Making adjustments in Peru

Dear brothers,

This is an update of information about the BVBI PERU. It has been and continues to be a very challenging time, the problem with the Covid-19, has required us to make some changes to ensure that we can continue with our work and the plans that we have outlined for these months, but always grateful to God for keeping us firm and constant and thank you who are there for us too, supporting our work.

In the country we are in a "state of emergency" and will continue to do so according to the presidential announcements, until April 13, although possibly this will last a little longer. Meanwhile, depending on our possibilities, we will continue to teach the courses.

In the month of March, the course “Prison Epistles” was presented to the students with Yens Nima as instructor, the first two Saturdays were face-to-face and the last two were virtual. (In the images that I attach this Yens dictating his class accompanied by two students and broadcasting live to the other students who are far away). Anyway, the course was concluded. And this is what we will do while this state of emergency lasts.

In this month of April we have the I DE CORINTIOS course. I (Juan Abanto) will take care of this class and it will be done virtually through our Facebook page. In addition, we had our second Bible conference scheduled for April 9 and 10, this will also be broadcast virtually.

We hope in God that this difficult time that we are having to live in the whole world, may happen soon, if that is God's will, but whatever happens, we will continue to do our best to serve the Lord in his kingdom.
Thank you for taking the time to read these notes.

Juan Abanto and Abraham Alata
Co-directors of BVBI PERÚ

Posted on April 7, 2020 .