary decisions. Certainly, it has not been easy for many, BVBIZ included. However, we are grateful to God for seeing us through the month of April, through under an extended lockdown. We can report on the following;.


Due to the COVID19 pandemic and lockdowns that have ensured, our programs at BVBIZ remain on suspension. The new intake which was supposed to start classes on the 13th of May will now start at a later date depending on the prevailing situation and government pronouncements. The field practicum which should have commenced on the 25th of April remain suspended also. Our apologies to all congregations that had gone out of their way to prepare for the coming of students.


To date, 14 students (12 singles and a couple) have been accepted. This is the school’s third intake since its inception in 2016.


In April, there was some progress that took place to the hostel that had been under construction since September last year. The following were done successfully; digging of septic tank, digging of soak away tank, plastering of the structure, rough floors, installation of four exterior and three interior doors. The new intake is expected to commence classes at this new site once the lockdown is uplifted and if all things are equal.


BVBIZ will be moving to the permanent site at the end of May. Though difficult but it is exciting. It is difficult in that the structure is not yet fully complete. Rather than continue paying rentals, BVBIZ management has given a notice to the owner of the present facility which the school has been using. Funds meant for rent will now be able to slowly pay for some of the outstanding materials that are needed. At the end of May, therefore, BVBIZ shall officially move to the permanent site.


When all is said and done, glory and honour should always be given to God Almighty who gives each of us strength even in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic. Our prayer at BVBIZ is that God be with you all during this difficult moment.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

An update from one of the schools in Lagos

Bear Valley Bible Institute, Report From Ikorodu Lagos State -- Nigeria ( Weekend Class)                                   

Greetings from the staff and students of Bear valley Bible Institute Owutu Ikorodu.Here is the summary of the first quarter of 2020 report.                                   

1. The diploma students are still regular in class since January 2020 to March. We experienced the lockdown at the end of March and April which paralyzed the school activities. Before pandemic on February we have carried out campaign for 2020. We had seven baptism twelve restoration.                             

2. Number of students: we have twenty- eight students in Ikorodu campus, out of this number we have three sisters, fifteen preachers, and ten Congregational teachers our students are serious and regular in class.                                               

3 Lecturers and lectures: our  Lecturers are doing well regular and very active.The subjects treated so far , this quarter  are :

Public speaking 2( practical homiletics -- brother Makinde Ebenezer.

Old Testament 2( study of the history, Joshua -- Esther)--- Mfon Etim

Prison Epistles( Ephesians, Philippians, closians) --- Lucky Usoyare

James --- Mfon Etim                                                     

4. Corona virus has paralyzed the lectures for some weeks. In Lagos we have observed lockdown from the federal government.The lockdown took  us one month before the federal government lifted  it in Lagos State. Since the lockdown has been lifted our weekend lectures have comment. Our students are glad to come back to the class.                               .                                 

We grateful to God for keeping us safe from covid 19. We are grateful to you for your support to see that Africa is well-grounded in the word of God. May our almighty God bless and protect you and keep you safe from covid 19 in Jesus name amen.               

I remain your fellow soldier of Christ.                 

Brother Mfon Etim ( Ikorodu Director)

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Extended school in Greater Accra

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The school in Kasoa is a growing one as like the village city of Kasoa itself. There are over 30 congregations in this city and that calls for the need of many men to be trained and evangelize this heavily populated city. Right now we have 19 students and forms are picked all the time.

The month of January was welcomed with class started on Friday 10th. We had all attending. Kojo started the year with them in the study of The New Testament Church I. Roger Asante also took the class in the study of The Old Testament III. 

The school was closed on March 28, 2020 and the date to be resumed will be determined by the outcome of the spread of the virus. 

In the months of January, February and March, the activities of the students recorded 13 baptisms. 

There is a nearby village one of the student want to plant a church there. When funds are available, there could be a campaign to have a congregation planted in the village. Praying that the Good Lord will see us through this hard times as prices for all essential items have gone high. 

Trusting God to richly bless you for your love and support to the work in Ghana.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

First report from a new school in Ghana




The Brong Ahafo College of Biblical Studies was accepted as a Campus of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Sunyani on November 1, 2019


The former sixteen students of the College enrolled for the Bear Valley Course but one has traveled to U. K, thus making the present number of 15 students. All the fifteen students were present at the inauguration of the Bear Valley programme on November 1, 2019.


Classes at the Sunyani Campus are scheduled for Friday evening to Saturday evening.

Friday Evening Classes: 6:30 – 9:30pm 

Saturday Evening Classes: 7:30 – 3:30pm

We are presently using the Church Auditorium as our main Lecture hall, when there is a church programme we move to our basic school block.

Students sleep at the ICT room of the school as others also sleep in the auditorium.


A. Before the starting of the Bear Valley programme, we have already taught the following courses:

Course  Lecturer

a. The New Testament Church Daniel K. Mensah

b. Biblical Hermeneutics  Daniel K. Mensah

c. Old Testament Survey  Thomas Gyabaa

B. After the starting of the Bear Valley programme, we are teaching the following courses:

Course  Lecturer

a. The Preacher and his work Daniel K. Mensah

b. Homiletics   Daniel K. Mensah

c. New  Testament Survey  Thomas Gyabaa

It is our consistent prayer that the good Lord will continue to bless the good works of Bear Valley Bible Institute.





Thank God we are alive and seeing His Glory. There was panic all over, thank God it is now dying down but we are being curious and that all the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus are being observed.

Our fellowship with Bear Valley International has been a blessing as we now have the needed logistics in place and that is helping with the teaching and learning in the school. Our students are happy with the lunch provided and the materials the school provides. Praying that God bless your work and that for Him.

We have 15 students and all are attending and well participating in all the activities of the school. We had The Preacher and His Work, Homiletics and The New Testament Survey taught beginning from January. Daniel and Thomas Gyabaa were the instructors. 

Our impending campaign for March was cancelled due to the restrictions of people and we plan to have it when all the panicking are over. However, we had 4 baptisms from the reports from the students in their works as leaders and preachers in their congregations.

We are still waiting for the Course Materials from you (we made that request in our last report) as that will help and guard us in our lesson preparations. 

Thanks, continue to pray with us as we do for you.  

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Good news from Liberia


Hello to all of you who are reading this report from the Bear Valley extension School in Liberia, West Africa. It has been a great privilege and blessing to be part of God workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom here in this part of the world. We are so very grateful for this opportunity to serve. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their willing sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well.


The dean of students for the school in Liberia in person of Brother Fester G. Lee and myself were privileged to be part of the first ever graduation ceremony of the School Guekedou Guinea where 15 evangelist were trained to expand the kingdom of our Lord. It was a very beautiful program that brought together, if not all the congregations in Guinea, then most of them including congregations and preachers from Sierra Leone. The graduation also welcome 20 new students into the program with the hope of training more men for the Lord's work force in that part of the world.


It was planned earlier this year that Brother Steven Ashcraft would come to Liberia and teach a class in Bible Geography for a week beginning March 16, but the class could not come on because of the issues of the corona virus and the worried of possible travel restrictions across Africa. So Brother Steven has to leave to avoid any traveling problems. He met shortly with the student on Monday morning the 16th of March and horridly left with a taxi to Monrovia and left Liberia.The students felt so bad, but have to accept the situation since we had no control over the happenings.


The news of the corona virus is fast spreading across the world making Liberia no exception, but Liberia is still very safe with no regulations from our Government yet about this disease that could possibly course fear in people. So Liberia is still very claim and running normally. We assure you of obeying any pronouncement from the government that will help keep all of us safe against this deadly pandemic.


Our students continued their weekend evangelism in engaging the communities around the school campus in weekends house to house evangelism and distributions of tracks. This is a compulsory requirement for the students to get them practice for the future as trained gospel preachers. As usual, their weekend work includes visit to the hospitals and prison. Presentations and reports are made every Monday morning to evaluate their weekend field work. Meanwhile, this effort is not only making the church known or have great impart on prospects they come across, but helping the individual students with great experiences on field work and what to expect in the future of their own ministry.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Using social media for good in Ghana


Dear Brethren,

It is by the grace of God that we all are alive this day. We are safe here, and we hope you are too. Though, the pandemic has stopped us from doing what we love best—to serve our Lord with the ability that He has given us, yet the little that we can do as well as keeping ourselves safe from Covid-19, we are able to do.


At the beginning of the month of March, classes for both the regular and part-time students were going on smoothly until the third week when our president placed a ban on all gathering including public and private schools due to the Coronavirus infection. The Covid-19 cases in our country keep rising each week. It started with 2 and now, on this 2nd day of May, 2020, we have 2,074 confirmed cases with 17 deaths and 212 recoveries. Our students are prepared to return to school the moment the ban is lifted. So we are all praying that, this pandemic will be over for us to return to classroom.


