VBS, farming, and new workers in Tanzania


The agriculture work that we are doing in Arusha continues to go very well and the corn is nearing harvest time. Soon our days will be filled with that task. Our new cow house is coming along and we are looking forward to the finished product.

We welcomed new teammates at the beginning of this month, Todd and Susan Storks. We are thankful to have them here and are looking forward to serving the Kingdom together. 

VBS was held at Kisongo Kanisa la Kristo the last week of June. The topic this year was Paul and the women covered 4 stories on 4 different nights. Each night brought more children and they topped out around 100. Anna, Susan, Haley, and Tiffany have been great teammates so that the 3 VBS’s this month have run smoothly and been fun for everyone. 

However, in true Africa fashion everything couldn’t go without a hitch. On the second night of VBS Justin and Daudi literally had to rip the door handles off the front door and kick the door in so that we could enter the building. Here, if it isn’t one thing it is always another. But, it makes for good stories. 

We have had the privilege of having Avery Hackney in our home for the last week. He is here from the States doing personal evangelism in Njiro Chini. Last week one of his studies resulted in the woman choosing to be baptized. We are thankful for Avery’s visit and his work for the Kingdom.

Anna finished up the series she and Tiffany had been doing for the monthly preacher’s wives meetings. Next month, they will begin new topics led by the new missionary wife, Susan Storks. Pray for these studies and these women. 

Also, thanks to all of you and your generosity Anna was able to organize a large resource room. All of you have donated more than 500 lbs worth of crafts and materials for children’s Bible classes and we have been blown away by your kindness.

Next Saturday, the 23rd, Lord willing we will be conducting our monthly children’s seminar. Please keep this work in your prayers. Last month we did not have a children’s seminar because of the campaigns and because Jane, the wife of Desdery, (the couple who help us conduct these seminars) had a baby! They have 3 precious girls Martina, Moureen, and Melissa and last month they added a BABY BOY to their family! We are so happy for them and cannot wait to share pictures. We were also happy to learn that the newest additions name is Justin! We think it is a good name.

In Christian love,

Justin and Anna Maynard

#extensions #tanzania #arusha


Posted on July 15, 2016 .

Good news and gratitude from Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

        Calvary greetings from this part of the globe. We are always excited to share with you what is making news in our area and hope this reports finds you all in good health and a sound faith.

     Last week at BVBIC-Wotutu our students were in full studies again for the third quarter and classes are going on well.

     Let me share some pictures with you all.

PIC 1 - This is me teaching personal evangelism, which is our mission. We don’t allow any stone unturned when it comes to evangelism.

PIC 2 - Our children in the congregation and at the orphanage keep growing. Our children are always happy whenever they find themselves in the house of God for worship or to study the Bible. The children in the Brightland Christian orphanage continue to grow not only in their size, but also spiritually.   

PIC 3 - Alang Francis obeyed the truth by being baptized into Christ. Please keep him in your prayers.


     Evangelism this weekend will be mass as we go with all the students in the van and the small car. We have dedicated this weekend to nurture nearby congregations to Wotutu.   


        Thank you very much for all the love shown to us , prayers on our behalf and the countless support. Pray and see how you can be a part in any way as we prepare for the annual Bible lectureship in Wotutu come November 2016. Graduation, matriculation, and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Wotutu congregation. We are expecting over 6000 people and it will surely cost us about 2.000.000 frs to run the program for 5 days of evangelism and fellowships.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

#extensions #cameroon #wotutu

Posted on July 13, 2016 .

A new school begins in Zimbabwe

Jesus declared that he came to seek and to find that which was lost (Lk 19.10). Bear Valley Bible Institute Zimbabwe was born to fulfill this mission. The school is thrilled by the coming in of Bear Valley Bible Institute Internationalwhich has made this possible. This first month, through this report, we give a glimpse of BVBI-Z and what transpired throughout the month.


Bear Valley Bible Institute is located in Gweru and Gweru is the capital of the Midlands Province. The church is not very strong in this province. To the BVBI-Z family, this is a great opportunity. It will be easier to see the fruits of BVBI-Z existence through evangelism.


BVBI-Z opened its doors on the 6th of June 2016. It was a humbling experience to see young men who have dedicated themselves towards learning God’s word. The school officially started with 13 students.  12 of the students are staying on campus whilst one has his own accommodation. The progress of these students has indeed been overwhelming. We shall be reporting soon on their academic performance and spiritual progress. To God be the glory.

Matthew Muchingam 

Director, BVBI-Z

  #extensions #zimbabwe

Posted on July 12, 2016 .

Cambodia Director is back on the ground!

Greetings loved ones! As you may know, the past two months I've been in America, taking my children with me for the first time, and I am now back in Cambodia! I appreciate all of your prayers for my safe travels. I thank God for not only taking care of me and my children when i was in America but for taking care of my wife when she was all by herself.

It was quite an interesting journey for me the past few months. I needed that break to help me rejuvenate myself for the work that is set before me in Cambodia. It's been 9 years that I’ve been living here and out of the 9 years Ive been back to the US a total of 3 months time; so going back was quite a unique experience for me..

As I travelled back to Cambodia, I thought a lot about the work and how it can grow even more. I've come to the conclusion that it's time to take the next step in growing the local leadership here. They have shown me that they can take on more responsibilities with their maturity. I have decided to trust them with the finances of the work. It's time for me to give this responsibility to them and watch them grow.

As a missionary, the final stage of trust is giving up the financial responsibility to the local leaders, especially in a third world country where corruption is rampant. I will let my two "Timothys" (Darat and Piseth) take charge of the school's fund. They will be given all the funds and be responsible for the accounting and bookkeeping of all transactions starting this July and onwards.  I am excited to see how they handle it and i trust that they will develop into even more faithful men! Please keep them in your prayers as we implement our plan.

