A campaign in Liberia

We bring you greetings from the students and staffs in Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute, hoping all is well with you and your families in the Lord's name. We truly appreciate God for your partnership with us in this great work we have to do here in Liberia, West Africa. Below are the happenings for the month of February 2020.


Coming back from the year end vacation, the month of February was a very very busy month as the passed January for everyone, both the instructors and the students had lots to do towards the beginning of the years program. Among what the students had to do included the following:

  1. Group works

  2. Research works

  3. Individual Assignments and presentation

  4. Memory works

  5. Final examinations ( Practical and theory).

  6. Cleaning the campus etc.


Our students continued to engaged the communities around the school campus in weekends house to house evangelism and distributions of tracks. The school administration have made this a compulsory requirement for the students to get them practice for their future as trained gospel preachers. Their weekend work includes visit to the hospitals and prison. Presentations and reports are made every Monday morning to evaluate their weekend field work. Meanwhile, this effort is not only making the church known or have great impart on prospects they come across, but helping the individual students with great experiences on field work and what to expect in the future of their own ministry.


As part of our piratical work and most importantly bringing lost souls to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the school (Students and Instructors) including some Preachers of the evangelistic organization of Liberia took up another very challenging gospel campaign to a far away town called Yarpia to help a struggling and dying church, and by God's special grace, the Lord's church has been restored and  23 new people obeyed the gospel message and were added through baptized to the Lord's church. What made the trip very challenging was the very bad road condition leading to the town and immoral lives styles of the people, but God said us through it all. Many thanks and appreciations to brother Steven Ashcraft for shouldering the cost of this campaign. May God richly bless you brother.


We continue to thank you so much for your support to all the work here in Africa especially in Liberia. May God continue to bless you in Jesus Name.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn Jr.

Director- Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia

Posted on April 7, 2020 .