Though the Covid-19 has brought life to a halt, yet, we manage to preach the gospel in every possible way that we can. As the director of the school, I have not ceased to teach the gospel on the radio and Facebook live streaming. To use my time wisely while staying in the home in this Covid-19 period, I have started a new Facebook live streaming program with the theme, “Do You Understand What You Are Reading?” And to God be the glory that I get over thousand views each week on this program. Also, some of our students (both past and current) continued with their house to house teaching. While some were doing street preaching, others also engaged in a chariot (van) preaching. The Lord blessed our efforts with 10 baptisms.


Through many methods for securing new students for the next academic year, we currently have eleven (11) young men who are preparing to be enrolled in the school come January 2021. And we are going to intensify our search for new students from the month of June, God willing.

We thank you all for every way that you support us. You do encourage us so much in what we do. God bless you.

For the Master.


Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Graduation postponed in Accra


March Report, 2020

We shall always thank our God Almighty for wonderful protection in this “world war” of covid-19. Statistically, the number keeps increasing from 2 to 2000 plus yet, His protective hands are upon us and also holding fast to all safety directives by our noble president.

We are eagerly seeking the Lord’s mercies and healing power over the brethren and everyone over the entire continent; those quarantine, in hospital, and uninfected.

We hope this shall come to pass. All these are to our lessons and increase in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Class Activities

In this month, we spent two weeks for two short courses which were taught by Kwabena Gyan-Mante on Personal Evangelism I and Shadrack Oppong Sika on 1 & 2 Thessalonica.

We had all our 10 admitted students present for all the courses until completion and vacation.

Vacation & Reopening

The school vacated after their last short course with bro. Shadrack on 20th March, 2020. Reopening of the school was decided among the administration and the conclusion was to abide by the period directed by the government upon temporally closing down all institution until further notice.

Based on this, the schools shall resume according to the government’s order.


We organized a campaign activity in Central Region at Ada-Ngyiresi, a one-week campaign. Three days in both twin towns (Ada and Ngyiresi), dawn, day and night preaching.

Seminar & Graduation Postponed

As we normally do for our graduation after completion of the 50 courses including English and Computer studies, these activities could not come on as a result of the covid-19. This was postponed to next year 2021 if the Lord permits, according to Kojo’s correspondent with Steven.

We are hoping that all things will work well for us at the end of this year, 2020.

Pray with us.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Great things in West Africa!

Dear West Africa Missions Support Team,

We pray that all of you are doing well in this challenging time.  Karen and I are currently in Arkansas, and we thank God that we are both healthy and safe.  Over the past month, I have been working from home to coordinate our schools and activities in West Africa. In the middle of March, the pandemic forced me to return to the USA early.  We have suspended classes at many of our schools, although a few in less affected areas can continue.  We have also needed to reschedule graduations, seminars, and other activities due to government restrictions.  We are fortunate that technology allows me to continue the work overseas.  Through the telephone and email, I am able to stay in contact with our directors and evangelists as we all work our way through this global calamity.  

This newsletter outlines some of the significant happenings at the preacher training programs throughout West Africa.  We have now reached over twenty-five full-time and extended programs with around 500 students in the countries of Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Cameroon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.  We also have additional students pursuing a Master's and Bachelor's Degrees in special programs in Ghana and Nigeria.  Our Lord is truly blessing this work.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Making the most of their time in Zambia

April, 2020

Dear brethren,

Greetings! We always pray that you are all fairing well in these days. The advent of COVID-19 pandemic has really brought many things to a stand-still. Nothing much is indeed happening especially where most of governments have introduced stringent measures to observe social distancing. We delayed the closure of the Institute until the second week of April, we realised the emergence to close when we had one case of covid 19 in our own town. We closed on 14th April and we continues to pray to reopen soon.

We have constant communications with all our students during this time. They have reported that they are busy with the assignments given to them when we suspended classes and using the opportunity to conduct Bible studies, in selected homes of believers. A month ago all forms of social gatherings in Zambia were prohibited. Even if the adherence to these measures were followed, we saw a very sharp spike to the cases of this pandemic.

As the church in Luanshya we have  continued to meeting in our homes as we observe the activities that are done on each Lord’s Day. While doing this we observe all the recommendations given by health Ministry in combating COVID-19. And as teachers we have also continued to use opportunity to teach during this period and as a result we had a soul (Ronald Bupe) added to the Lord's Church and two souls restored.

May our God continue to strengthen the bond that is existing and the partnership. We pray that God will bless the work that you are involved in. We continues to pray for your safety and wellbeing.

In Christ,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Classes in Lagos


INTRODUCTION: Our God is faithful and the only one that has sustained us till date. The pandemic called COVID 19 cut the world unaware including Nigeria. Our program is not unaffected with the government planned remedy. Our program was closed on the March 30th when Nigerian government gave an order of no movement.

ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES: We were blessed that Bro Frank Ekpodikpo who started Old Testament 2 (Study of the History: Joshua - Esther) was able to finish his class and conduced an exam before the unplanned break started. The break has taken majorly the month of April.

Looking at the new information and plan from the Nigerian government, activities will gradually be restored from the 4th of May. Join us in praying that there will be no reason for lucking down Lagos State again. We intend to resume class in the 9th of May and Bro Oluwafemi Adewuyi will be taking the Book of James in our center.

WBS ONLINE STUDY HELPER: I want to thank God for the grace given me to use this lockdown period to the glory of His name. I was able to grow my WBS Online Students from 1,254 in February ending to 1,716 as of the 1st of May 2020. Knowing that many people are at home, it is a good time to reach out with the gospel from the comfort of my room. 4 prospects are under serious follow up presently as they have indicated interest to obey the gospel. Two are from South Africa and the other two are from Nigeria.

CONCLUSION: Let us continue to pray for one another in this work so this challenging time will become history. Thanks to all who are assisting us here to do the work of the Lord.

Thanks and God bless you.


Lagos Island Center Director

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Providing the cure in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni, Malawi

April, 2020 Report


It is not always time for battles for the soldier, sometimes you stay indoors resting, polishing the gun but also even being at rest you maybe prompted for a battle you didn’t plan. As a soldier you just stand on your feet and fight. Corona is real and we are all saddened to see our brothers and sisters dying throughout the world. This corona has affected our plans this year, but the hope we have is that Corona will eventually go a way as it is preventable, but the word of God will stand forever!

Despite the pandemic, the call to preach and save souls is high and as soldiers of Christ sometimes we fail to stay in door when there’s a call for a soul to be saved. This month we have had three calls which we could not ignore. Two souls wanted to be baptized, and congregations in Mpamba eastern Nkhataby in the Northern region of Malawi wanted an urgent lectureship on leadership lessons which some failing to understand scriptures started erring in its interpretation, hence causing divisions. Because of the social distance issue, only two from each congregation attended the lectureship. We are limited in number of our gatherings by the government and we as Christians have to obey Romans 13:1-3. We are glad that we used our opportunity to help in all these situations. As I am reporting, two souls have been saved and about 22 congregations in Nkhataby understood the lesson on church leadership and there is unity among the brethren. God is good!


Even though we are challenged by the corona virus, but we are thankful to God that through this IT (Information Technology), we are able to reach many with the gospel as we stay in doors. Through whatsapp we have been preaching to some people and 2 souls have responded to the gospel. We didn’t hesitate for the call but went to baptize these 2 men. God is saving His people in the midst of the pandemic. We hope for more souls to be saved once this block is gone Corona Virus!


Paul was eager to preach the gospel in the midst of trials and struggles of being at the point of old aging; still he was willing to preach no mater the challenge. We can also preach as we stay safe! Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day 2 Corinthians 4:16; Jeremiah 20:9; Mark 14:38. The one who wins soul is wise Proverbs 11:30

We the Bear Valley Bible Institute Malawi, want to thank you all for your continual support though you are challenged by the pandemic economically. Without your involvement in this work, we would have failed. Therefore, we always pray that God continues blessing your families as we still need your hand to help. We also pray that God will rescue us from this pandemic and make our plans start working normally. God is able! Stay safe.

Yours truly,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

An extended school in Accra, Ghana

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Nsawam Extended School

First Quarter (Jan – Mar) Report, 2020

Praise be to God for continually showing His love towards us in Nsawam district. We are grateful to the Lord and all brethren in US. Our humble plea to the Lord is that may He keep His mighty hands and blessings on us.

We are greatly managing in these dangerous days of covid-19. It is our prayer that it will reduce in infection as Ghana has not yet discovered any medicinal aid to cure this virus. Though, with the help of God, some infected are gradually recovering yet, many are catching up the virus. May the Lord see us through this year.

Additional Students admitted

Within this quarter, students of Nsawam School have increased with 5 students currently, summing up to 30.

Class Activities

At this period, we did two courses, World Religions and Bible Geography by Sammy until we close down the schools according to the president’s directives to curb covid-19.

Class Participation and Attendance

Effectively, our students participates well with lots of questions and contribution. Research assignments, quizzes and other class works are well participated and students are interested with the lessons. We have minor challenges with attendance due to their jobs. Fridays, few attend class while on Saturday, we have almost full class. Some travel as far as outside Greater Accra Region which restricts their attendance such that some can be in class one or two times for a month.

