Classes continue in Sierra Leone



We were grateful with thanksgiving to the Almighty God for His guardians and love as we step into the second month that leads us to March 2020. Life keeps on as we have chosen to serve Him as we train more men to carry out the Gospel call into all nations in the World. Thank you for praying along with us for success in what we are doing for the Lord.


We maintain our 13 students for both months,  February begins the Third quarter courses on schedule with our able lecturers on standby. The courses lasted for six weeks thereafter the school went on a short brake just after the end of the first week in March 2020.

During the cause of the brake Brother Peter (School Dean) and I traveled along side with Brother Steven to Gueckedou Guinea to grace Bear Valley Bible School First Graduation in that region. The two days Seminar conducted by the school was well attended and very impressive. See attached photos of both Seminar and Graduation in the Republic of Guinea


During These two Months we were able to match up with the school academic schedule for the first year of studies. April will serve as the last month for a completion of the First Year Curriculum. God willing the Second Year of Studies will commence in May 2020.

I am grateful and thankful to God for bring me thus far with Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema. A call to the School administration and leadership  was handed over on the 21st April 2019. To God’s glory the students that were handed over to me are now in their final quarter of the First year with the curriculum. God willing next Month May, the 2nd Year of Training will commence. We are strongly offering prayers for the World as a whole with this Pandemic that befalls the Nations.

The continuous News on the CNN over the lives been claimed by death with the Corona Virus (COVID-19) is so much alarming and very disturbing for us as it leaves us with mixed feelings. We hope you and the entire brethren are safe.

Africa is affected on the same thread but not as it has affected Europe. Sierra Leone has now confirmed 7 cases of Corona Virus in the Capital City Freetown. All are from passengers who arrived at the Airport with Air France couple of Weeks ago and were quarantined. The total number of quarantined persons in one of the Hotels as to report from Lungi Airport international is total 217.

However, business in Kenema is normal and so it is in many other big towns in the country. Government is appealing to everyone all over the country to be watchful and advised in their own interest to avoid hand shaking, keep on washing of hands at any point the facilities are available. The gathering of more than 100 people is presently not allowed.

Nevertheless regular classes are going on at Bear Valley Bible School in Kenema. We will definitely close down if the government comes out with a press release to do so. We will let you know when it’s happened. Keep us in your prayers.

Meanwhile, we have already start the challenged for the beginning of the 2nd Year of Studies. Modules are printed to start the 1st quarter of the Second Year. Distribution of Modules to Students will commence at the end of this Month. This will enable students to be focus and steadfast in their studies. Below are some photos of printed materials on standby.


In conclusion, we ask all to continue to pray for each other for God’s intervention on the planet earth with this terrible killer Corona Virus.

May the Almighty God see us all throughout this trying period. God Bless.

Yours in Him

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Sierra Leone

Posted on April 27, 2020 .

Ukraine staying connected with technology

Dear brothers, sisters in Christ and churches,

All of a sudden the whole world took a break. Unfortunately, we are dealing with the situation when God shows the whole world that they were not moving in the right direction. Whether or not people will learn anything will be up to them, but as far as we are concerned we will continue praising the Lord. This was the bottom line of the Sunday sermon delivered by one of our local brethren. The fact is the pandemic influenced every aspect of life, and our Bible Institute as well as the Lord's church in Ukraine are no exception.

Beginning March 12 due to the rapid spread of the corona virus in Europe our authorities enforced some radical measures that limited some basic human rights. Firstly, the freedom of movement. All borders are closed for all kinds of transportation, except automotive. Thus, buses and local trains between cities are banned. Municipal buses got limits on the number of passengers. Secondly, the freedom of assembly. Any political or cultural events with more than 10 attendees is banned. Thirdly, the freedom of religion is limited. No more than 10 people at a time is allowed to be in the church building. Fourthly, the freedom of entrepreneurship. Only grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations are allowed to continue business. Fifthly, the right to receive medical help. All preplanned surgeries are canceled.

The students of the Bible Institute are currently at home. They had returned home just before the travel limitations were enforced by the government. The studies continue on-line, via social media chats, such as Messenger, Skype or Zoom. Since all people are staying home, the speed of Internet connection gets slow and we have to choose which one works the best. So far we manage to teach the students and give them the load of everyday work. This way I currently teach Corinthians to the second year students, and Vitaly Rodichev teaches Jeremiah and Lamentations to the first year ones.

The evangelical practice our students had to conduct form homes, mostly training to evangelize the unbelieving relatives. There were some instances when we would talk to the parents of our students for hours discussing important subjects from the Bible.

Commentaries to 1 and 2 Samuel's are typed and ready for our return but we can't get them printed. The publishing house is closed and all personnel is sent home with no pay.

Lock down is officially in place till the end of April but the government has mentioned a few times that it can be extended till the end of May if the situation doesn't improve and people will continue getting infected. So many people lost their jobs and lost their income. I'm sure the whole world is effected this way. But it will be extremely difficult in the countries where the government can't provide some financial aid.

We didn't change the schedule for the Bible Institute courses, we just had to find substitute Instructors among Ukrainian teachers who will temporarily work instead of American Instructors. It's great that we have enough qualified Instructors. And we had to postpone the Master's program till fall. The graduation day is scheduled for the last Saturday in May, Lord willing.

We keep you in our prayers. God is merciful, He has solutions for all of our problems.

We appreciate you for all the blessings we have thanks to your sacrifices. May God keep all of you.

Your brother,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on April 27, 2020 .

Graduation in Guinea!

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for March 2020

Grace and peace be unto you all, supporters, well-wishers and friends of the Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute in Christ Jesus, our Lord. The month of March has ended, but it was special for us - having an extra ordinary historical event, the first of its kind ever to be remembered in the life and history of this institute and for the church in Guinea! It has to do with the graduation of the first batch of students, 15 evangelists trained to expand the borders of Christ’s kingdom.

The presence and activities of the BV Bible School in this Islamic dominated country of Guinea are remarkable! It shall be said and hereafter ever be remembered that the Lord’s church in Guinea has but one mark of distinction, a "School of Biblical Studies". During the month under review, a few other, but equally important things did take place and I am glad to give you a briefing of these in the order of their occurrence.

Evangelism: A total of 12 persons were converted as a result of evangelism, the usual congregational visit and the 2 baptized during the Bible teaching seminar of the graduation week. These 2 were “visiting members” of the congregation at Nongoa.

Well drill / Agriculture-land: It is good news for Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley School Agric-land. Healing Hands International has begun to provide funds for the offer of the agriculture program. Through the Bear Valley Administration a check of the amount needed to drill the well has been made available. Thanks to you, HH.

The Graduation Week – the most historical event yet: The week of 9th to 14th March had been a very busy and important one in the history of the school. There were 3 important events:

a.      Graduates and their wives’ seminar – 9th to 10th

b.      General Bible teaching seminar 12th to 13th

c.       The first batch’s graduation ceremony – 14th March

Some of our special invited guests did not attend due to hesitation for the treat of COVID -19 and other problems. Notwithstanding, a lot of others even non-invited persons within the country were here. The number of participants to each of the programs exceeded our estimates and that was a problem, but a happy one and so we handled it with satisfaction. Some 300 instead of 210 attended the Bible teaching seminar – 2 conversions. And some 600 instead of 420 attended the graduation ceremony.

Then there were many participants from Sierra Leone and Liberia including our able colleagues, the Administrators of the Bear Valley Schools. Also present was Dr. Tom the President of JOS School of Biblical Studies, Nigeria. Needless to mention our Coordinator Steve from the USA. Indeed the program was well attended and what gave it more weight was the presence and remark of the number 1 citizen in the whole Prefecture of Gueckedou, the Prefect himself. This event which was the first of its kind not only for Gueckedou, but for the whole of Guinea will ever remain in history. The local Press who transmitted the message to the National radio was here! As for the rural radio, all the speeches of: the Bear Valley Coordinator, the Gueckedou BV Director and that of the Prefect were repeated for 3 consecutive days with special appraisal remarks.  What an important event!


The Number of Graduates

A total of 15 evangelists out of 19 students initially enrolled in March 2018 completed the course and were awarded Certificates / Diplomas. It might be of interest to mention in passing that during the first and second year course of study, these students with the help and support of the staff converted a total of 74 plus 234 =308 persons which made the 3 plus 9 = 12 congregations planted!

Conclusion / Graduation support and Contributions: We are grateful to all of you who participated in whatever way - be it by your presence, financial or material support to make this program a success. We acknowledge the risk some of you took at such a crucial time as it was to come and support us. You did it for Christ and that is why He guided and protected you.

Our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft is to be commended for his great courage and support! We also received an equivalent of $85.00 from Brother Ismeal Kendor - USA and $50.00 from brother Esang Akpanudo, Nigeria - amount intended to support agriculture land purchase. The brethren from Sierra Leone especially the Kailahun District contributed a tin of 20 liters palm oil and an equivalent of $11.00. Within the country, several congregations contributed rice and palm oil. Others such as Conakry and N’zerekore made a representation who delivered symbolic contributions in cash.

God is to be glorified! 

May He also protect His people and wipe away the deadly virus. We thank you all!


Posted on April 27, 2020 .

Fiji granted permission to reopen

On the 24 of March, the Prime Minister issued a nation wide directive for everyone to stay at home during the Covid19 outbreak and limited public gatherings to 20 or less.  On the 3rd of April the Prime Minister issued a lockdown order for the Suva area, an 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew, and a ban on all public gathers.  In turn, we received a directive from FHEC (Fiji Higher Education Commission) to "defer all face-to-face education and training." until the 17th of April.  We had already shut down the school the week before because of the concern of exposure to the virus by our students who were having to use public transportation to reach the school from the outlying villages.

On April 17th we received an e-mail from the FHEC encouraging HEI’s (Higher Education Institutions) “to resume training operations from 20 April, 2020."  Jason, Emosi, and I met on the 20th of April to work out a plan to reopen the school.  Even though the Suva lockdown has been lifted, the 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew remains in affect along with the no public gatherings rule.   Nonetheless, the Fiji government has given us permission to restart our educational activities with the following “precautionary measures:” 

  1. Restricting face to face training of up to twenty individuals per class;

  2. Maintaining physical distancing of at least two meters between individuals;

  3. Limiting accessibility of external visitors to the premises; and

  4. Practicing safe hygiene standards at HEI’s, by sanitizing training equipment and facilities and availing the use of hand sanitizers and hand wash soap to learners and staff.

  • Schools are encouraged to deliver training activities to students via online platform(s) whenever possible.  

With these guidelines in mind, we have determined to take a twofold approach to reopening our program. Due to the generous donation of a couple from Killen, Alabama, we were able to purchase 10 Android Tablets which we plan to utilize in phase one. 

  • Phase One:  To finish out our first term which was interrupted by the Covid19 lockdown, we will record the classes on these tablets and distribute them to the students with their assignments.  They will have one week to view the videos and complete their assignments, after which the assignments will be picked up and the next weeks videos and assignments delivered. Jason and I have begun working on recording the videos and Emosi will deliver them to our students beginning on the 2 of May.  In this manner, we hope to complete our first term by May 18.  We thought it good to work out the bugs with this approach in case there is a second wave of the virus, and we return to lockdown conditions. 

  • Phase Two: Since the FHEC allows classes to meet with up to 20 individuals per class, we plan to return to the classroom under the above guidelines starting on the 19 of May.  Because our original schedule has been disrupted we have had to significantly revise the schedule.  We will have three Covid19 Terms divided into two week and three week increments with a single week break between terms.  The two week terms represent our short courses and the three week terms our regular courses.  As much as possible, we have scheduled our short courses in the 3rd term to provide the best window of opportunity for those teachers to come.  International travel to Fiji has been banned at least through the end of May.  Hopefully, travel restrictions will ease up by September and those who are still able to come at that time can do so.  We have a contingency plan to cover any course where a visiting teacher is unable to come.

If we can stick to this plan, we should still be able to cover the courses and hours necessary for our second year students to graduate on the 31 October 2020.  I am enclosing a copy of our revised schedule in PDF format.  

Because of the Covid19 restrictions we have had to cancel our planned evangelistic efforts for the year.  However, our students and faculty have been busy on their own visiting shut-ins and conducting Bible studies, resulting in at least three baptisms during the lockdown.  One of the things that we have incorporated into our revised schedule is a one week practicum attached to Emosi’s class on Personal Evangelism.  This class will include lectures and outside assignments where students will engage in tract distribution and setting up personal Bible studies.  

We continually thank God for your interest, support, and prayers for the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa! May God bless you for your kindness!

Your Servants in Christ,

Rocco, Jason, and Emosi

Posted on April 27, 2020 .

Guest teacher in Fiji

Bula vinaka, friends of the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa!

It is hard to believe that we are now in our fifth year of the operation of the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa.  The Lord has been very gracious to assist us in our efforts to serve Him in Fiji and neighboring countries in the Pacific.  We started the current school year with five returning students.  We graduated four and one had to have surgery at the beginning of the school year, so she hasn’t returned.  We have added two students from the country of Samoa, a husband and wife from the Vaimoso congregation in the capital city of Apia.  Movono has returned to complete his program.  He was scheduled to graduate in 2018, but was unable to complete the program at that time, due to family commitments.  He has brought with him a new student from the village of Delaidamanu.  Brother Tupou has proven to be an excellent student and we look forward to great things from him.  We have also added two students from Naila village, the daughters of Kitioni, who graduated last year.  This brings our total number of enrolled students in the day program to 11.

We had Tony and Cathy Duncan from Centerville, Tennessee to come in to help us kick off our school year.  Tony has taught twice for us before; this time he taught our class on the Writings of John.  Cathy was able to conduct a Saturday VBS for the Raiwaqa congregation.  Tony always does a great job and we had an excellent turn out for the Saturday VBS as well.  Cathy also conducted the morning devotionals with our lady students while she was here.  

As I mentioned in our last report, we have started a men’s leadership program at night under the direction of Emosi Sailo.  Students have taken two classes to date on Monday evenings.  Nine students completed the first course on the Life of Christ.  Seven students have taken the second class on Peter and Jude.  The next class is scheduled to begin on Monday night, April 13 on Sermon Design and Delivery.  

We have currently taken a 3 week break due to Covid-19.  The government has closed the public schools and extended the spring break for the universities in Fiji.  So far there are only 5 confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection which the government has been monitoring closely.  We are currently under a 10 PM to 5 AM curfew.  Also, international travel and inter island travel has been suspended.  If no new cases arise we are hoping that local restrictions will be lifted allowing more freedom of movement.  We hope to resume classes for the day program on April 14, 2020.  

Due to the international travel ban (which is in place until the end of May), we are in the process of rescheduling short course teachers until later in the year.  Jason, Emosi, and I will be sitting down next week to come up with a revised schedule of classes for the rest of year.  We are hoping to graduate six students in October.  

We thank you for your interest in the work here in Fiji.  We are very grateful for your support of this work!  We covet your prayers!

May God bless you with peace and mercy!

Your servants in Christ,

Rocco, Jason, and Emosi    

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Urgent prayer request for Fiji

Dear Friends,

I would like to ask all of you to pray for Vanuatu and Fiji at this time. Last night, Tropical Cyclone Harold passed over several islands in Vanuatu as a Category 5 Cyclone. The storm has knocked out much of the communication lines in Vanuatu, so we are currently unsure about the full damage that has been done. However, there are already initial reports of roofs being blown away and buildings collapsing. 

The same storm is expected to hit Fiji tomorrow. Current projections have the eye of the storm passing just south of Suva as a Category 4 storm sometime within the next 24 hours. Like many of you, Fiji’s resources are already strained due to the outbreak of the coronavirus here. Devan and I (along with my parents) remain fairly safe because we live on high ground and live in a cement block house which has passed a government hurricane safety inspection. However, many of the people here in Fiji (including many of our students) are not as fortunate as we are. Thankfully, the government is opening up emergency storm shelters for those in need. 

We ask that you please pray for those in Vanuatu who have already suffered the effects of the cyclone. We also ask that you please pray that the storm will turn away from the inhabited islands in Fiji. 

Thank you for your interest in our work and your prayers upon our behalf. We pray that God will bless you all in your service to Him.

In Christ,

Jason and Devan Pierce

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Progress in Togo

I give thanks to God for accompanying us throughout this year 2019. Each one of us is doing wonderfully.

Classes are continuing normally and all the teachers are present each time to give the courses that are submitted to them for the term. The students do their best for the morning devotions and still continue to serve the local churches with their visits on Wednesdays and Sundays especially in the localities where evangelists are lacking.

1.      Avetonou

2.      Temedja


4.      And the new place Amouzou-kope.

On Fridays we no longer have a Gospel Chariot for evangelism on Fridays, and also for going to the field in Gbalave. We use motorbikes that the school has for travelling to the place. In January, the drought prevented us from continuing the work in the field, that is, the practical exercise. Only classes on gardening, natural methods for composting and various practices are taught.


