More good in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report – Feb. 2020

Greetings to you all, our supporters, friends and well-wishers of the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. This report will be very brief and will discuss only 2 items, the classroom and congregational visit activities both of which were successful.

The month of February has since ended, but we were tied up with the following month’s graduation preparations for the first batch of students here. Because of the much work needed for that program, we had, but a little time to attend to some usual activities such as evangelism.  Nevertheless, a few conversions did take place. Here is a summary of the events which occurred here in February.

Classroom: Having started classes by mid-January courses then progressed and are now in full swing for all the second batch of 20 students. Courses completed during the month include Homiletics 1, God’s Plan of Salvation and the Acts of the Apostles instead of Christian Evidence which was rescheduled for another quarter when hopefully the instructor, bro. Nestor would fully recover from his hypertension problem.

Congregational Routine Visit: As part of our usual congregational routine visit to keep the saved always save, our students and some staff had gone out to strengthen the new congregations. During 2 of these visits we converted 5 souls (4 women and 1 man) in the village of Dendesou. All the other congregations are also going well. Conversion photo is attached.

Conclusion: We wish to thank and appreciate you all for your support of every kind – Finances, materials and prayers. Your spiritual and material supports are always desired to continue this work of soul-saving through preacher training.

Until then, your servant


Gueckedou, Guinea – BVBI

Posted on April 7, 2020 .