In His Service,

Phanat Ouch

#extensions #cambodia

Posted on July 12, 2016 .

School is back in session in Mbanga, Cameroon

      The Lord is merciful to His faithful ones. Cameroon is doing great and we send greetings from this part of the globe. Oh beloved the work is growing and the needs for help in many congregations in French speaking Cameroon is increasing. The work is much but the laborers are very few. We have sent students out every week and by His faithful grace, they will come back with very positive result.

       Our weekend evangelism to various congregations was successful last weekend with a soul that was lost and has found his way. A sister was restored today with the help of a student who visited this assembly. Lets commit her into our prayers.

       Students and staff of the the BVBIC-Mbanga resumed classes last Monday and everyone was present. Both the students and staff are taking new courses on Greek and Computer studies. Graduation is fast approaching and in less than nine months we shall be graduating our first batch of students from Mbanga. Cameroon. It shall be a great day! We need to empower our students before they go to the field. 

Remain blessed,

Brother Ititi

#extensions #cameroon #mbanga


Posted on July 12, 2016 .

ACSOP students involved in a successful campaign

Encouraging news from Njiro chini Church of Christ

For the past few weeks the devil has been put to shame at the Njiro area. More than 15 evangelists and servants of God from the USA and many others from nearby congregations around the area came to join the effort of the TEAM in strengthening a newly planted congregation of Njiro chini. The last two weeks of May we visited this area and conducted a pre-campaign. We had an opportunity to knock doors and gates of residences of this area. During this time we were able to establish 120 intact Bible classes, distributed more than 1000 Bible tracts, and registered 95 students in Bible correspondence courses.  The Lord was so good to us for these many open doors and as a result two souls were added to the church.

When our visitors arrived and joined our effort in reaching many people in this area we had a tremendous outcome. The Lord added a total of 12 souls from Njiro chini and another 7 souls from Arusha who will be worshiping with the brethren in Arusha church of Christ. Through our groups we were able to reach those bible classes that has been established earlier. On the following Sunday, 10 of those who have been baptized in Christ came to worship. As I am writing a closer follow up is continuing by the Team to those who have been studying with local and foreign missionaries. Brother Imani Ndahani, who was once a Pentecostal preacher, was also baptized during this week after a three day discussion with our brother Mickey. He and another six members were also baptized and now are faithful members of Arusha Church. Keep your prayers up for this wonderful work here in Arusha as we continue to plant and grow many souls. We believe that God will give the increase in his own time. It is encouraging because during this time of post campaign one soul has been added to the church.

Tanzania youth seminar.

The Arusha church of Christ is enjoying having more that 150 youth from different churches of Christ all over Tanzania. This week youths are here at Arusha to attend a one week seminar by the title “… I have written to you young men, because you are strong…” 1 John 2:14 [NASB]. Many good teachers from different congregations are attending this seminar and have had enough preparation to instruct these young men and women to be faithful Christians as they continue to grow in faith. One soul was added through this seminar, continue to pray for these youths.

Thank you again for your love, support and prayer for this work as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania.

#extensions #arusha #tanzania


Posted on July 12, 2016 .

French Cameroon Needs More Laborers

The Lord is merciful to His faithful ones. Cameroon is doing great accept greetings from this part of the globe.We are happy to report again this week for the week was marvelous with no great event most especially as every body is in good health both in the student milieu and at Church.

      Oh beloved the work is growing and the needs for help in many congregations in french speaking Cameroon is increasing and we just keep on struggling to how we can fit our help in nurturing these assemblies some of them will just one or no brother who can help in preaching the gospel to the Church and to the lost ones out side.The work is much but the laboures are very few.We sent students out every week and by His faithful grace, they will come back with very positive result.

       Our week end evangelism to various congregations was successful last week end with a soul that was lost and has found his way. A sister was restored today with the help of a student who visited this assembly.lets commit her into our prayers.

       Students and staff of the the Bvbic-mbanga resume classes last week Monday and every body answered present both the students and staff including the new courses on Greek language and Computer studies. The work load for the students is increasing every day,they are also engage in project writing,but we have trained them to be strong Cameroonians even though not really easy but they shall do their best. Graduation is fast approaching with less than nine months we shall be graduating our first batch of students from Mbanga Cameroon it shall be a great day,come 03-2016.We need to empower our students before they go to the field. We can begin preparing our graduation gift in kind or in cash.Remain blessed

           Our congregation visited bro Mamoudou Estephane today and ans also visited some berrieved families and our worship was really good.

       Thanks for this wonderful week and we pray for another successful one.

Posted on July 10, 2016 .

Training, Truth, and Tracts

Dearest in Christ,

        Calvary greetings from this part of the globe , we are always excited to share with you what is making news in our area , we do hope this reports finds you all in good health and a sound faith.

     Last week went on well ,in BVBIC-wotutu our students are in full studies again for the third quarter and classes are going on well , all that is lined up is being discharged without much problem.

      Just for the few that are sick , but God is taking control over the sick in our area , keep them in your prayers.

   Let me share some pictures with you all.

    PIC 1

     This is me teaching personal evangelism , so can see the students being active and attentive to gain more knowledge about evangelism , which is our mission and our mission is evangelism. We don,t allow any stone unturned when it comes to evangelism ,that is the reason we were called , so we are making it known to others as much as we have the means .

