Great things in West Africa!

Dear West Africa Missions Support Team,

We pray that all of you are doing well in this challenging time.  Karen and I are currently in Arkansas, and we thank God that we are both healthy and safe.  Over the past month, I have been working from home to coordinate our schools and activities in West Africa. In the middle of March, the pandemic forced me to return to the USA early.  We have suspended classes at many of our schools, although a few in less affected areas can continue.  We have also needed to reschedule graduations, seminars, and other activities due to government restrictions.  We are fortunate that technology allows me to continue the work overseas.  Through the telephone and email, I am able to stay in contact with our directors and evangelists as we all work our way through this global calamity.  

This newsletter outlines some of the significant happenings at the preacher training programs throughout West Africa.  We have now reached over twenty-five full-time and extended programs with around 500 students in the countries of Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Cameroon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.  We also have additional students pursuing a Master's and Bachelor's Degrees in special programs in Ghana and Nigeria.  Our Lord is truly blessing this work.

Posted on May 11, 2020 .