Using social media for good in Ghana


Dear Brethren,

It is by the grace of God that we all are alive this day. We are safe here, and we hope you are too. Though, the pandemic has stopped us from doing what we love best—to serve our Lord with the ability that He has given us, yet the little that we can do as well as keeping ourselves safe from Covid-19, we are able to do.


At the beginning of the month of March, classes for both the regular and part-time students were going on smoothly until the third week when our president placed a ban on all gathering including public and private schools due to the Coronavirus infection. The Covid-19 cases in our country keep rising each week. It started with 2 and now, on this 2nd day of May, 2020, we have 2,074 confirmed cases with 17 deaths and 212 recoveries. Our students are prepared to return to school the moment the ban is lifted. So we are all praying that, this pandemic will be over for us to return to classroom.


Though the Covid-19 has brought life to a halt, yet, we manage to preach the gospel in every possible way that we can. As the director of the school, I have not ceased to teach the gospel on the radio and Facebook live streaming. To use my time wisely while staying in the home in this Covid-19 period, I have started a new Facebook live streaming program with the theme, “Do You Understand What You Are Reading?” And to God be the glory that I get over thousand views each week on this program. Also, some of our students (both past and current) continued with their house to house teaching. While some were doing street preaching, others also engaged in a chariot (van) preaching. The Lord blessed our efforts with 10 baptisms.


Through many methods for securing new students for the next academic year, we currently have eleven (11) young men who are preparing to be enrolled in the school come January 2021. And we are going to intensify our search for new students from the month of June, God willing.

We thank you all for every way that you support us. You do encourage us so much in what we do. God bless you.

For the Master.


Posted on May 11, 2020 .