Doing what they can in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon, the land of our birth and where we dwell. We send greetings to you from this far end. We are hopeful that our greeting will encourage you as our prayers go up to God on your behalf for the COVID19 pandemic that has pushed the activities of the world to a stand-still. God is watching what is happening and we have that spiritual insurance that His children, anywhere in the world, will be safe.

Last week went on well in BVBIC-Wotutu. Students are learning as we maintain the rules as stipulated by our government and WHO. We are having grace that the BVBIC-Wotutu is on while all other schools in Cameroon are closed down because of the pandemic. We are praying for you in the USA who are topping the list now for the highest number of infected and confirmed cases.

Even though the COVID19 news is still on and is in Cameroon, the good news about Jesus is also highly needed in all locations. We are being careful as we still drive around in locations to preach and to nurture. I stopped by a village market along my evangelistic route to buy food. I bought plantain and bananas. Many people are hungry here. Families are lamenting for food so we take the risk of exposure so that we can share with those who don’t have access to go. Even with my face mask on, my voice can still come out and the word can be preached. Keep us in your prayers.

We do house to house evangelism. When we get to our mission fields, we share the gospel from house to house and heart to heart. Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism.

Our pigpen is ready, our pigs will be bought within this week, and the farm will start. Keep the growth of this farm in your prayers as our aim is to help the current students and subsequent students learn how to keep pigs. By doing so, it will help them as we aim to have many piglets that will also be used as graduation gifts to the graduates as they go to their congregation and start their own pig farm. It will help them to have some pork to eat and also have pigs and piglets to sale to make money which will be of great help to them.

The greatest weapon, the Bible, has been made available by you for us to put it in the hands of new converts. They will use it throughout their lives. Please, always keep our work in your prayers as we work tirelessly to keep the wheel going.


We are planning to go to Batoke for mass evangelism next month. We will also to go to the Supe congregation to mediate a problem that is there.

Entrance exams for the next batch of new students will be in Wotutu on the 9th of May 2020.


God bless you. Thanks very much for your prayers and support. The electricity in our area of Cameroon is not stable now. Because of this we have to spend more money on gas for the generator for our students to be able to keep on studying. Please share our reports with others. God willing, next week we shall be able to give another update about the work here.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 28, 2020 .