Classes continue in Sierra Leone



We were grateful with thanksgiving to the Almighty God for His guardians and love as we step into the second month that leads us to March 2020. Life keeps on as we have chosen to serve Him as we train more men to carry out the Gospel call into all nations in the World. Thank you for praying along with us for success in what we are doing for the Lord.


We maintain our 13 students for both months,  February begins the Third quarter courses on schedule with our able lecturers on standby. The courses lasted for six weeks thereafter the school went on a short brake just after the end of the first week in March 2020.

During the cause of the brake Brother Peter (School Dean) and I traveled along side with Brother Steven to Gueckedou Guinea to grace Bear Valley Bible School First Graduation in that region. The two days Seminar conducted by the school was well attended and very impressive. See attached photos of both Seminar and Graduation in the Republic of Guinea


During These two Months we were able to match up with the school academic schedule for the first year of studies. April will serve as the last month for a completion of the First Year Curriculum. God willing the Second Year of Studies will commence in May 2020.

I am grateful and thankful to God for bring me thus far with Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema. A call to the School administration and leadership  was handed over on the 21st April 2019. To God’s glory the students that were handed over to me are now in their final quarter of the First year with the curriculum. God willing next Month May, the 2nd Year of Training will commence. We are strongly offering prayers for the World as a whole with this Pandemic that befalls the Nations.

The continuous News on the CNN over the lives been claimed by death with the Corona Virus (COVID-19) is so much alarming and very disturbing for us as it leaves us with mixed feelings. We hope you and the entire brethren are safe.

Africa is affected on the same thread but not as it has affected Europe. Sierra Leone has now confirmed 7 cases of Corona Virus in the Capital City Freetown. All are from passengers who arrived at the Airport with Air France couple of Weeks ago and were quarantined. The total number of quarantined persons in one of the Hotels as to report from Lungi Airport international is total 217.

However, business in Kenema is normal and so it is in many other big towns in the country. Government is appealing to everyone all over the country to be watchful and advised in their own interest to avoid hand shaking, keep on washing of hands at any point the facilities are available. The gathering of more than 100 people is presently not allowed.

Nevertheless regular classes are going on at Bear Valley Bible School in Kenema. We will definitely close down if the government comes out with a press release to do so. We will let you know when it’s happened. Keep us in your prayers.

Meanwhile, we have already start the challenged for the beginning of the 2nd Year of Studies. Modules are printed to start the 1st quarter of the Second Year. Distribution of Modules to Students will commence at the end of this Month. This will enable students to be focus and steadfast in their studies. Below are some photos of printed materials on standby.


In conclusion, we ask all to continue to pray for each other for God’s intervention on the planet earth with this terrible killer Corona Virus.

May the Almighty God see us all throughout this trying period. God Bless.

Yours in Him

Jacob Sesay

Admin /Director – Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema

Sierra Leone

Posted on April 27, 2020 .