   PIC 2

         Our children in the congregation and at the orphanage keeps growing ,our children are always happy whenever they found themselves in the house of God for worship or to study the Bible on Wednesday and Friday where the entire church in wotutu gathers for prayers. Keep the children whom we are paying great attention because they are the church of tomorrow. The children in the Brightland Christian orphanage continue to grow not only in their sizes , but also spiritually , I doubt many times when I am with them singing praises to God and glorying His name ,that if not of this home what would have been made of these children ,school s will soon resume , and they need to be in school , something they have never dreamt of when they were , were they were.

   PIC 3

      This brother Read many tracts from us and decided to come and see, he said LET ME TEST THEM AND SEE THE TRUTH AS WRITTEN IN THEIR TRACTS , Our student Efongoh valentine told him with passion , the gospel is free for dying mankind to gain life , there is life in the gospel and there is life in the church , if you are not in Christ eventhough you life ,you don,t have life.

  PIC 4

    Alang Francis obeyed the truth.He was baptized into Christ in wotutu, keep him in your prayers.

    News from weekend evangelism continue to gladdens our hearts ,as our students evangelize the communities . WE received a call from an old man , who needed us ,to come and explain more from what he read from our tract ,IS THERE A SURE WAY TO HEAVEN ?We need to continue to preach because denominational world have captured cable television and radio causing more confusion , because we are not on radio and television , we do house to house and when we meet with many it sounds like a strange doctrine ,but very rich containing the truth.


     Evangelism this weekend , will be mass as we go with all the students , with the van and the small car , we have dedicated this weekend to nurture nearby congregations to wotutu.


        God bless you , thanks very much for all the love shown to us , prayers on our behalf and the countless support. Do your best to share this report with others.

      Pray and see how you can be a part in any way as we prepare for the annual Bible lectureship in wotutu come November 2016 , Graduation ,matriculation and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the wotutu congregation. We are expecting over 6000 people and it will surely cost us about 2.000.000 frs to run the program for 5 days of evangelism and fellowships.

     Elangwe and family

   By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu



Posted on July 10, 2016 .

Mbanga Cameroon continues to win souls and establish congregations in the French regions.

Calvary greetings from this part of the globe,we are greatefull to report to you again this week about the work in Cameroon and in Mbanga.


       The week was characterized with a lot ofevangelism from some part of the country and in french speaking in particular.The six students went on campaign to five fields and spend Ten days doing evangelism and visitation of backsliders and more to that they assisted in burial ceremony to the congregation at Abang were Philip preach during the wake keeping and was interpreted by Giress in English because of the English speaking people in that locality.H did same to the speaker who preach in English.We are proud to have such a bilingual person in our institution.


   Today marked the end of our field work and as they report their coming,we have recorded about three baptism already.God added a soul in Sancho,one in mujuka and in Mbanga.


    It is harvest time in Cameroon in Cameroon and the church in Mbanga also harvested some maize from bro ITITI's garden and we decided to share some with the prisoners.Our visit to the present was good with bro Nicolas and Giress as they went to preach on Wednesday with these maize that could help them to in feeding for some few days.We appreciate the hands of God for this year.


         We shall immediately begin with a new quarter tomorrow 4th of July .thanks for your corporation.

Posted on July 3, 2016 .

Wotutu Cameroon is a spiritual hotspot for many outreaches that are bringing many into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and in contact with His cleansing blood.

Dearest in Christ,

        Greetings from this part of the globe , where we are doing our best daily to be on the Lord side and to make others to see the right directions and to be on His side as well.

     We do hope this report finds you in good health , we keep you in our prayers about your love for the work here and the spreading of the gospel of Jesus in our native lands.

       Last week were busy with , evangelism in different locations with students and staff. By the grace of God as I write this report we are all home on campus ready to start the third quarter that leads to the fourth and last quarter for the GAMMA BATCH students , keep praying as they put their heads down to fully equipped themselves as they prepare for full time ministry  in different locations around Cameroon.

      Let me share with you some pictures .

   Pic 1

        Our students were out for 9 days doing house to house evangelism from one village to another and also from towns to towns . Sharing the saving message ,meeting people in their home .

    PIC 2

        House to house evangelism , making the Lord known to many as we share the gospel leaving behind tractsfrom mission printing ,which is making known the Lord to many .

    PIC 3

          Brother Hilary , sharing the good news , because EVANGELISM IS OUR MISSION AND OUR MISSION IS EVANGELISM.

    PIC 4

      We trained our students to point the truth in an open Bible to our prospects , it is a tradition here and we pray and hope that our students will develop their ministries using this method ,.

   PIC 5

      Sister Bih Seraphine obeyed the gospel in Azimotel street congregation .

   PIC 6

     God bless this mission work this time, as a new dynamic congregation was established in azimotel street , please keep this congregation in your prayers as our responsibility are growing we need to send students to conduct worship every week , we shall be sending different students till November where we shall graduate this GAMMA batch , our student Tangolem Hilary as humble as he is , is the brain behind this .Keep this work in your prayers.


   PIC 7

        Grace obeyed the gospel in Azimotel congregation also , this congregation will grow as long as we continue to invest on evangelism in that area.

     PIC 8

     These two little girls are attending Brightland Christian Academy , last two months their mother started worshipping and got baptized , today they brought their father to worship ,it is amazing how God can pass through children to make known His word , we are passing the gospel through these kids to reach their parents and it is working.We started studies with him today and hopefully we shall help him be like us.

   PIC  9

        In Brightland Christian Academy , we are getting into the lives of many , we have the nursery and primary school , we have the Adult literacy classes and we are dreaming of the secondary college now which as all things remain , we are intending to start this September , please pray towards this dream , we are targeting girls and women in the villages who have the mind to go to school but the means is not there as you can see our wotutu congregation have many of those girls and young ladies of school going age ,but no fund for them to make it to school , our schools can be of great help if we are fully established .You can partner with us to realized this dream , so that all ages will be influenced by what the school is doing to the kids , adult during their adult literacy classes and also the secondary school that is suppose to come , a greater population and almost all ages will be under our influence and more impact will be created ,come join us.


   PIC 10

       Our mission printing tracts are getting into fertile hands , this brother became converted because of this mission printing tracts and he is taking it to his community to share with many ,who are interested ,more impact is being created from the things God is blessing us with.Keep us in your prayers as we meet many people who are reading the mission printing tracts and doors and many doors are being open for study.

 PIC 11

      Today was another great day in the life of my family , as God;s blessings was full in our hands , God blessed us without another healthy son two weeks ago , it was through CS that our third child came to us as the others also , today after worship , he was presented to the congregation and a prayer was offered to him for us and the congregation to bring up this boy to know God and to make Him known in his entire life on earth , that is our prayers. Keep him in your prayers NDINGI STEVEMARX ELANGWE , his first name NDINGI from my dialect means LIKENESS, we like what God is doing in our lives , the challenges were too much ,within that period as my father at the age of 72 was sick also many thanks to God today he was in worship, my wife is recovering well from the CS and my father and many in my home who were sick are taking their treatment , keep my sister inlaw Ruth in your prayers also for she is sick.

   PIC 12

     I am standing on the Land that the secondary school department of Brightland will be constructed , we are really hoping that it works out this September as many continue to seek admission for their kids to the school , we have a 2000 square meters , right for the government to approve for the running of the school , please keep praying as we look forward to erect even a temporal building to start with . The land is less than 200 meters from the present Brightland and less than 60 meters from my home and less than 400 meters from the church hall in wotutu, so every of our ministries are just close to each other .

     Share this with others as we look forward and unto our God for help, we are using education to preach the gospel to the communities .

     The kids of Brightland Christian orphanage are doing well in health and they are on holidays now , but brightland Christian academy , is starting summer holiday classes tomorrow , we shall enroll these  children , so that they will develop a little bit before school resumes in September ,please continue to pray for the brightland Christian orphanage home as these children continue to get care that they were not suppose to get anywhere since they loss their parents , this home is just there at the right place giving hope to these children , you need to visit the home and see how they will use their young voices to sing to the Lord , say memory verses ,and many others ,a visitor visited the home yesterday and went out shading tears ,because he was thrill by the potentials that are in these children , he asked many questions about the vision about the home and was pleased that is a Christian home , that after the children can eat physical food , they will also eat the spiritual food that last and take them to eternity , NURTURING FOR ETERNITY is the motto and they children can recite this daily and quote the Bible passage that guide both them and all the staffs of the home , we nurture to keep these children alive , so that as long as they live they will live for the Lord , that is our vision and we are not leaving any stone unturn to see that this vision is seen in their lives and in their daily living , please keep praying because these home is also giving us opportunity to share gospel messages and mission printing tracts to visitors in this home . These children are here and they don,t have any explanation to give why they are orphans ,thanks be to God for the home and all those who are praying and making the home be a home for these children.God bless you as you think about them and pray for them. 13 kids are under our care daily.


       Number of locations ================================== 21 villages and towns

       Number of students involved=========================== 21

       Number of staffs involved    ====================== ======= 4

      Number of baptismrecorded   ===========================  23 souls

Number of restorations   ===================================== 15 souls

 Number of new congregation established    ========1 ( Azimotel street , attendance today 27 souls.

Number of mission printing tracts    ============================ 58 CARTONS OR BOXES

   More congregations are strengthen ,and are applying for students to come full time.


     WE are planning evangelism in Bonjongo area this month .

    Our annual Bible lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon is coming up in November


      God bless you for all you are thing towards the work here, we thank God daily on your behalf , thank you for your love for the gospel here in wotutu and the entire country of Cameroon.


     Please pray for those sick here, climate change is disturbing many now.

   Please pray for the coming to light of the BRIGHTLAND CHRISTIAN COMPREHENSIVE COLLEGE ,WOTUTU, if this dream can come true this September.

     We will be happy if you share this reports with others.

     Elangwe and family

     By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu.



Posted on July 3, 2016 .

Preparing Soil and Souls in Mbanga Cameroon

Greetings from this part of the world and from a lot of members from that big one family in which we all belong.great is the Lord and is greatly to be praised.God is been praised today in some interior part of Cameroon where our students could get there for evangelism.

         There after some evangelismcampaigns in local areas,we come to realized that the present of the french school of preaching in Cameroon is creating a great impact with very positive result,praise the Lord all-mighty.

         Its time for another campaign and this time around we have covered some five suffering assemblies a few among the rest in french speaking Cameroon were we will have to support our students with all most every thing necessary for his trip because these assemblies will no be able to cover these expenses.Very few in number there are with may be no side for worship but in some Christians premises in which with the past experience,this has never been the best ideas.Church in these localities will always face retard in growth.

         We had a very nice time with our Coordinator David Ballard who taught the students in Mbanga the book of Romans which really enrich the students before their trip to different fields for mission work.We pray you come over for voluntary service to come help the students with the best you can so that together we can change french Cameroon and why not the world at large.May God bless as think and put things into consideration.

      Our school was blessed to host the coordinator of the Healing hands international by the person of bro Ebenezer all the way from Kenya.We had a two day seminar with the students of Mbanga and Wotutu including some members of congregations and some people from around Mbanga who also paid interest in studying some agricultural methods in farming.The seminar took place on the 20th and 21st of June 2016 at the Church premises,and the second part of the seminar was the practicals which took place at our future school location which is located some miles away from the present side but thanks to the wotutu school bus that was helping to transport all the participants.Keep on praying for this brother and his work.

     The kingdom of God is blessed last week with a precious soul that was added in it.this was during the studies of the Roman road of salvation that has no pot holds and this lady who has been a baptist for so long and after period of studies,she decided to obey nothing but the truth may the name of God be sanctified. He who wins souls is wise and the added to His Church daily such as they were saved.

           Oh how time flies with little or no time we shall be graduating our first batch of students in Mbanga,the evangelism campaign will endon the 3rd and school will resume on the 4th of June which will mark the end of the 5th quarter and the beginning of the 6thquarter meaning in less than no time we shall be preparing for graduation.We shall begin with the term paper this quarter,and by next quarter preparations for graduation by His grace.

       Dearest in the Lord,we appreciate all what you are doing for the school,the churches of Christ in Cameroon and the community at large.keep up beloved do not give up and may God keep on replenishing your effort in Jesus name (AMEN)  

Posted on June 28, 2016 .

Souls Added To The Kingdom...

The first week of the summer arrived, graduates moved to new locations in ministry, and returning students now travel to see family and supporters during the break. Fourteen potential students will spend the next few months preparing to move to Denver and begin the first quarter of the new school year in August. I know they would appreciate your prayers as they seek to find financial support and prepare for the two-year journey ahead of them.

We received several reports this week with updated information on the work in each location. The news is always encouraging. On a special note, in addition to their recent graduation, the report from the school in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine shares news of a soul added to the kingdom, baptized by one of the current students. The brethren in Ukraine are excited and we rejoice with the increase provided by God. We pray you are also encouraged by the reports from other locations where God continues to give the increase, souls added to the kingdom and the brethren strengthened in the faith.

Other news indicates the growth of the program as students learn various skills and farming techniques they can use to sustain their families and aid the church. This also becomes a great outreach tool. Several locations benefit from the ongoing training they receive, in large part due to the great work of Healing Hands International. Please remember to pray for our brethren who do the Lord’s work in some difficult circumstances.

If you have not done so already, remember to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian. He needs to receive your weekly or monthly reports, and if there is information to discuss regarding the extension program, please write Keith. He serves as the new director of the extension program. His email address is kkasarjian@wetrainpreachers.com

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

A Break For Current Students And Perspective Students Take Exams: While current students are on break, entrance exams were taken by the potential 2017 Delta class.

Three Students Complete Their Courses And Graduate In Ukraine: In addition to the celebration of completing their studies, a soul was added to the kingdom.

School In Nigeria Purchases A New Tool For Evangelism: After selling some property, the school in Nigeria purchased a van to aid in the work of local evangelism.

Children’s Seminar And Local Evangelism Make An Impact In Tanzania: Justin Maynard reports on the progress of the outreach program in Arusha.

Planting A Church In Njiro And A Graduate Reports Growth: The staff report from the Andrew Connally School Of Preaching shares encouraging news about the work.

Tanzania Missions - Hochdorf Report: Sean Hochdorf provides and update on Cy Stafford, his wife, Anita, and the growth of the work in Arusha, Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
A final expression of thanks: I’ve assembled the weekly report for the last seven and a half years. What a blessing God has given me to be involved in this great work. As I pass the task on to Keith Kasarjian, I want to thank each of you for the wonderful privilege of serving in this way. I pray you were encouraged and uplifted. You are blessing in my life and to this entire program. Without you it would not exist. Please continue your prayers for the program and for us as we move into a new phase of our ministry in the kingdom. 

God bless

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

A Break For Current Students And Perspective Students Take Exams...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We continue to thank God for the peace and love we enjoy in Cameroon now. We do hope you are doing great in all that you do also in the Lord.

Last week was a busy one for the staff and students of BVBIC-Wotutu as we were off from classes after exams. We attended a scholarship lectureship in Kumbo, about 400 miles from Wotutu. It was a success as many students were exposed to good topics that they can also add more to in order to teach in other places.

We returned this weekend. On Saturday we scheduled entrance exams to BVBIC-Wotutu for the Delta batch. We were blessed to have more prospective students who came with the mind to enter into our very rich and intensive program. Some came late and were given exams even after the regular exams were finished. We are left with the option now to check academics, recommendations, and scores during the oral interview. From there we will be able to select 20 who will be our Delta batch of students in 2017. The number is to meet up with our space and means. Keep us in your prayers so that as we have always done we shall select those the Lord Himself has selected to come and be equipped to serve.

Our prospective students took the exams on the Bible, English language, and also an oral interview for us to know from their hearts why they want to preach. It took us hours to go through this exercise.

They were served with breakfast and lunch because some students came a day before the day of exams due to their distance from Wotutu. With a heavy down pour of rain they were determined to make it to Wotutu. Our humility and hospitality were an added advantage for the Delta batch of students to anticipate what awaits them if they pass the exams.

Nor matter the conditions of roads from where they came from, they demonstrated an evangelistic spirit by taking cartons of Mission Printing tracts to their home congregations. By so doing, they used one stone to kill two birds.

Pa Jeremiah listened to our programs and read a track, What Must I Do to be Saved? The question was good enough for him to declare to us that he is old and to him old age was a sign of living an evil free life. So he is doing what is good. That is why he is of age, but we were able to expose the truth about this life and the life to come to him. He asked many questions for the past one and a half months now, started worshipping with us two weeks ago, and obeyed the gospel. Our van was there to take him and other witnesses closer to the river.