We are putting down some measures to curb this challenge.


The students of Nsawam joined in with the full-time students to participate in the campaign central region (Ada and Ngeresi). There were no baptisms recorded during the activities.

Student’s Profile

Brother Seth Attamah is 54years and has married to Ema Afea Attamah. They are blessed with two female children. Bro. Seth is a preacher at Dome CFC Church of Christ with eighty (80) adults and forty (40) children in attendance. He is a weekend student in one of the Bear Valley extended schools in Nsawam - Ghana. He is one of the proactive students who is working hard in the study of the Bible. He really participates effectively during class activities. In most of the campaign activities and preaching, he is there to execute to perfection per my recommendation and brave in leadership. Among our brother’s hobbies, he loves to sing.

We are grateful to have our students in effective studies to the glory of God and the school.

Pray with us always.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .

Doing what they can in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon, the land of our birth and where we dwell. We send greetings to you from this far end. We are hopeful that our greeting will encourage you as our prayers go up to God on your behalf for the COVID19 pandemic that has pushed the activities of the world to a stand-still. God is watching what is happening and we have that spiritual insurance that His children, anywhere in the world, will be safe.

Last week went on well in BVBIC-Wotutu. Students are learning as we maintain the rules as stipulated by our government and WHO. We are having grace that the BVBIC-Wotutu is on while all other schools in Cameroon are closed down because of the pandemic. We are praying for you in the USA who are topping the list now for the highest number of infected and confirmed cases.

Even though the COVID19 news is still on and is in Cameroon, the good news about Jesus is also highly needed in all locations. We are being careful as we still drive around in locations to preach and to nurture. I stopped by a village market along my evangelistic route to buy food. I bought plantain and bananas. Many people are hungry here. Families are lamenting for food so we take the risk of exposure so that we can share with those who don’t have access to go. Even with my face mask on, my voice can still come out and the word can be preached. Keep us in your prayers.

We do house to house evangelism. When we get to our mission fields, we share the gospel from house to house and heart to heart. Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism.

Our pigpen is ready, our pigs will be bought within this week, and the farm will start. Keep the growth of this farm in your prayers as our aim is to help the current students and subsequent students learn how to keep pigs. By doing so, it will help them as we aim to have many piglets that will also be used as graduation gifts to the graduates as they go to their congregation and start their own pig farm. It will help them to have some pork to eat and also have pigs and piglets to sale to make money which will be of great help to them.

The greatest weapon, the Bible, has been made available by you for us to put it in the hands of new converts. They will use it throughout their lives. Please, always keep our work in your prayers as we work tirelessly to keep the wheel going.


We are planning to go to Batoke for mass evangelism next month. We will also to go to the Supe congregation to mediate a problem that is there.

Entrance exams for the next batch of new students will be in Wotutu on the 9th of May 2020.


God bless you. Thanks very much for your prayers and support. The electricity in our area of Cameroon is not stable now. Because of this we have to spend more money on gas for the generator for our students to be able to keep on studying. Please share our reports with others. God willing, next week we shall be able to give another update about the work here.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 28, 2020 .

Adapting during the pandemic

Dear fellow soldiers of Christ Jesus . 

Grace and mercies be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from Jesus Christ ,our Redeemer
We deeply appreciates God on your behalf for all your supports  for the growth of the Lord's church in Africa most especially Nigeria . 

Below is the summary of our activities for the month of April 2020.


In spite of the global pandemic, COVID -19,the students and staff of the BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN  carried out the weekend evangelism using public address system from junction to junction and sharing of gospel tracts in Butubutu, Panu,Eletu, Ajia and Egbeda town on the first three Saturdays in April (April 4,11&18) .This was done with adherence to safety guidelines put in place by the government for prevention of the spread of COVID-19, as well as with the consideration that these villages/towns are near remote areas.

Nineteen brethren actively participated in that of Group A which help in evangelizing Butubutu,Panu and Eletu  villages; eight in Group B that covered Egbeda town and it's environment and sixteen in Group C that evangelized Ajia town.
The residents were very receptive and many of them developed interest to know more about Christ and His Church, and we promised to pay them a visit after the Corona virus pandemic is over.

Due to the present global pandemic, Corona virus, over 75% of our students left the school compound in Butubutu village early this morning to their respective States immediately after the morning devotion before the National lock-down which may commence on Sunday night for another one or two weeks.
Fourth semester classes will commence Lord's willing on June 1, 2020.

We deeply appreciate Bro.Jerry Bates,Sister Betty Burton Choate, Bro.Louis Rushmore, Bro.Byron Nichols and the rest of World Evangelism crew for their dedication in serving the Lord and humanity through the printed pages which they expressed by sending funds for the printing of 6,000 copies of VOTI Volume 104 for Nigerian brethren and friends of the Lord's Church across the country.

Bro.Oviri Iruo-Oghene Careson was born in February 1996 at Amukepe-Mosogar,Delta State. He become a member of the Lord's church in the year 2014. He is presently our chapel prefect. One of our year -1 students working every weekend at Ajia town in the evangelization of Ajia and in the nurturing of the new congregation in Ajia. His mission after his two years training in BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN is to be a missionary in the English speaking part of Cameroon.

We shall be through with the printing of 10,000 copies of WBS introduction courses for the recruitment of more correspondence students by the end of this month.
The 10,000 lessons will be shared among the WBSFUW in Nigeria immediately the schools are re-opened.

With the help of the Almighty God and the support of my fellow ministers and Instructors coupled with the encouragement from Bro.Steven Ashcraft(Director, BVBID -West Africa Region),I was able to put my lessons on Evangelism -1&2 and Discipleship Training together in a volume for the use among the brotherhood in Nigeria.

Due to the spread of COVID-19, our BVBID Degree program that was supposed to come up on April 20 through May 2 has been re-postponed to May 18 through 29,2020. We hope that the global pandemic will soon be over. We shall soon celebrate the end of this global virus.

We thank you all for your faithful commitment to serving the Lord. May the Lord keep us safe and sound till death in Jesus Christ name, amen.
I remain yours in His Grace as a servant.. Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
(The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE Ibadan and WBSFUW)

Posted on April 28, 2020 .

New students in Ghana

Praise be to God for His lovingkindness through out the month! We have been safe in all our doings healthy and kicking. We are grateful to our brethren out there.

Attendance & courses

All instructors were present according to their period assigned to them.

Interestingly, there has not been a single day that the class has not been full of students. For this month, we had all students participating effectively in class works. This month has been the continuation of courses under study for the quarter. Courses, other than short courses have been completed with examination.

New Admission

In January, we admitted 7 members into the school and in February, we had 3 men in addition making 10 students for now. The first student with asterisk, is the one who was admitted in 2018 but could not complete his courses and now added to the new batch to fully complete them. He will be graduating with the last batch during the graduation. With exception of him, 9 students have been admitted. The three men who came in late, will be re-sitting to learn the courses and write exams. We have other members who has promised to come upon school resume in the next second quarter.  

The following students are currently admitted for this year:

1.       Ansere Kofi *

2.      Philip Abruquah

3.      Paul Kingsly Oti Jnr

4.      Edmond K. Yawson

5.      Richard Yankson

6.      Frimpong Rockson

7.      George P. Buah

8.     George Amenyo

9.      Kwame Peter

10.    Azaglo God’sway


The staff and students are eagerly on advertising for more students for the full-time programme this period and on vacation.

In conclusion, we pray always that the Lord will see us through this quarter and we eagerly praying that the Lord will safeguard you and everyone from the said virus spreading wide world.

Posted on April 28, 2020 .

The work continues in Cameroon

Blessings and glory all in the name of the Almighty God. I bring my condolences to what is happening today in the world and most especially as New York State and the City has become the center of the Covid 19 Pandemic. 

My beloved brethren, it has been quite a long time. I hope this report meets you in very good condition even though everybody is in quarantine. My regards to all the Christians and all those that will be reading this report. 

The Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Mbanga is doing fairly well as we attend classes these days without putting on our normal daily wear. So far, no students or staff have been infected with the current pandemic. We are putting all the measures in place that are recommended by the Cameroon government and WHO. Even in our class room, we apply the social distances with our benches. Washing of hands is regular as we have placed running water and soap at the entrance as well as a disinfectant. We are also wearing our face masks everywhere we go. Brethren, as we are praying for you over there, we wish you do same for us.

To begin this report, I wish to let you know that we are already planning for our upcoming graduation in March 2021. We have started preparing the minds of our students as they begin to think on topics for their term paper and defense. Everybody is doing fine except for one student who failed to return to school due to personal reasons but we are still praying for him. So, we are left with 15 students. It is always said that the final year is very challenging and anything can happen at any time. Our students are in need of serious prayers as the devil is always about, and trying to disrupt their studies.

