Graduation postponed in Accra


March Report, 2020

We shall always thank our God Almighty for wonderful protection in this “world war” of covid-19. Statistically, the number keeps increasing from 2 to 2000 plus yet, His protective hands are upon us and also holding fast to all safety directives by our noble president.

We are eagerly seeking the Lord’s mercies and healing power over the brethren and everyone over the entire continent; those quarantine, in hospital, and uninfected.

We hope this shall come to pass. All these are to our lessons and increase in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Class Activities

In this month, we spent two weeks for two short courses which were taught by Kwabena Gyan-Mante on Personal Evangelism I and Shadrack Oppong Sika on 1 & 2 Thessalonica.

We had all our 10 admitted students present for all the courses until completion and vacation.

Vacation & Reopening

The school vacated after their last short course with bro. Shadrack on 20th March, 2020. Reopening of the school was decided among the administration and the conclusion was to abide by the period directed by the government upon temporally closing down all institution until further notice.

Based on this, the schools shall resume according to the government’s order.


We organized a campaign activity in Central Region at Ada-Ngyiresi, a one-week campaign. Three days in both twin towns (Ada and Ngyiresi), dawn, day and night preaching.

Seminar & Graduation Postponed

As we normally do for our graduation after completion of the 50 courses including English and Computer studies, these activities could not come on as a result of the covid-19. This was postponed to next year 2021 if the Lord permits, according to Kojo’s correspondent with Steven.

We are hoping that all things will work well for us at the end of this year, 2020.

Pray with us.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .