Progress in Togo

I give thanks to God for accompanying us throughout this year 2019. Each one of us is doing wonderfully.

Classes are continuing normally and all the teachers are present each time to give the courses that are submitted to them for the term. The students do their best for the morning devotions and still continue to serve the local churches with their visits on Wednesdays and Sundays especially in the localities where evangelists are lacking.

1.      Avetonou

2.      Temedja


4.      And the new place Amouzou-kope.

On Fridays we no longer have a Gospel Chariot for evangelism on Fridays, and also for going to the field in Gbalave. We use motorbikes that the school has for travelling to the place. In January, the drought prevented us from continuing the work in the field, that is, the practical exercise. Only classes on gardening, natural methods for composting and various practices are taught.


Our primary duty is to proclaim the gospel of Christ for the salvation of souls. To this end, the students go into homes, workplaces, offices, and markets two Fridays of each month to spread the Gospel. Every Wednesday evening consists of studying with people by appointment.


It is in the school's programs to strengthen the knowledge of evangelists and students in formation. It is a sharing of practical and intellectual experiences on effective methods for a good leader.  Organized at the center for two days divided as follows:

Theme: Leadership

1.      What is management, on February 17, 2020, and

2.     How to Run an Effective Church, March 16, 2020


Three conferences are planned for April:

1.      Conference of Women Evangelists and Student Women: April 6, 2020

2.      Women's Conference of Evangelists of Greater Kloto (Kpalime Region) 15 April 2020

3.      Conference of Women Evangelists of Togo 25 April 2020.


A three-day evangelistic campaign is planned for students and evangelists in Amouzou-kope from 21 to 23 May 2020.

During the three months (January, February and March) only those who have asked and visitors to the local churches we are registering for a follow-up in order to convert them to Christ. Over 42 homes invited students for home studies.


Since the beginning of January, the staff of "Radio Planet" plus has asked us to host a radio program on a great theme: "The model of Christ". Each time I go with one or two students plus an evangelist. The program takes place every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00.

Here are the topics that make up the debate: (January and February 2020)

1.      Model worship according to the Bible

2.      does christ have a church?

3.      is there a model of speaking in tongues that a christian can follow today?

4.      what are the areas in which the Christian can show generosity?

1.      Here are the topics for March 2020 (corona virus, COVID-19)

1.      Must Christians obey the Government? (quarantine and confinement)

2.      Should a Christian live in love with his neighbor?

3.      Can the government punish those who refuse to obey the laws given by the authorities?

Establishing new assemblies:

Evangelists and students are working together to plant 7 to 10 assemblies this year 2020:

1.      5 assemblies in Greater Kloto (Kpalime region)

2.      1 assembly in the ADETA prefecture

3.      4 AMLAME assemblies (TEMEDJA area)

BVBI: in December 2020 13 new evangelists will be ordained for mission and

CBS: 20 students for Saturday's courses will be selected from the 40 current students in the regions of Togo, namely 10 in Kpalimé, 10 in Lomé and 20 in TEMEDJA.

Purchase of a motorbike:

Our sponsors bought us a new motorbike to be used as a transport for the students on the churches, and also it is a tool for evangelism because the gospel trolley is only at the service of the students.


Missionary Willie Gley visited our students to encourage them the purpose for which they are there. He urged them to persevere in all things because it is not easy.

Our wish is to find the financial means to reinforce the Saturday courses in the coming years, hence the Bear Valley Bible Institute from which its candidates come and also the brothers who come directly from the churches of Christ.


Our government has declared the closure of schools, churches, also to avoid crowds, no movement from one place to another. Hands must be washed regularly and mud flaps must be worn, we must not shake hands or kiss in these moments to avoid the spread of the virus.

Closure of places of worship:

Sunday, March 22nd all our places of worship are less busy. The Church of Christ in Nyiveme is divided into 5 groups of 20 people. Some of them have worshipped in Nyiveme in turns of 10 people to respect the distance and the distance between the people.  And the other groups in the houses of the brothers so as not to miss the Lord's Supper on the first day of the week. It is like this every Sunday and in all the congregations in Kpalimé.

Our government decided yesterday April 1st, 2020 that all this should be respected for three (3) months.

Those who have access to the internet follow the courses with me at home only the connection is not fast.  Only those who pay 20.000f cfa per month have a very good internet connection.

The bible says:

Romans 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake”.

Posted on April 7, 2020 .