As he came up out of the water he said, “God is too good,” and he just found God at this ripe age. He is 70 years of age now. Keep him in your prayers to grow with the knowledge of the truth and one day serve as a good teacher and an elder.

God blessed our congregation in Wotutu this week with 3 precious souls. They smiled as they were equipped with brand new Bibles, the tool that will help them as they wage war against the world of errors and denominationalism.

Brother David and brother Jonathan are already in Cameroon preaching and teaching, and were at the central prison today.

Students are off for vacation before the short course as we wait for the short course instructors to arrive this week.

We are thinking of a new work in the Kumba area during our mission work.

God bless you and keep you strong, for what you are doing is great, and the work is making progress. What if you were not here? Thank you for all you do.

Share with others the news emanating from this end.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

Tanzania Missions: The Hochdorf Report...

Greetings brethren,

It is our sincere hope that this short report finds each of you in good health and busy in the kingdom of Christ. We praise our Father for your continued support of the work in Tanzania.  

As you are aware, we have been continually offering petitions on behalf of our beloved Cy & Stephanie Stafford. Cy returns to UAB for his final chemo treatment beginning June 15th. He and Stephanie have been through an emotional roller coaster while fighting Cy’s leukemia. We plead with each of you to continue to pray for this worthy couple. 

We were recently able to visit with Cy and Stephanie Stafford in Birmingham, AL while Cy was recuperating from his chemotherapy. Cy goes in for his last treatment June15th. Please keep them in your daily prayers.

Many of you have asked how Anita’s is progressing after her stem cell procedure. At this time, she is still quite uncomfortable but it is to be expected. Her doctor says she should start having consistent pain free days in about three more months. We are praying that he is correct. Thank you for your genuine concern and encouragement, it means a great deal to both of us. 

The work in Tanzania continues to improve. The farm project has grown to a point where we are almost able to provide 100% of the food necessary to feed the Andrew Connally School of Preaching student body, staff and faculty! Justin Maynard, alongside many of the ACSOP staff, has done an exceptional job bringing this project to its present state. In addition to this great blessing the project provides a platform for training the student body in the areas of gardening, livestock and poultry. Our hope is that this training will aid our brethren when they graduate and begin their work as local evangelists.

Campaigns are well underway with visitors coming from several states. Currently, groups from Hoover and Tuscaloosa, Alabama are campaigning in Njiro Chini. For those of you who have been to TZ the Njiro Chini congregation meets at Elly and Neema Martin’s house. For those who have not been to Arusha, Elly and Neema are pillars of the Lord’s church in the Arusha area. Elly has been the go to man for taking care of everything official with the work which has kept him on the road and away from home a great deal. Neema is his rock solid wife and one of the funniest ladies you've ever met. They have 4 children but always show up at church with more than their own. They have taken in countless relatives and children over the years and are just super brethren. Please keep the campaigns and campaigners in your prayers. If you'd like to see some pictures, check out the Maynard's FB page.

As we conclude we need to mention that we have reached a point in our work that we need to renew our residence/work permit and we need to purchase some plane tickets. If you are able to help us with these expenses we would be grateful. 

We pray that you are growing closer to the Lord each day and that you will continue to be blessed in service for the kingdom.

Until next time,

Take care and God bless,
Sean & Anita Hochdorf

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

Planting A Church In Njiro And A Graduate Reports Growth...

Planting a church in Njiro…
Luke records these words for us “Therefore, those who had scattered went about preaching the word” Acts 8:4 [NASB]. It is a great thing to see the church growing and many souls added to the Kingdom day by day. Within the past few years, Christians from congregations around Arusha have been involved in planting new congregations in the area. To this moment, over 50 congregations have been planted by the members of the Arusha church of Christ. Faithful men and women who visit Arusha from time to time have assisted in strengthening this congregation to a level of maturity and leadership. This year we are blessed to have two groups from Alabama, who will be working with the local team of evangelists in winning more souls to Christ in the Njiro Chini congregation. We held a pre-campaign last week and set up over 80 Bible classes. Among those, four souls were added to the church last week. We are praying that the Lord has still many souls to add to his church as these men go out next week.

Therefore we continue to ask for your prayers for more open doors as the preachers go out to win more souls to Christ in the Njiro chini area “… And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved” Acts 2:47 [NASB]. 

Graduate News
Along with this, I would like to share with you what I have just read from one of our graduates here at ACSOP last week: “I thank our Lord God for using me in his Kingdom. Since I graduated from the school I was full time working with my local congregation here in Kyela. Last month I asked the church to allow me to move to another area near by to live and preach there. I finally arrived at Tukuyu, the place where I was born and started to preach there for two weeks. The Lord has been so good and there were eight people who were baptized and now with my family the church is meeting in this area with the total of 14 adults without counting children. I am asking for your prayers as we continue to win more souls to the Lord.” Emmanuel Burton.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and love for this wonderful work. The Lord is using His servant in His kingdom. 

In Christian love,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students-ACSOP
An Extension ofBear Valley Bible Institute
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

Children's Seminar And Local Evangelism Make An Impact In Tanzania...

Mt. Meru Children’s Seminar
This month we had the opportunity to hold our children’s seminar up the mountain at the Mt. Meru Church of Christ. It was a fruitful day. 

We started the morning out assisting the women of the Church with lunch. By 10 a.m. over 100 children were present in the small church building! Anna presented a lesson on the Bible and the wonderful things it tells us. Haley then presented a lesson on creation. We were thrilled and appreciative to have Anna Byrd from Kensington Woods COC with us. She was a great help. 

As the children’s classes were going on the men split up into personal Bible studies. Many people came out to study God’s word and two men made the decision to have their sins washed away and put the Lord on in baptism. Mungu ni mwema. 

Njiro Chini Evangelism: 
We are thankful for all of the visitors already on the ground here and those on their way. We have had the privilege of working with Brian Anderson, Brittany Anderson Higgins, and Anna Byrd from the Kensington Woods congregation. The group started out working in the Namonga area, where one of their team mates, Tom Watkins, is still out evangelizing, but have spent the last 5 days working in Njiro Chini. Monday the Northport group arrived and hit the ground running! We are excited for all the visitors and for the work they are doing for the Kingdom of God. Many Bible studies have already been conducted in the last week at Njiro Chini. Many more are to come, Lord willing. 

Anna and I have split up and been studying with individuals together. Please be praying for these efforts. Today, Lord willing, Anna will have the opportunity to share the Gospel with some Muslim women she has befriended. 

Several baptisms have already occurred from the studies in the last week. Mungu ni mwema, the Church is growing! Tuesday a young woman and her friend were studying with the Northport group. After lunch, the group came back to study with the young woman, Debora, and her friend again. When Debora’s friend did not show up, she and the translator went to check on her. What they found was tragic. The woman’s husband was beating her for studying God’s word and would not let her return. That afternoon Debora chose to give her life to Jesus and have her sins washed away in the waters of baptism. Please pray for Debora and say an extra prayer for her friend and her husband. Everyone is broken-hearted. 

The Lord continues to bless this work. Please keep us, and all of the campaigners coming, in your prayers. 

Justin Maynard

To see the Maynard report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

School In Nigeria Purchases A New Tool For Evangelism...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Greetings to you all from Nigeria. We, the staff and students of the BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan evangelized Oniyangi and Arikusa villages of Ona-Ara Local Government of Oyo state on Saturday, June 4, 2016 between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.

Lord's willing, we will work with the church at Ikoyi this weekend in Osun state using our new school van and brother Kayode Eniafe 's and brother Dele Shotola 's bike to convene people to the venue of the program.

The School Van:
Our new school van will be on the road this coming weekend. It cost the sum of =N1,301,000 ($6,100) to purchase and get all the necessary papers concerning this van. (Bought price =N950,000; Custom papers=N166,000; Plate number, Proof of ownership and Police papers =N80,000; Local Government and State permit and Mobil advert =N15,000; Rewiring, Servicing, Floor mats, and car radio and speakers =N80,000; Sign writer =N10,000). I borrowed the sum of =N750,000 ($3,700) to add to the other money I received from the sales of my plantain plantation and the former school van, which is =N550,000.

Report from Three of our Graduates:
Brother Adedoyin Sola Rotimi of Osi-Ekiti and brother Gbenga Ilori of Igbara-Odo in Ekiti state reported the conversion of three souls, each in their respective station, while brother Lucky Meya and brother Lawrence Abiodun reported the spreading of the gospel to their neighboring towns and villages of Edo and Ogun state.

Fourth Semester Classes At BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan:
Brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji is teaching on Revelation and Psychology / Christian Disciplines, brother Isaac Olaniyan is teaching on Romans and Evangelism 3, brother Kayode Solomon Eniiafe on Evangelism 2, Old Testament Prophets-Minor, and Homiletics 3, brother Abraham Idu Yeje, our campus minister, on the Pastoral Epistles and Life of Christ-4, while I, brother Makinde will teach on Research Method, Methodology, Church Administration & Leadership, Discipleship Training & Practical. Classes resumed May 16 and go through July 14, 2016 before our students will embark in a month Practicum (Teaching Practice).

In Conclusion:
We thank you all for your moral and financial prayers. May the Lord continue blessing our joint effort in Christ Jesus, Amen.

I remain your fellow soldier of Christ,

Makinde Ebens (Minister)
For & on behalf of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

Three Students Complete Their Courses And Graduate In Ukraine...

Hello dear brothers and sisters. 

I want to share with you some news of the joyful events in the life of the Institute and some churches of Christ. 

First of all, we had graduation 2016 on May 28. This year there were three men prepared for the ministry: Alexander Drogaitsev, Ivan Lushnikov and Sergey Pavlenkov. These brethren got into the program when the Institute was still in Ternopil, and fortunately, having received the needed experience and knowledge, they are ready to start ministering. 

Alexander Drogaitsev joined the Master’s program after receiving his Bachelor’s degree. Most likely he will stay in Bila Tserkva and help the local congregation in their ministry. During the time of his studies, we discovered many of his talents; he can preach, encourage, give good advice and cook wonderful meals. I’m sure the church receives a very good and wise minister. 

Ivan Lushnikov is going back to his local congregation in Kramatorsk where he will also help to minister and work with young people. He had a great attitude towards the process of studying. 

Sergey Pavlenkov will most likely continue his ministry in the church of Christ in Nikopol, where there is a rehab center. Right now he is still in the process of negotiation with this congregation, and they discuss the details of Sergey and his wife moving to that town. During the times of studies he proved to be a brother who loves God and is well organized. 

Also in May we had American brothers come and teach at the institute. Gary Fallis taught Jeremiah; Jim Sherman taught James and Preacher and His Work. We are grateful for their service and for sharing their experience and wisdom in the knowledge of Gods word. 

Right now we a have a period of summer practice. Usually students go to their local congregations and they have assignments for each summer month. They have to preach, visit the sick and spiritually weak, evangelize and participate in summer camps. It’s a wonderful time for the students to receive practical skills of working with local congregations. Sometimes the students are invited to continue helping the work of the local congregation after they finish their studies at the Institute. 