We have had some series of mission work before the outbreak of COVID 19. This is our mission work in Sanchou. It was on this day in the month of January that we embarked on a journey to the hills of the western region of Cameroon but this time in a place called Sanchou which is a baby assembly that the school planted during the first batch. It was a four-day mission work that ended up adding two souls to Lord’s vineyard and one restored backsliding brother. We preached to so many souls in that locality and created an awareness to this population that is almost completely Catholic and traditionalist. One good trip deserves another. We are making another plan to storm that arena again.

Still in the month of January, we distributed gift to some displaced persons. These items were distributed to some displaced persons in Maleke and also to the young assembly that was established in November which is mostly made up of displaced persons from the Southwest and Northwest regions of our country. This young assembly is growing up rapidly. We are doing our best to improve the knowledge of the students.

God bless Bear Valley. 

It was also great to meet with some graduates in the month of February in Douala during the Jim Corner seminar, most especially those from the north of Cameroon. They are still faithful in preaching the gospel even thou with very difficult and hard conditions. I pray God should help their congregations to reason and have something for them to put food on their tables and that their kids can have a good living condition and good education for their children. Brother Victor from Ngong visited our campus and preached a powerful lesson to the students and to the church. Across all of this, the students have been going out for weekend evangelism to very far places and bringing back home successful results.

We went through another period of long courses, exams, and then short courses for both men and women. Then came preparation for another field work. It was great to send out students to various fields of work and to hear their interesting reports.

One new assembly was established at the frontier town between Cameroon, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinee. This assembly was created with 12 members who worshipped on the 1st and 2nd Sundays but it was rather unfortunate that we had no brothers but just sisters. This is the situation in Kiosy, our newly established assembly. The young man there was a prospect. We also had about 8 baptism all together, 15 restored persons, and many persons who were exposed to the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

My beloved, our congregation is also growing and the Lord is watching over us. Myself, Ititi Benedict, the director of BVBIC-Mbanga was also operated upon some 3 weeks ago and things are getting better.

Thank you for your continued prayers,

Ititi Benedict

Posted on April 28, 2020 .

A COVID update from Haiti

Looking down the road, we are excited that the International School of Theology (IST) will soon begin its sixth year of training gospel preachers and teachers of God’s word.   Our students, teachers, directors and alumni continue to reach the lost with the message of salvation.  We now have students in several parts of Haiti, Dominican Republic and Brazil.   Even during the closedown due to Covid-19, souls are being saved.  Troubled times also bring open doors to reach the lost world with the saving message of Jesus the Christ.

We have canceled classes for the rest of this school year at IST.  According to WORLDOMETER, Haiti has reported only 44 cases of the coronavirus with only three deaths.   Haiti has the lowest number of reported cases in the countries of the western Hampshire. I hope this is the truth, but I must say, I have my doubts.  This could be because most of the people have had malaria and have taken medication for it.   Most people in Haiti live in areas that are difficult to reach for testing and the hospitals are limited in services.  While the government has told people to stay home, this is difficult to do for more than one or two days.  Most people have no way for refrigerating food, so they live from day to day. They cook their food on charcoal and must go daily to get provisions.  With the schools closed, the children are at home and not able to find food.  Many of the children are fed through food programs operated by churches or schools. 

So far, all our students are clear of the Coronavirus.  The teachers and the students are ready to go back to school, but the government will not allow schools to open.  As our directors have said, “God is in control and will use this to His glory, as he did the earthquake of 2010.”  Our directors, brothers Felix and Beaubrun, and our teachers continue to stay in contact with the students.  Please pray for the International School of Theology – Haiti.  Pray for the government and the people of Haiti.  Pray for open doors that the gospel may move forward.  We give God the glory for all that is done. 

Larry Waymire

Posted on April 28, 2020 .

The gospel isn't on lockdown in Tanzania!

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

So much of our world is gripped in fear, and countless lives have been disrupted.  People are confused about where they can go for help, or at least for accurate information about what's going on.   At least one bible student in the Kioga area has been delaying the baptism that he needs because of his fear that COVID-19 might be waterborne.  Fear is a powerful thing, and this current climate presents a great many challenges for us all to face..  However, there are also wonderful opportunities for the gospel.  The evangelists that we work with in Tanzania have reported no less than 31 baptisms this month! 

People need Jesus as much as ever, and the opportunities are there if our eyes are open to them.  For example, our brother Kashumba went to Mwanza to teach an agriculture program that he does to help various communities.  While there, the uncooperative weather extended his trip.  So, of course, he used the extra rain-delay time for evangelism, baptizing 3 people.  While he was at it, he helped establish a new congregation in the village of Kalebezo in the Sengerema district.  That congregation is up to 10 members now, and is meeting in a member's home. 

