Zimbabwe school is in demand


As the world battles with COVID19 and  its effects, all hope is now on the ability of God to intervene in the affairs of His children. Currently, Zimbabwe is under lockdown up to 19 April. Outside activities at BVBIZ are also at a standstill. However, we remain hopeful that God will intervene so that operations continue once the pandemic is abated. Despite this challenge, there was progress registered in the month of March as reported below.


The current class finished its last term successfully, two days prior to the official closing date because of the COVID19 pandemic. Students traveled safely back to their homes in time for the lockdown. All subjects were taught and completed successfully. These are; Hebrew, Revelation, Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics, Minor Prophets, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Bible Geography, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Foundation of Missions and Preacher’s Life and Work.


2.1 Field Program

From the 25th of April to the 28th of September, the current students will be undertaking their practicum. Graduation is schedule to take place on the 3rd of October. Due to the Corona virus there shall be changes. Over 30 requests had been made and the school had made a decision to rotate the students in various areas. A proper update will be made at the end of April. Things remain unclear due to the COVID 19 pandemic. 

2.2 Campaigns

Evangelism campaigns took place from the 14th to the 22nd of March. Students were divided into two camps, some were at Sipaba in Matebeleland South whilst another group went to Maridale congregation in Norton, Mashonaland West. At Sipaba, the group was led by Brother Ngosilathi Mpofu, while at Norton, Brother Ishmael Mutichu was leading the group. 3 baptisms were recorded at Norton and 3 at Sipaba. 5 more baptisms were also recorded at Redcliff during the students’ weekend evangelism praxis. Total baptisms for the month of March were 11. At Maridale and Sipaba, besides evangelism during the day, evening services were held were several contacts were invited to come. 114 was the Sunday attendance at Norton whilst 82 came at Sipaba. Students had opportunities to lead services. There was a feeding centre for children at Sipaba and students who went there had an opportunity of experiencing how the centre is run.


Development continued to take place at the schools permanent site. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks for providing funds towards further progress on the hostel which is going to be used to house the students. Several cuts were also made on the school budget so that more work is done on the structure. The hope was to purchase plumping and electrical components in South Africa where there are a bit cheaper but due to the COVID19 Lockdown there, this could not be possible. All items were then purchased locally. If all things are equal, the target is to have the school move to this permanent site by June. 


The new class is scheduled to commence classes on the 15th of May 2020. This is on the condition that the lockdown would have been lifted by then. The present class will be undertaking their field practicum and therefore, will be away during this time. To date, 13 new students have been accepted. The target is to have 15 students minimum. There are 7 more applications yet to be processed.


Though the operating environment is now difficult due to COVID19, we praise God for what He has been able to do for BVBIZ in March. Our hearts and thoughts are with you all and with our various partners in this work. Our prayer is for the safety of all. God is able and to Him belongs all the glory, power and majesty forever and ever, Amen. 

Posted on April 7, 2020 .