Our primary duty is to proclaim the gospel of Christ for the salvation of souls. To this end, the students go into homes, workplaces, offices, and markets two Fridays of each month to spread the Gospel. Every Wednesday evening consists of studying with people by appointment.


It is in the school's programs to strengthen the knowledge of evangelists and students in formation. It is a sharing of practical and intellectual experiences on effective methods for a good leader.  Organized at the center for two days divided as follows:

Theme: Leadership

1.      What is management, on February 17, 2020, and

2.     How to Run an Effective Church, March 16, 2020


Three conferences are planned for April:

1.      Conference of Women Evangelists and Student Women: April 6, 2020

2.      Women's Conference of Evangelists of Greater Kloto (Kpalime Region) 15 April 2020

3.      Conference of Women Evangelists of Togo 25 April 2020.


A three-day evangelistic campaign is planned for students and evangelists in Amouzou-kope from 21 to 23 May 2020.

During the three months (January, February and March) only those who have asked and visitors to the local churches we are registering for a follow-up in order to convert them to Christ. Over 42 homes invited students for home studies.


Since the beginning of January, the staff of "Radio Planet" plus has asked us to host a radio program on a great theme: "The model of Christ". Each time I go with one or two students plus an evangelist. The program takes place every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00.

Here are the topics that make up the debate: (January and February 2020)

1.      Model worship according to the Bible

2.      does christ have a church?

3.      is there a model of speaking in tongues that a christian can follow today?

4.      what are the areas in which the Christian can show generosity?

1.      Here are the topics for March 2020 (corona virus, COVID-19)

1.      Must Christians obey the Government? (quarantine and confinement)

2.      Should a Christian live in love with his neighbor?

3.      Can the government punish those who refuse to obey the laws given by the authorities?

Establishing new assemblies:

Evangelists and students are working together to plant 7 to 10 assemblies this year 2020:

1.      5 assemblies in Greater Kloto (Kpalime region)

2.      1 assembly in the ADETA prefecture

3.      4 AMLAME assemblies (TEMEDJA area)

BVBI: in December 2020 13 new evangelists will be ordained for mission and

CBS: 20 students for Saturday's courses will be selected from the 40 current students in the regions of Togo, namely 10 in Kpalimé, 10 in Lomé and 20 in TEMEDJA.

Purchase of a motorbike:

Our sponsors bought us a new motorbike to be used as a transport for the students on the churches, and also it is a tool for evangelism because the gospel trolley is only at the service of the students.


Missionary Willie Gley visited our students to encourage them the purpose for which they are there. He urged them to persevere in all things because it is not easy.

Our wish is to find the financial means to reinforce the Saturday courses in the coming years, hence the Bear Valley Bible Institute from which its candidates come and also the brothers who come directly from the churches of Christ.


Our government has declared the closure of schools, churches, also to avoid crowds, no movement from one place to another. Hands must be washed regularly and mud flaps must be worn, we must not shake hands or kiss in these moments to avoid the spread of the virus.

Closure of places of worship:

Sunday, March 22nd all our places of worship are less busy. The Church of Christ in Nyiveme is divided into 5 groups of 20 people. Some of them have worshipped in Nyiveme in turns of 10 people to respect the distance and the distance between the people.  And the other groups in the houses of the brothers so as not to miss the Lord's Supper on the first day of the week. It is like this every Sunday and in all the congregations in Kpalimé.

Our government decided yesterday April 1st, 2020 that all this should be respected for three (3) months.

Those who have access to the internet follow the courses with me at home only the connection is not fast.  Only those who pay 20.000f cfa per month have a very good internet connection.

The bible says:

Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake”.

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Schools ordered closed in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni Malawi

March Report


It is always sad to change programs when they are set already for the year, but with CoronaVirus we don’t have any option than to suspend classes. The school in Malawi has been reluctant to suspend classes because we didn’t have any case by then. But just 3 days ago, we were told by the president that we now have 4 cases. The past month, all meetings more than 100 people were suspended and we were lucky and continued teaching since we have only 19 students and precaution measures were provided to every student. But as of now, the president announced last night, that since we now have 4 cases of the pandemic, even any meeting less than 100 is to be stopped. However, the good news is that we have at least finished most of the lesson we planned to accomplish in this first semester.


As I have indicated in the introduction, we have done almost what we planned to be taught in the first semester only two courses were remaining to finish this first semester. The classes are suspended and the students have been released to go home. We shall always resume as soon as we are told to do so. What we can all do at the moment is to PRAY!


It has been difficult to organise full campaigns in this semester, but with travelling of students and teachers in some neighbouring congregations, 4 souls have been added to the church. It is really sad that the pandemic has caused a huge negative impact on our work. However, we understand that God should be praised in every situation. We still have the opportunity to do more and conquer the kingdom of the devil. I have quoted the words of Brother Keith, It is sad to see how the pandemic has been known throughout the world in just three month than the name JESUS”!

Again I quote from the words of Brother Keith “ When there’s bad weather on the sea, fishermen still have the work to do – they mend their nets” Making sure when there is peace on the sea to go in and catch more fish. Corona Virus will not stop us forever; there will be peace on the sea soon!

Words of thanks

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni, want to thank the Bear Valley International for the assurance of the partnership between all schools despite the pandemic. We really understand how this pandemic will bring a big challenge on the work as most helpers are not meeting to contribute. But we have our God who will not allow His work stop because of this disease. We thank you for your kindness, love and many prayers you offer to God on our behalf. Keep praying for us, as we also do for you and the work you are doing. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours fellow servants,

Ephron and Clergynton



Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Zimbabwe school is in demand


As the world battles with COVID19 and  its effects, all hope is now on the ability of God to intervene in the affairs of His children. Currently, Zimbabwe is under lockdown up to 19 April. Outside activities at BVBIZ are also at a standstill. However, we remain hopeful that God will intervene so that operations continue once the pandemic is abated. Despite this challenge, there was progress registered in the month of March as reported below.


The current class finished its last term successfully, two days prior to the official closing date because of the COVID19 pandemic. Students traveled safely back to their homes in time for the lockdown. All subjects were taught and completed successfully. These are; Hebrew, Revelation, Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics, Minor Prophets, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Bible Geography, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Foundation of Missions and Preacher’s Life and Work.


2.1 Field Program

From the 25th of April to the 28th of September, the current students will be undertaking their practicum. Graduation is schedule to take place on the 3rd of October. Due to the Corona virus there shall be changes. Over 30 requests had been made and the school had made a decision to rotate the students in various areas. A proper update will be made at the end of April. Things remain unclear due to the COVID 19 pandemic. 

2.2 Campaigns

Evangelism campaigns took place from the 14th to the 22nd of March. Students were divided into two camps, some were at Sipaba in Matebeleland South whilst another group went to Maridale congregation in Norton, Mashonaland West. At Sipaba, the group was led by Brother Ngosilathi Mpofu, while at Norton, Brother Ishmael Mutichu was leading the group. 3 baptisms were recorded at Norton and 3 at Sipaba. 5 more baptisms were also recorded at Redcliff during the students’ weekend evangelism praxis. Total baptisms for the month of March were 11. At Maridale and Sipaba, besides evangelism during the day, evening services were held were several contacts were invited to come. 114 was the Sunday attendance at Norton whilst 82 came at Sipaba. Students had opportunities to lead services. There was a feeding centre for children at Sipaba and students who went there had an opportunity of experiencing how the centre is run.


Development continued to take place at the schools permanent site. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks for providing funds towards further progress on the hostel which is going to be used to house the students. Several cuts were also made on the school budget so that more work is done on the structure. The hope was to purchase plumping and electrical components in South Africa where there are a bit cheaper but due to the COVID19 Lockdown there, this could not be possible. All items were then purchased locally. If all things are equal, the target is to have the school move to this permanent site by June. 


The new class is scheduled to commence classes on the 15th of May 2020. This is on the condition that the lockdown would have been lifted by then. The present class will be undertaking their field practicum and therefore, will be away during this time. To date, 13 new students have been accepted. The target is to have 15 students minimum. There are 7 more applications yet to be processed.


Though the operating environment is now difficult due to COVID19, we praise God for what He has been able to do for BVBIZ in March. Our hearts and thoughts are with you all and with our various partners in this work. Our prayer is for the safety of all. God is able and to Him belongs all the glory, power and majesty forever and ever, Amen. 

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Classes suspended in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe, where we are also gripped by the threat of the Corona virus that is ravaging the world. Keep praying for us as we have cases in Cameroon and all our borders are closed. Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu, our students were rounding up their vacation and today as I write this report, they are all back in school here in Wotutu. Our government has closed all schools public and private and other social gatherings. They don’t want people to be above 50 in one place, but we are not up in BVBIC-Wotutu or Mbanga and that is why we shall continue our classes.

I spoke with some authorities and they said we should continue our classes, but we should maintain a high level of hygiene like washing of hands, using clean water and soap, using hand sanitizer regularly, keeping some social distance etc. Pray for us as we have start classes already on Monday 30th of March. I am starting with the students on advance Homiletics. We have advance Hermeneutics, Minor prophets, the gospel of John and we shall have the book of James as a short course. Keep our agenda in your prayers as we discharge the courses to the students from tomorrow now till June.

Our hall is still scanty as we keep the rules. The government does not want big crowds and ask that all avoid some social closeness. We are doing our best to keep our people safe. We wash our hands in our multiple locations for worship and use hand sanitizer daily.


We will reduce our evangelistic efforts from next month in compliance to the rules, and to make sure that our students are safe. We will need to hear news about the spread of corona virus before we move.


Thank you very much for all that you do for us. Your prayers, financial support, and otherwise are very appreciated. God bless you and replenish you. Please share our report with others.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family

By the grace Director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

A campaign in Liberia

We bring you greetings from the students and staffs in Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute, hoping all is well with you and your families in the Lord's name. We truly appreciate God for your partnership with us in this great work we have to do here in Liberia, West Africa. Below are the happenings for the month of February 2020.


Coming back from the year end vacation, the month of February was a very very busy month as the passed January for everyone, both the instructors and the students had lots to do towards the beginning of the years program. Among what the students had to do included the following:

  1. Group works

  2. Research works

  3. Individual Assignments and presentation

  4. Memory works

  5. Final examinations ( Practical and theory).

  6. Cleaning the campus etc.


Our students continued to engaged the communities around the school campus in weekends house to house evangelism and distributions of tracks. The school administration have made this a compulsory requirement for the students to get them practice for their future as trained gospel preachers. Their weekend work includes visit to the hospitals and prison. Presentations and reports are made every Monday morning to evaluate their weekend field work. Meanwhile, this effort is not only making the church known or have great impart on prospects they come across, but helping the individual students with great experiences on field work and what to expect in the future of their own ministry.


As part of our piratical work and most importantly bringing lost souls to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the school (Students and Instructors) including some Preachers of the evangelistic organization of Liberia took up another very challenging gospel campaign to a far away town called Yarpia to help a struggling and dying church, and by God's special grace, the Lord's church has been restored and  23 new people obeyed the gospel message and were added through baptized to the Lord's church. What made the trip very challenging was the very bad road condition leading to the town and immoral lives styles of the people, but God said us through it all. Many thanks and appreciations to brother Steven Ashcraft for shouldering the cost of this campaign. May God richly bless you brother.


We continue to thank you so much for your support to all the work here in Africa especially in Liberia. May God continue to bless you in Jesus Name.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn Jr.

Director- Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

More good in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report – Feb. 2020

Greetings to you all, our supporters, friends and well-wishers of the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. This report will be very brief and will discuss only 2 items, the classroom and congregational visit activities both of which were successful.

The month of February has since ended, but we were tied up with the following month’s graduation preparations for the first batch of students here. Because of the much work needed for that program, we had, but a little time to attend to some usual activities such as evangelism.  Nevertheless, a few conversions did take place. Here is a summary of the events which occurred here in February.

Classroom: Having started classes by mid-January courses then progressed and are now in full swing for all the second batch of 20 students. Courses completed during the month include Homiletics 1, God’s Plan of Salvation and the Acts of the Apostles instead of Christian Evidence which was rescheduled for another quarter when hopefully the instructor, bro. Nestor would fully recover from his hypertension problem.

Congregational Routine Visit: As part of our usual congregational routine visit to keep the saved always save, our students and some staff had gone out to strengthen the new congregations. During 2 of these visits we converted 5 souls (4 women and 1 man) in the village of Dendesou. All the other congregations are also going well. Conversion photo is attached.

Conclusion: We wish to thank and appreciate you all for your support of every kind – Finances, materials and prayers. Your spiritual and material supports are always desired to continue this work of soul-saving through preacher training.

Until then, your servant


Gueckedou, Guinea – BVBI

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Making the best in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brethren! We are always humbled to God who has given us this opportunity to work for Him in His Vineyard. We give glory and honor to Him! 

The month began on a vibrant note with school making good progress and preaching. Out of these efforts we had 5 restoration and 3 baptisms. Students were sent in streets and door knocking and out of this they had set Bible studies of which has yielded good results. One of the restored brother (Collins) had to walk 21 kilometres to go and preach in his home village and in return restored his two siblings. We also have the New congregation in Muchinga province which had six members on her first meeting on the 29th of this month under the tree. more work is needed here and we pray that we have more opportunities to strengthen this Church.

The COVID-19 has not spared many nations and Zambia is not an exception. Zambia has since recorded 36 cases and the number is increasing every day. Two weeks ago the Government of Zambia mandated that all schools and colleges be suspended. And announced preventive measures concerning this pandemic.

As BVBI-Zambia, we wanted to comply with this directive but we have delayed the suspension (with the letter from the health ministry) of the lessons until the first week of April. This was done because we did not want to fall too far behind in our school calendar. We have given all the remaining lessons of the quarter to our students to take home during the suspension. The government has given some guidelines to prevent this scourge. The schools and colleges are not the only institutions that are suspended but even all church gatherings have so far been suspended. We believe that only buildings (which is a meeting place) were suspended Christians met for worship but in homes, we had our service at school with the gate closed some neighbours wanted to join us when the heard us singing and praising God. All restaurants are only operating on takeaways basis. But we are very glad to say that in spite of this, the work of the Lord is going on steadily. We pray that this pandemic comes to an end so that normality is injected back into the world.

May the unity of the Holy Spirit continue to be shown in this trying moments. We also pray that you all stay safe and well during this outbreak of the virus, We continue to praising God for the partnership. Moreover, all your efforts and prayers for the work here are highly appreciated. 

We love you all!


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Making adjustments in Peru

Dear brothers,

This is an update of information about the BVBI PERU. It has been and continues to be a very challenging time, the problem with the Covid-19, has required us to make some changes to ensure that we can continue with our work and the plans that we have outlined for these months, but always grateful to God for keeping us firm and constant and thank you who are there for us too, supporting our work.

In the country we are in a "state of emergency" and will continue to do so according to the presidential announcements, until April 13, although possibly this will last a little longer. Meanwhile, depending on our possibilities, we will continue to teach the courses.

In the month of March, the course “Prison Epistles” was presented to the students with Yens Nima as instructor, the first two Saturdays were face-to-face and the last two were virtual. (In the images that I attach this Yens dictating his class accompanied by two students and broadcasting live to the other students who are far away). Anyway, the course was concluded. And this is what we will do while this state of emergency lasts.

In this month of April we have the I DE CORINTIOS course. I (Juan Abanto) will take care of this class and it will be done virtually through our Facebook page. In addition, we had our second Bible conference scheduled for April 9 and 10, this will also be broadcast virtually.

We hope in God that this difficult time that we are having to live in the whole world, may happen soon, if that is God's will, but whatever happens, we will continue to do our best to serve the Lord in his kingdom.
Thank you for taking the time to read these notes.

Juan Abanto and Abraham Alata
Co-directors of BVBI PERÚ

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

Many activities in Nigeria

Dear fellow workers in the vineyard of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace , peace and mercies be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
We always appreciates God for all your supports  for the growth of the Lord's church in Africa, Nigeria in particular.
Below is the summary of our activities for the month of March 2020.

1. Third Semester Classes.
2. Weekend Evangelism.
3. World Bible School Follow Up Team.

As God will have it,the 3rd Semester Classes commenced as scheduled on March 6,2020 and will come to an end Lord's willing on May 2,2020.
Bro. Kayode Solomon Eniafe is handling: OT Wisdom-2;OTP(minor) & The book of Hebrews.
Bro.Abiola Joseph Olusoji is handling Marriage & The Home.
Bro.Silas Guda Mazi is handling The book of Romans and 1st Corinthians.
Bro.Isaac Oluwole Olaniyan is handling LOC-3(Luke ); Bible Geography and Biblical Eschatology.
Bro.Andrew Adeolu is handling 1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Peter and Jude . And I, Bro. Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi is handling NT Church-2(Worship); Preacher: His Life & His Work  and Teach With Success.