Several men and women have contacted me concerning the next school year, and we have 7-8 potential students. I ask you to pray with us for their decision and willingness to study at the Institute. Sometimes it happens in Ukraine that a person has an interest to become a part of the program, but after some time they no longer answer our phone calls. That’s why it is a raw spot for me. I hope it happens only in Ukraine. 

Ministry of the churches of Christ in Ukraine

We have yet other good news. In May there was another baptism at the Shevchenkivska church of Christ in Kyiv. The young man’s name is Arthur; he has been studying the word of God for a while and came to the only right conclusion. It is wonderful that our student Yuriy Romanov baptized him. I have already mentioned that Yuriy is a wonderful brother who is ready to share the gospel at any time. He has a wonderful family, and I hope that he will become a full time preacher in his local congregation after his graduation in February. 

We continue to minister actively and preach the gospel in Bila Tserkva. The church here reached the point where they want to grow spiritually and in number. We started using the various methods of reaching out to people. Some brethren started visiting the hospitals (the ones where they treat cancer patients), and others are actively preaching on the streets of the town. Unfortunately, we don’t see new faces at the church now, but we’ll continue doing God’s work. 

As for the building of the Institute in Gorlovka, as you know, it is now on the territory that is not under the control of Ukraine, and it doesn’t belong to us either in fact or by the law, since there are different laws there in action. However, we decided to ensure our rights in case this territory goes back to Ukraine. I inquired what we need to do to start a legal procedure of the fact of illegal confiscation of the building, and it seems that we have done all we could. We have admitted petitions to the police, and government officials have to do something. 

We are grateful for all those who help the ministry of the Institute in Ukraine. Together we do a great work. It won’t be an exaggeration to write that we still have a lot to do and to suffer much, but if God is with us, then who can stand against us. 

Your brother and coworker,
Dennis Sopelnik

To see Dennis’ report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

First Graduation For The International School Of Theology In Haiti...

Students in Denver now enjoy a break for the summer. After a successful graduation last week, remaining students left to visit supporters, see family, and rest before beginning another quarter of study in August. A new class of students also prepares this summer to begin their journey in August. Please remember to pray for these men as they strive to get funds raised, prepare to leave their homes and jobs, and enter an intense two years of study.

This weekend also marked the first graduation for the International School of Theology in Haiti. We are thankful to partner with Freed-Hardeman University in the training of men to preach in this part of the world. Twenty-two men completed their training and enter the work of preaching the gospel. Another class of students prepares for their training and will soon begin classes. Please pray for these men as they serve in the kingdom. 

Other reports this week indicate the great progress occurring around the world as students continue their studies and reach out in evangelistic efforts. We pray you are encouraged by the news of the increase God provided in each location. This week highlights several locations where souls were added to the church. Please take time to read through each report and give thanks to God for His blessing in this work.

Please remember to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian. He needs to receive your reports, and if there is information to discuss regarding the extension program, please write Keith. He serves as the new director of the extension program. His email address is kkasarjian@wetrainpreachers.com

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

The Boys Are Growing And Everybody Is At Work: The school in French-speaking Cameroon demonstrates the growth and work of the students in Mbanga.

Another Student Obeys The Gospel In Kpalime, Togo: The power of the Gospel, as it is taught in the school in Togo, has touched the heart of another student.

Five Day Seminar On Leadership Development In Nigeria: One of the great needs in every location is leadership development and the focus in Nigeria was on this need.

Ladies Empowerment Seminar Encourages The Ladies In Ghana: The wives of the program in Tamale, Ghana came together for an encouraging seminar.

Safari For Souls Campaign Prepares To Begin In Arusha, Tanzania: With students out for the summer break in Tanzania, the focus turns to the campaign season.

Graduates Of The ACSOP Continue To See Growth From Evangelism: This week’s report from Arusha highlights news from a graduate about souls added to the kingdom.

Final Thoughts
As we close out another week, we want to thank each of you for your continued involvement in the Bear Valley extension program. The work enjoys such great success because God has blessed these dedicated men who share the gospel. We are thankful to our Lord for using you to help this work advance the cause of Christ.

God bless

Posted on May 29, 2016 .

Safari For Souls Campaign Prepares To Begin In Arusha, Tanzania...

Greetings fellow workers,

With the preaching students returning home this weekend for summer break, our attention turns fully to campaign season. We currently are enjoying having Brian Anderson, Brittany Higgins, Anna Byrd, and Kendyll Covington visiting and working here in Arusha with us, while Tom Watkins is here working near the Kenyan border. As I type, a group of eight campaigners from the Tuscaloosa, AL area should be very close to arriving in Tanzania. Also, a large group from Hoover, AL will be arriving later in the week. They will all be joining the efforts at the Njiro Chini congregation.

Speaking of Njiro Chini, there was standing room only for worship this morning. Elly Martin had to provide additional chairs from his home to help accommodate the full house. Please join us in praying for God to provide a good harvest for his reapers. 

I shared with you recently that we had an opportunity to preach a seminar at an area Pentecostal church. In the aftermath, one of the elders of that church was baptized and has begun attending at N'gordoto. I'm happy to further report that yesterday his daughter was also baptized. That makes at least seven members of that church that have responded to the gospel recently. 

Final Reports: If you would like for me to visit with your congregation to give a final report on our time here, then I have dates available in September. Please contact me if you would like to be included in our schedule

To see this report with pictures visit our blog at: http://tanzanianmissions.blogspot.com/2016/05/short-report-may-29.html

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. Your are valuable partners in the efforts here. May God continue to bless our service together.

Till all have heard...
Daniel Gaines

Posted on May 29, 2016 .