Sometimes I tell you about efforts that are being made to reach the children in various areas.  This week a story from brother Yusuph illustrates why that matters.  For the past year, a 5-year old little girl has been attending bible class at the Ushirombo church.  The little girl continually invited her mother to come along with her.  Finally, the mother acquiesced and has been attending worship for the past 3 months.  I received word just the other day that this mother has now been baptized!   

We pray that the Lord of harvest will continue to send great fruit, along with the reapers needed to do the work.  Speaking of workers, let me close by sharing the spotlight with another one of our students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (BVBII-Arusha):  


"I am Luka Lubange, student of ACSOP, second year. It is my prayers that God helps us to graduate at the end of this year. I was born in 1985 to a Christian family where both of my parents are members of the Lord’s church. My father’s name is Lusekelo Lubange,a Preacher at Chimala/Mbeya since 1986. I and my wife are members of Airport church of Christ in Mbeya Town. I have two children.

     "The main reason for me to be trained to ACSOP is to get the knowledge of preaching and teaching the  Bible to other people, so to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ (Mk 16:15-16;Matt.28:18-20). And I think this school provides the knowledge I need that comes from God.

     "My goal after graduating is to go back to the congregation where I came from to preach the Gospel and to help the Mbeya Bible school which is under our congregation. In the Mbeya Bible school we provide God’s knowledge to all kind of people whether Christians or not, and it has only two teachers. So I will join with them to teach. I will do my best to work in God’s field with all my strength as God will grant to me.

     "Thanks a lot to all sponsors who donate in this school.  May God our Lord bless them so that they may continue contributing because in doing this they also fulfill the command of Jesus to spread the Gospel to every creature.   Thank you very much and it is my prayer to God to live according to His law so that one day we may meet to heaven."

Let me join Luka in saying thank you for your support, your interest, and for your prayers.  May God be with us all as we serve Him together. 

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on April 27, 2020 .

Planting in Tamale



It is indeed a trying period for the world globally, as the corona virus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. As we all know, many nations are fighting it strongly, and Ghana is not an exception. We pray and hope that all of us would be shown mercy by God.


The school reopened on 14/03/2020 to continue its academic work with eleven students reported remaining four more to report, while the class was in session with Brother James Legend, Pastoral epistles {1 & 2 Timothy & Titus} news came that government had declared shut down for all schools in Ghana due to Corona virus epidemic that had injected the whole world with panic. The school had been shut down on 17/03/2020 for four weeks to enable health experts control the pandemic to prevent further spread and escalation. All students have retarded to their homes waiting for positive response from government so that they can resume to school. We all need to give time to praying for God’s favor in this dreadful situation.


Trees are somewhat important for the weather as well as human survival. The inspirational leadership of our coordinator (Brother Kojo), for some time now has led us to plant many trees. The trees planted are going to be very beneficial for all inhabitants of the school, as well as the community in the very new future. These are edible trees which are also going to serve as defense to the fence wall as they are strategically planted.  We have trees like mangos, oranges, coconut, noni, etc. it’s encouraging at this point, seeing them growing up.


We are very enthusiastic in the improvement of the academic performance and moral conduct of our students as a result of our stay in campus to monitor students conduct and perpetually attend to issues in school. We are also determined to make it a challenge on our honor to avert occurrences that might hinder the growth of the college in Tamale. We are working around the clock to ensuring that new batch is attained to keep the college on track and God’s purpose sure. Consequently, Bother Albert was invited to honor a wedding at

Salaga Church of Christ on 7th/03/2020, for one of his Church members from Chamba where he was preaching wanted to marry. He took that advantage to visit Chamba Church of Christ to strengthen them, next day he visited Jeji, Simbomani, Joanayil and Likpangelntab where Brothers Alex Neina and Nkosil Samuel who recently graduated from the college are preaching. At Joanayil, one brother, Joseph picked a form to attend the college so that he can handle the Church the school helped to establish. Next day, he went to Mbondo, Kpandai and Tinlegto in campaigning for students. After a brief discussion with Kpandai Preacher Daniel about the school, the need to take part in school activities and recommending competent students for the school was met. Visits was also made to Michael one of our graduates at Tinlegto located between Salaga and Kpandai. Michael and the leaders were very happy for the visit; we had lengthy discussion about the work at the area and concern for the school at Tamale. We can emphatically infer that this visitation was a call for cooperation and seeing ourselves of spending the time profitably. In all these visits, the social distance was seriously observed. Until further notice the schools in Ghana and social gathering has been suspended until further notice.

Posted on April 27, 2020 .