Planting in Tamale



It is indeed a trying period for the world globally, as the corona virus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. As we all know, many nations are fighting it strongly, and Ghana is not an exception. We pray and hope that all of us would be shown mercy by God.


The school reopened on 14/03/2020 to continue its academic work with eleven students reported remaining four more to report, while the class was in session with Brother James Legend, Pastoral epistles {1 & 2 Timothy & Titus} news came that government had declared shut down for all schools in Ghana due to Corona virus epidemic that had injected the whole world with panic. The school had been shut down on 17/03/2020 for four weeks to enable health experts control the pandemic to prevent further spread and escalation. All students have retarded to their homes waiting for positive response from government so that they can resume to school. We all need to give time to praying for God’s favor in this dreadful situation.


Trees are somewhat important for the weather as well as human survival. The inspirational leadership of our coordinator (Brother Kojo), for some time now has led us to plant many trees. The trees planted are going to be very beneficial for all inhabitants of the school, as well as the community in the very new future. These are edible trees which are also going to serve as defense to the fence wall as they are strategically planted.  We have trees like mangos, oranges, coconut, noni, etc. it’s encouraging at this point, seeing them growing up.


We are very enthusiastic in the improvement of the academic performance and moral conduct of our students as a result of our stay in campus to monitor students conduct and perpetually attend to issues in school. We are also determined to make it a challenge on our honor to avert occurrences that might hinder the growth of the college in Tamale. We are working around the clock to ensuring that new batch is attained to keep the college on track and God’s purpose sure. Consequently, Bother Albert was invited to honor a wedding at

Salaga Church of Christ on 7th/03/2020, for one of his Church members from Chamba where he was preaching wanted to marry. He took that advantage to visit Chamba Church of Christ to strengthen them, next day he visited Jeji, Simbomani, Joanayil and Likpangelntab where Brothers Alex Neina and Nkosil Samuel who recently graduated from the college are preaching. At Joanayil, one brother, Joseph picked a form to attend the college so that he can handle the Church the school helped to establish. Next day, he went to Mbondo, Kpandai and Tinlegto in campaigning for students. After a brief discussion with Kpandai Preacher Daniel about the school, the need to take part in school activities and recommending competent students for the school was met. Visits was also made to Michael one of our graduates at Tinlegto located between Salaga and Kpandai. Michael and the leaders were very happy for the visit; we had lengthy discussion about the work at the area and concern for the school at Tamale. We can emphatically infer that this visitation was a call for cooperation and seeing ourselves of spending the time profitably. In all these visits, the social distance was seriously observed. Until further notice the schools in Ghana and social gathering has been suspended until further notice.

Posted on April 27, 2020 .