Safari For Souls Campaign Prepares To Begin In Arusha, Tanzania...

Greetings fellow workers,

With the preaching students returning home this weekend for summer break, our attention turns fully to campaign season. We currently are enjoying having Brian Anderson, Brittany Higgins, Anna Byrd, and Kendyll Covington visiting and working here in Arusha with us, while Tom Watkins is here working near the Kenyan border. As I type, a group of eight campaigners from the Tuscaloosa, AL area should be very close to arriving in Tanzania. Also, a large group from Hoover, AL will be arriving later in the week. They will all be joining the efforts at the Njiro Chini congregation.

Speaking of Njiro Chini, there was standing room only for worship this morning. Elly Martin had to provide additional chairs from his home to help accommodate the full house. Please join us in praying for God to provide a good harvest for his reapers. 

I shared with you recently that we had an opportunity to preach a seminar at an area Pentecostal church. In the aftermath, one of the elders of that church was baptized and has begun attending at N'gordoto. I'm happy to further report that yesterday his daughter was also baptized. That makes at least seven members of that church that have responded to the gospel recently. 

Final Reports: If you would like for me to visit with your congregation to give a final report on our time here, then I have dates available in September. Please contact me if you would like to be included in our schedule

To see this report with pictures visit our blog at:

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. Your are valuable partners in the efforts here. May God continue to bless our service together.

Till all have heard...
Daniel Gaines

Posted on May 29, 2016 .