Our students and staff continue actively in the evangelization of Butubutu, Ajia,Egbeda and Asejire town-Osun State every weekend in the month of March and the Lord crowned our joint effort with two souls in Butubutu village and two in Asejire town of Osun State with many prospects in Ajia and Egbeda town

Our WBSFUW were able to recruit over 600 Students from two schools visited in Omu-Aran, Kwara State and Osun State before the compulsory closure of all Government and private schools in all most all the States of the country, Nigeria. These lessons will be posted to WBSTC % Bro. Joel Coppinger in the early week of April, Lord's willing.

Bro. Enyi Amos Chikodinaka is from Eboyi State.Born in 1986 at Ilesha, Osun State. An active member of the Lord's Church in Abakaliki and formerly the pulpit Preacher of Campus Church of Christ in Ilorin ,Kwara State. His mission is to be one of the ministers of the Lord's Church in Ebonyi State after his two years training in BVBIN AND SWSE IBADAN.

With the help of God coupled with my regular visit and placement of membership of one of our students in Egbeda congregation, Egbeda Local Government of Oyo State, we were able to restore the New Testament pattern of worship in Egbeda  congregation.

Due to the directive from the executive Governor of Oyo State on the Corona (Covid-19)pandemic and the State's effort to curtail the spread of the virus from nearby States; After all " prevention is better than cure". The School authority therefore postponed the BVBID degree program of April 6 through 17 to April 20 through May 2,2020.

Posted on April 7, 2020 .

An update from Trinidad


MARCH 2020

March came and so did the much talked about virus. TSOP is now on an extended shut down as we follow the instructions from the government to close all schools. That however does not stop us from actually having classes. As we speak, our teachers are online and giving classes via skype, zoom, whattsapp, and regular emails. Of course our students are really enjoying this! Sure!! Some are even getting to class late while at home! No, that is not entirely true. We all miss our classes and the social closeness that each day brings with chapel, sharing lunches, sweet fellowship and the opportunity to laugh together, or cry at times!

St Lucia Mission trip has been cancelled however we hope to arrange with Caribbean Airlines to have the tickets rescheduled for some time when this virus takes a rest. I spoke to some brethren in St Lucia and the excitement that was brewing is just out of this world! We want to say thanks to brother Solomon and the church there for making arrangements for us to come and help in this wonderful work!! See you as soon as  God permits!!!

Nearly all our foreign students are back home. The only one here is Alexandra from Romania. We are not certain if travel will permit by the time she is ready to travel but we are praying for the best. Our two from Grenada, Sheldon and Leshon, as well as our Guyanese Paul, were able to get flights out just when things were heating up. We are glad they were able to go home and be comfortable. While I was concerned about them traveling at the time, I am glad they were able to make it safely. They are all well!!

Graduation 2020 may need to be shifted a bit so we will stand by and await guidelines from the health department to determine if we can still host. However for now, graduation more than likely will not happen as we planned. Maybe, both classes could graduate in 2021. Lets prayerfully wait on the Lord for this one.

Allow me to say a hearty thank you to all those who help make TSOP what she is today. Thanks for your prayers, support, encouragement, funds and general well wishes. We remain humbled by your kindness to us. We also extend an open invitation to prospective students for our next class hopefully in September. We will not hesitate to say as well that classes may be fully available online by September so you may still join the class and come to school when all of this is done!! Stay tuned for further details as the virus is not here to stay!! May God bless you richly!!

Posted on April 6, 2020 .

An update from India

Respected the International director Mr. Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds, supporters and prayer partners of BVBI-Tiurpati, A.P, India behalf of our Bible college we convey our greetings to you in the precious and matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ . We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey gratitude and thanks to each one of you for your love, prayers and encouragement. 

BVBI-Tirupati has completed three semesters and began our fourth semester in month of March 2nd 2020. By the grace of God we had successful classes for three weeks . We suppose to complete 6 courses but we have completed the  book of  Galatians, First Thessalonians and Second Thessalonians, First Peter, Second Peter and book of  Jude. Students they had  their class room work, home work, memory work, weekly exams. Their class room running note books were  being observes on each daily by each teacher.  After the closing the daily classes students and staff  work for the Healing Hands International Agricultural Gardening work in the evening and receive good exercise to the body and even they have been refreshed mentally also. We treat it as blessing of God and thankful to HHI for this wonderful provision .

We were highly delighted to share with you about the surprise visit of our International director Mr.Keith Kasarjian  which took place on March 4th , 2020 at 11:00 am while our classes were being  seriously going one . We are thankful to him for greeting all the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students . He is kind enough to meet the building owner for keeping right relationship with them. He could able to check the stock room, kitchen room, Avro system (water purified), account books and appreciated my wife swarupa who serves in keeping accurate accounts and hygienic stock room. He appreciated the truth for today books which we collected for the for the library We enjoyed his great fellowship until he reached airport on March 5th , 2020.  His sudden visit tells us his great concern and compassion for the Indian ministry.  He encouraged the students and reminded them how much privileged they are to study in BVBI, he said that BVBI students are having two families, one is spiritual family of God and second  one is the family of  BVBI which functions in several other countries . We praise God for this great opportunity to be a part of these two families.

Regarding Covid-19 : Indian government has declared holidays for all the schools, colleges and universities due to threat of Corona virus.  We had our staff meeting and decided to suspend the classes from March 23 Monday to 27 Friday). According to our India Prime mister action again Covid-19 We had full day curfew on last Sunday 22nd, 2020 from 7-00am to 9:00 Pm. Our local churches were able to obey the Govt , we  met for the morning service at 4:30am to 6:30pm and evening service after 9:00pm.  We planned for All India Gospel Preachers work shop which we suppose to conduct on March 25th, 2020 but we have been postponed the workshop , because all the trains and  public buses have been stopped until March 31st,2020. We humbly share with you about the positive cases of Covid-19 in India and request your prayers for victims. We hope that you may add your prayers for other countries also. We are thankful to our International director Mr.Keith Kasarjian  for sending a Video  regarding the Corona impact, we thank him for trusting us and given freedom of choice to break the classes according to Governmental rules and regulations and public health sake. We feel as we are most privileged work  with  BVBI. We request you continual prayer and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar

Behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, India.

