Providing the cure in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni, Malawi

April, 2020 Report


It is not always time for battles for the soldier, sometimes you stay indoors resting, polishing the gun but also even being at rest you maybe prompted for a battle you didn’t plan. As a soldier you just stand on your feet and fight. Corona is real and we are all saddened to see our brothers and sisters dying throughout the world. This corona has affected our plans this year, but the hope we have is that Corona will eventually go a way as it is preventable, but the word of God will stand forever!

Despite the pandemic, the call to preach and save souls is high and as soldiers of Christ sometimes we fail to stay in door when there’s a call for a soul to be saved. This month we have had three calls which we could not ignore. Two souls wanted to be baptized, and congregations in Mpamba eastern Nkhataby in the Northern region of Malawi wanted an urgent lectureship on leadership lessons which some failing to understand scriptures started erring in its interpretation, hence causing divisions. Because of the social distance issue, only two from each congregation attended the lectureship. We are limited in number of our gatherings by the government and we as Christians have to obey Romans 13:1-3. We are glad that we used our opportunity to help in all these situations. As I am reporting, two souls have been saved and about 22 congregations in Nkhataby understood the lesson on church leadership and there is unity among the brethren. God is good!


Even though we are challenged by the corona virus, but we are thankful to God that through this IT (Information Technology), we are able to reach many with the gospel as we stay in doors. Through whatsapp we have been preaching to some people and 2 souls have responded to the gospel. We didn’t hesitate for the call but went to baptize these 2 men. God is saving His people in the midst of the pandemic. We hope for more souls to be saved once this block is gone Corona Virus!


Paul was eager to preach the gospel in the midst of trials and struggles of being at the point of old aging; still he was willing to preach no mater the challenge. We can also preach as we stay safe! Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day 2 Corinthians 4:16; Jeremiah 20:9; Mark 14:38. The one who wins soul is wise Proverbs 11:30

We the Bear Valley Bible Institute Malawi, want to thank you all for your continual support though you are challenged by the pandemic economically. Without your involvement in this work, we would have failed. Therefore, we always pray that God continues blessing your families as we still need your hand to help. We also pray that God will rescue us from this pandemic and make our plans start working normally. God is able! Stay safe.

Yours truly,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on May 11, 2020 .