Schools ordered closed in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni Malawi

March Report


It is always sad to change programs when they are set already for the year, but with CoronaVirus we don’t have any option than to suspend classes. The school in Malawi has been reluctant to suspend classes because we didn’t have any case by then. But just 3 days ago, we were told by the president that we now have 4 cases. The past month, all meetings more than 100 people were suspended and we were lucky and continued teaching since we have only 19 students and precaution measures were provided to every student. But as of now, the president announced last night, that since we now have 4 cases of the pandemic, even any meeting less than 100 is to be stopped. However, the good news is that we have at least finished most of the lesson we planned to accomplish in this first semester.


As I have indicated in the introduction, we have done almost what we planned to be taught in the first semester only two courses were remaining to finish this first semester. The classes are suspended and the students have been released to go home. We shall always resume as soon as we are told to do so. What we can all do at the moment is to PRAY!


It has been difficult to organise full campaigns in this semester, but with travelling of students and teachers in some neighbouring congregations, 4 souls have been added to the church. It is really sad that the pandemic has caused a huge negative impact on our work. However, we understand that God should be praised in every situation. We still have the opportunity to do more and conquer the kingdom of the devil. I have quoted the words of Brother Keith, It is sad to see how the pandemic has been known throughout the world in just three month than the name JESUS”!

Again I quote from the words of Brother Keith “ When there’s bad weather on the sea, fishermen still have the work to do – they mend their nets” Making sure when there is peace on the sea to go in and catch more fish. Corona Virus will not stop us forever; there will be peace on the sea soon!

Words of thanks

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni, want to thank the Bear Valley International for the assurance of the partnership between all schools despite the pandemic. We really understand how this pandemic will bring a big challenge on the work as most helpers are not meeting to contribute. But we have our God who will not allow His work stop because of this disease. We thank you for your kindness, love and many prayers you offer to God on our behalf. Keep praying for us, as we also do for you and the work you are doing. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours fellow servants,

Ephron and Clergynton



Posted on April 7, 2020 .