Posted on April 6, 2020 .

Evangelism leads to a new church in Port Harcourt



Bear Valley Bible Institute Port Harcourt Rivers State started on the first week of November 2019 with two centres and has a total of 61 students. The centre in Port Harcourt Metropolis is located at the meeting hall of church of Christ Rumuokwuta - Port Harcourt and has 33 students among them are:2 sisters, 7 pulpit preachers and 1 senior citizen of Nigeria. 

The second centre is located at the meeting hall of church of Christ Ahoada Town in Ahoada local Government Area of Rivers State Nigeria. Ahoada is about 1 hour 30 minutes drive from Port Harcourt town. This centre has a total of 28 students including: -2 sisters, 6 pulpit preachers and 1 elderly brother in Christ.

From the month of November 2019 to February 2020, the students have studied and written exams on 4 courses which are: Life of Christ, Acts of the Apostles, Christian Evidences and how we got our Bible. For the two centres, we have 5 regular committed teachers.


On Friday 28th and Saturday 29th February 2020, the students of the two centres and their teachers went to a community known as Edeoha in Ahoada - East for evangelism outreach which featured:

·      Open air evangelism

·      House to house evangelism

·      Tracts distributions

·      Street rally

Before we went to the community we visited the traditional ruler and all leaders of the community and obtained their permission to preach the gospel in their community. During the two day evangelism program, we used public address systems for the open air preaching, while a few students took turns to speak publicly on the street and the village square, many of the students and teachers went into the shops and the homes of the dwellers for house to house preaching.

At the end of the two day intensive evangelism, we got many prospects that were willing to study more with us; we discovered 3 sisters and 2 brothers who were living in the community but had nowhere to worship. We also discovered two families who were members of the church but backslide because they could not found a congregation to worship.  So, we saw the need to establish a congregation in the community. On Sunday being the 1st of March 2020, the director of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Rivers State and a few students who stayed back in the community worshiped with some of the prospects and those brethren who were restored. The worship took place in the community hall and that was how a new congregation was established in the community. A total of 22 worshippers were in attendance.

After the worship, a student of Bear Valley Bible Institute known as Victor Udo who is living in the community but worshiping in Ahoada town was asked to become the preacher of the newly established congregation.

We are therefore, appealing for support for the new congregation and for the young man who is now working as the preacher there.

Report submitted by:

Anthony E. Oluria

Director of Studies

Posted on April 6, 2020 .

A preachers seminar in Visakhapatnam, India

It was my honor and pleasure to be able to present a preaching seminar to 86 students, alumni, and area preachers at the Bear Valley school in Visakhapatnam, India. It was such an enjoyable and encouraging time for all of us. Many times preachers need some fellowship from their brethren to remain zealous and encouraged and that was available in great quantities.

John Dean and Samuel Raju, along with the other instructors, are doing an excellent job there. I was impressed by what I witnessed and by the interactions I had with the students. And, of course, I was treated to outstanding hospitality in the true Indian way.

Click HERE to see a short video from the event.

The government has made things difficult for our brethren, but they remain steadfast and unmovable. Continue to pray for them.

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on March 18, 2020 .

Guest teachers in Ukraine

Greetings, dear brethren, churches and families,

These days, just as always, church should be the foundation of truth and refrain from panic over the viruses threats. All over the world corona virus pandemic is spreading and panic overwhelms even some of the church leaders. There some confirmed cases in our country and a lot of people are scared of the future events. However, in the Bible Institute everything is happening according to the schedule. In a week we will have a week of personal evangelism practice and then a week of break. We will be careful and diligent with precautions and I am sure God will take care of us.

In February we started the prison ministry. The governmental officials gave us permission to visit a maximum security colony three times a month. It's a very unusual ministry for us. Our congregation never had this experience. But we have graduated some people who had had personal history of incarceration and now they are a part of prison ministry evangelical team. We are not allowed to take photos or make videos there. We can take nothing with us except for the Bibles. Currently we have a Bible study group with 11 regular attendees. Every one of them is a convicted felon, some are murderers but they assure us that they are very sorry and repentant and want to change their lives for better. Of course, actions speak louder than words, and we will see if there are real changes in their lives.

Also last month Michael and Janine Underwood ministered alongside with us. It's a wonderful family of missionaries who demonstrate an example of faithful service, patience and Christian care. Every year Michael teaches two courses in a row. This year he taught 1 and 2 Peter and Jude and also a course of Pauline Prison Epistles.

We found some potential students for the next school year. There is a young family from Poltava. They both want to study and we had a meeting to discuss some peculiarities of their education. And another contact is a young man from Odessa. He graduated from a naval school and couldn't find a job in the field. He was interested in applying to our Bible Institute.

Last week we hosted a local seminar on "Motivation in Service". We had guests from a few Ukrainian congregations. There were brethren from Dnipro, Kiyv and Brovary. We discussed how to motivate the church to ministry, what kind of ministries are there and how to strengthen the Church from within. We try to broadcast our lessons in the social media and make it available for distant brethren.

Brother Denton Landon, who taught the Book of Isaiah, had to leave one-day sooner. As you know, nothing like this was really had been anticipated, but all flights from Europe to the States were canceled and he found an emergency flight via London to return home. We are very grateful to brother Landon for his service to us and his active part in the life of our Bible Institute.

We are thankful to everyone who keeps us in your prayers, who supports our ministry. Apostle Paul encouraged us to cast all of our cares on Him because God cares for us. The whole world is scared of the corona virus but sadly not fearful of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God grant us wisdom in everything.

God bless,

Your brother Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on March 18, 2020 .