Making the best in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brethren! We are always humbled to God who has given us this opportunity to work for Him in His Vineyard. We give glory and honor to Him! 

The month began on a vibrant note with school making good progress and preaching. Out of these efforts we had 5 restoration and 3 baptisms. Students were sent in streets and door knocking and out of this they had set Bible studies of which has yielded good results. One of the restored brother (Collins) had to walk 21 kilometres to go and preach in his home village and in return restored his two siblings. We also have the New congregation in Muchinga province which had six members on her first meeting on the 29th of this month under the tree. more work is needed here and we pray that we have more opportunities to strengthen this Church.

The COVID-19 has not spared many nations and Zambia is not an exception. Zambia has since recorded 36 cases and the number is increasing every day. Two weeks ago the Government of Zambia mandated that all schools and colleges be suspended. And announced preventive measures concerning this pandemic.

As BVBI-Zambia, we wanted to comply with this directive but we have delayed the suspension (with the letter from the health ministry) of the lessons until the first week of April. This was done because we did not want to fall too far behind in our school calendar. We have given all the remaining lessons of the quarter to our students to take home during the suspension. The government has given some guidelines to prevent this scourge. The schools and colleges are not the only institutions that are suspended but even all church gatherings have so far been suspended. We believe that only buildings (which is a meeting place) were suspended Christians met for worship but in homes, we had our service at school with the gate closed some neighbours wanted to join us when the heard us singing and praising God. All restaurants are only operating on takeaways basis. But we are very glad to say that in spite of this, the work of the Lord is going on steadily. We pray that this pandemic comes to an end so that normality is injected back into the world.

May the unity of the Holy Spirit continue to be shown in this trying moments. We also pray that you all stay safe and well during this outbreak of the virus, We continue to praising God for the partnership. Moreover, all your efforts and prayers for the work here are highly appreciated. 

We love you all!


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on April 7, 2020 .