An extended school in Accra, Ghana

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Nsawam Extended School

First Quarter (Jan – Mar) Report, 2020

Praise be to God for continually showing His love towards us in Nsawam district. We are grateful to the Lord and all brethren in US. Our humble plea to the Lord is that may He keep His mighty hands and blessings on us.

We are greatly managing in these dangerous days of covid-19. It is our prayer that it will reduce in infection as Ghana has not yet discovered any medicinal aid to cure this virus. Though, with the help of God, some infected are gradually recovering yet, many are catching up the virus. May the Lord see us through this year.

Additional Students admitted

Within this quarter, students of Nsawam School have increased with 5 students currently, summing up to 30.

Class Activities

At this period, we did two courses, World Religions and Bible Geography by Sammy until we close down the schools according to the president’s directives to curb covid-19.

Class Participation and Attendance

Effectively, our students participates well with lots of questions and contribution. Research assignments, quizzes and other class works are well participated and students are interested with the lessons. We have minor challenges with attendance due to their jobs. Fridays, few attend class while on Saturday, we have almost full class. Some travel as far as outside Greater Accra Region which restricts their attendance such that some can be in class one or two times for a month.

We are putting down some measures to curb this challenge.


The students of Nsawam joined in with the full-time students to participate in the campaign central region (Ada and Ngeresi). There were no baptisms recorded during the activities.

Student’s Profile

Brother Seth Attamah is 54years and has married to Ema Afea Attamah. They are blessed with two female children. Bro. Seth is a preacher at Dome CFC Church of Christ with eighty (80) adults and forty (40) children in attendance. He is a weekend student in one of the Bear Valley extended schools in Nsawam - Ghana. He is one of the proactive students who is working hard in the study of the Bible. He really participates effectively during class activities. In most of the campaign activities and preaching, he is there to execute to perfection per my recommendation and brave in leadership. Among our brother’s hobbies, he loves to sing.

We are grateful to have our students in effective studies to the glory of God and the school.

Pray with us always.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .